Automated system

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Follow the Instructions to the Student in the above table and answer all the following questions:

Question 1. What part of an automated system will need to be considered as a part of the analysis?

Answers should include:

System Integration: The automation of the system includes the telecommunication and automation planning with focusing on the system integration and the communication networks and systems. The data processing centers with the cable communication, switching systems and construction that includes the digital TV networks, LAN and low current systems.

General Automation: Remote objects for the proper monitoring of systems, and then handling the fire or intrusion alarms.

Software development: It requires to focus on the development of software.

Services: The engineering, designing and the supplying with the commissioning with configurations or the services and training.

Question 2. What do you need to make sure of when critiquing the communication and multi-user telecommunications systems?

Answers should include:

The critiques are depending upon the systems of communication and the multi-user telecommunication to make sure that there are items which needs to be investigated effectively. The effectiveness is based on:




Evaluation and judging


Question 3. What is the purpose of appraising distributed computing?

The evaluation is based on the components with focusing on different networked computer systems. The distributed systems with the communication and coordinating the actions through handling the messages which are passing from one to the other. The systems are defined with the improvement of efficiency and performance which is limited to the programs among computers for a limited geographic areas. The forms of the concurrency of components, and the independent failures of components are determined with message passing mechanism.

Question 4. What is the purpose of using encoding and programming techniques as a part of automation?

The focus is on the encoding and planning of the techniques which is considered to be important to automation with making the programming standards with validity that needs to be ensured. The enforcement is to execute the code with forcing the failure conditions with automation tests that is to do the job. There is a need to focus on validating the tests and then focusing over the principles for maintenance so that the code is able to meet the requirements effectively.

Question 5. What network security functions need to be analyzed and reported on? List at least four.

Answers will vary but may include:

The network will include the data which will help in analyzing the internet, Local Area Network, Large and the small VPNs. The wide area network and wireless LAN is set through working on blocking and mitigating the effects of different unwanted activities. The users can easily consume the network security services with the offering of customers network security services that are enforced through multiple security products. The standardized interface includes the functions, with the wide area networks and the Wireless LAN.

There is a need to consider the security analysis includes standard interfaces to control and monitoring the virtually handling the security services. The security analysis includes the threats modelling, risks analysis, security procedures and the sufficiency is mapped through the security. The software interface and data models with the control and monitoring of aspects for the physical and virtual aspects with enabling the clients to specify the different rule sets. The aspects of the devices are modelled with network provisioning and configuration.

Question 6. Describe networking infrastructure.

The network infrastructure focus on the hardware and the software resources which are for the network connectivity with focusing on providing a better communication path. The services are determined in between the users, processes and the applications, services or the external network, internet. The technical requirements are determined with specifications and capacities for the network with focusing on the bandwidth, hardware problems and the network growth. the network security and the network traffic congestions with the new technologies, power usages that includes the focus on different problems of software and the transmission dropouts. There are upgrades which are determined for the system of the hardware as well where

The hardware needs to work on handling the ICT network with the connections that are defined through the ranges of the existing external networks. There is a need to work with the cabling of networks, cellular networks and the other types of the internet protocol.

IT network elements are focusing on different element ranges where the IT portions are determined to handle communications for properly using internet and the other digital communications. The elements are determined with the forms that includes the gateway, local area network (LAN) switch, router, server, wireless network. The multimedia planning and the optical network, radio and RFID network with switching equipment, transmission and the other video and data equipment.

Software: they are for the different application range with focusing on the organization to meet the business needs along with working over the requirements and the specifications. It includes the ICT plans that includes the software which is for the commercial, customized software, networking management, in house, operating system, packaging, and patches.

Network Elements: The network ranges are determined through the accessories and the components which is set through enabling the effective construction with the proper use of ICT network. The network elements are determined with the add-drop multiplexer, antenna, base station. The denser wavelength multiplexing unit, with the encoders handling the IT network elements. The gateway, LAN switch, router, server and the wireless networks. The laser networks are for the protocol analyzer with the receivers that focus on the RF unit and the RFID units that includes the forms that are splitter & transmitter.

Question 7. Describe realization of software simulation.

The software simulations are based on handling the models with properly focusing on identifying and then analyzing the problems which occur in the software. The simulations are determined with the planning and management of automation of tasks with ICT and the networks used for telecommunication.

Question 8. What do you need to do when applying enterprise-wide operating system commands?

The application of the enterprise wide operating system commands with the focus on determining the required commands, with nodes that are abiding the commands. The plans are for actioning the commands, writing the commands to ensure that one is able to access the distributed network.

The applications and testing of the commands are determined through working on the hardware resources with granting the resources, interacting with hardware components. The enforcement of the mechanism is based on specific hardware features with user programs to interact with low level hardware components.

Part B: Project Activity

Complete the following steps to operate the enterprise wide operating system:

Task 1. Install an enterprise wide operating system on a virtual box

Task 2. Operate the enterprise wide operating system and modify the boot options. Provide evidence of this modification.

Task 3. Creating disk partitions and other media file systems. Provide evidence of this file management.

TASK 1 -3

The VM Oracle is for the Virtual Box that is from the location which is set below.

Start>All Programs> Oracle VM VirtualBox> Oracle VM VirtualBox

Click on “Machine> New” and then writing the details for the Linux (Kali).

There is a clicking of the upcoming windows which is set for the different operating windows and then clicking on “Create” which is for the virtual operating systems.

The Kali2 links open with loading the operating system that is set where there is no supplying of the image files. (.iso or .vodka). Choose the .iso file for saving

Locate and copy the Kali Linux ISO

Starting the Virtual Machine with Kali Linux that comes with the Boot Menu setup with the selection of the “Graphical Install” option

Selecting screen for the particular language

Select your Locals, and Keyboard type

The configuration of network screen includes select “Configure Network Manually”. The DHCP server is for the network which needs to make use of the automatic configuration.

The IP address is set for the network mask, e.g. “” and your gateway,

Configuring server name and your hostname, e.g. “ICT80415 ”

Define the domain name

Define the root user password

The configuration of the block is based on handling the partitioning of the disks setup which is then handled through properly selecting the guided tools that are for the disk setup and the encryption process.

There are different partitioning disks that tends to continue with handling the all files in one partition that has been mainly for the new users. The purpose is to focus on the different form which includes the real life that separates the partitions effectively.

The partitioning disks are for handling the partitions for /home, /usr, /var, etc, etc.

There are different logical volume configuration process with the writing of the changes on the disks and the configurations for LVM. The selection of Yes with defining the pass phrasing that is defined for the encryption patterns. The boot up of the Kali Linux is defined for the handling of passphrase.

The partitioning disks windows are set in the Logical Volume Manager that holds the mounts for different point details. The partitioning of the roots “/” are configured though the ext4 system. It includes the clicking of the enter key and then modifying the configurations, depending upon the requirements.

The partitioning is handled through detailing and working on the use of Ext4 journaling file system. The key of “Enter” will then be changing to “Ext3 Journaling file system”. The selection is done for “Done setting up the partition” and then proceed to “Continue”.

The reviewing of the disks of partition includes the Logical Volume Manager that handles the mount point details with selecting options to handle “Finish Partitioning” and then setting partitions with clicking continue.

The reviewing is done for the disks windows where the volume manager is set for the partitions and the mounting point details. The options are categorized for Finishing the portioning and then writing the changes to the disks. This is further confirmed through configuration holding the portioning disks.

The configuration of the changes are determined for the package manager window with the “Use of Network Mirror”. The internet use the process that is for handling the update for the packages of Kali Linux. This includes the connectivity to internet and then accomplishing different tasks.

The packages are for focusing on the configuration of the proxy server with ip address is to handle the NAT and then internet access. The installation of the Grub boot loader has to be used for the hard disks which includes “installing the GRUB boot loader which is for mastering boot records”. Select Yes. And Proceed further for handling the Kali Linux installation which will help in continuing to boot up the Kali Linux.

Boot Kali Linux in Oracle VM

Boot Kali GNU/Linux [username: root and password: toor] username: root and password: toor]

Task 4. Update the operating system via command line and patch the system.

Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering

Task 5. Using system commands, mount and unmount the file systems. Provide evidence of these actions.

Updating and patching

Update the machine with the following commands apt-get update apt-get upgrade

Task 6. Use the configuration commands to create file, folders and create user and add groups.

Login as root

Use useradd command to create two new users user1 and user2 as follows:

useradd user1 -g users -p user1

useradd user2 -g users -p user2

Check user information with the id command. Note the uid, gid for each output.

id user1

id user2

Create directory structure

mkdir /test

mkdir /test/temp

Switch user roles as user1 and then back to root using the su command a. whoami

su user1

su OR su root (password = “toor”)

Create a new file as root user and change group ownership as well as user ownership of the file. a. touch /home/user2/HelloWorld

ls –l /home/user2/HelloWorld (observe owner and group)

chgrp users /home/user2/HelloWorld

chown user2:users /home/user2/HelloWorld

ls –l /home/user2/HelloWorld (observe owner and group)

Apply the system functions by completing the following actions:

Task 7. Use the command line interface to interact with the shells and commands. Provide evidence of the interaction.

In Windows

CHKDSK (/f /r): Checks the hard drives for errors.

COPY (/a /v /y): Allows a file to be copied from one place to another.

DIR: Displays all subfolders and folders in a particular directory.

EDIT: Edit files or drives.

FORMAT: Format drives or directories

GREP: Search plain-text data for lines that match a regular expression

IPCONFIG (/all /release /renew): Displays all TCP/IP, DHCP and DNS configuration values.

LS: Lists the content of files and directories

MD: Creates a hidden directory

RD: Deletes a directory

CD: Shows the name of the current directory

MSCONFIG: MSconfig is a system configuration tool which may be accessed through the run line utility and can be used to troubleshoot and configure Windows startup processes NET: Net command can be used to manage a range of network options. NSLOOKUP: NSLookup can be used for troubleshooting DNS problems.

PING (-t -l): Ping utility is a connectivity test that can be conducted using the internet control message protocol and sends an echo packet that can be used to confirm a requesting host and a destination host. If the ping is returned, then connectivity has been confirmed between the two network components.

RMDIR: Can be used to delete a directory with a range of parameters

SFC: Can be used to replace and verify Windows system files

Tracert: Traces the route between two hosts

XCOPY: Copies specified files and directories

Task 8. Use commands to send text files and output streams through text utilities. Provide evidence of this. In Windows ipconfig /all > network_info.txt

NOTE: This creates the file, network_info.txt, in the current directory. In this example, shown in the following image, the file will be saved to the C:network_info directory. If you want to save the file to a different directory you can specify the full path of the directory in the command as follows:

Task 8. ipconfig /all > c:my_directorynetwork_info.txt

Perform the following steps to manage the user login environment and customisation:

Task 9. Manage the user and group accounts, including changing the user and group profiles to the allowed security access level, using the appropriate commands. Provide evidence of account management and profile changes.

Login as root

Use useradd command to create two new users user1 and user2 as follows: a. useradd user1 -g users -p user1

b. useradd user2 -g users -p user2

Check user information with the id command. Note the uid, gid for each output. a. id user1

b. id user2

Create directory structure a. mkdir /test

b. mkdir /test/temp

Switch user roles as user1 and then back to root using the su command a. whoami

su user1

su OR su root (password = “toor”)

Create a new file as root user and change group ownership as well as user ownership of the file. a. touch /home/user2/HelloWorld

ls –l /home/user2/HelloWorld (observe owner and group)

chgrp users /home/user2/HelloWorld

chown user2:users /home/user2/HelloWorld

ls –l /home/user2/HelloWorld (observe owner and group)

Manage the system level functions by performing the following activities:

Task 10. Use the system ‘cron’ command to automate scheduling. Provide evidence of the automated scheduling.

To automate the Cron Tab utility , please go through the following YouTube video. Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering Task

Task 11. Create and use IP tables firewall to allow and block unwanted traffic on the enterprise wide network

Install iptables (if not installed already).

Sudo apt-get install iptables

Access to the iptables manual page

Part c: Written Questions

Follow the Instructions to the Student in the above table and answer all the following questions:

Question 1. Why might you need to modify the boot options for the operating an enterprise wide operating system?

There is a need to focus on the modifications of the different options to boot with handling the enterprise wide operations that are for commencing the system. This would need to meet the specific records with the specific organization and configuration.

Question 2. What is an example of a command with qualifiers you could use to shut down an operating system?

Example shutdown command with a qualifier:

Start ->programs-> Accessories->Command Prompt

Type shutdown /[r|s] /m \ComputerName /c “Comment” /d [u|p] <xx>:<yy> and then press ENTER.

Question 3. How might disks be partitioned to meet the needs of a variety of client requirements?

There are disks which are found to be handling the partitioning for different changes that needs to match the requirements of client. It requires to work on the installation process where the servers are matching with one server machine. There is an enhancement of the critical data protection, and the mirroring, swapping that is done for the different uses of the same server.

Question 4. What are file management commands and wildcards?

The management of file is done through the use of commands and then there are command lines for handling the management of system effectively. This includes the storage of data that is in the network directories which is also a major part for the operating management system. The wildcards are effectively used for working on the command lines can be used for handling the functions of search with greater flexibility to manage the system files.

Question 5: How can you mount and unmount file systems using system commands?

There is a need to make important decisions to handle the mount of the file systems. This requires working on the needs to mount and then there are local or the remote file systems which are using the mount command that enters the manual command line effectively.

The local file systems includes the use of /etc/vfatab file that is for handling the mounting of the system and then the booting is in the state of multi-user. There are different remote systems which are used for the home directories. they are effectively mounted with the systems that are booted. The AutoFS is for the unmounting of the file system with the changes that are out of the directory. The unmounting is done using directoryname

Question 6: Why should you verify the integrity of file systems?

The system verifications are for the file system integrity with the proper scanning to ensure that there are inconsistencies that have not been occurring. This includes the file systems with power failures, handling the disconnections from the power supply, software errors and the different incorrect shutdown procedures need to be handled as well.

Question 7: What system commands with special permission modes could you use to configure telecommunication applications?

There are different applications and command systems which needs to be handled with modes permission that are the applications, directories and the system files.

CHMOD command helps in handling the files permission with the allocation of files with the modes that are absolute, symbolic.

There is a need to use the r read for reading the file. “w” is write for the writing of a data to a file. “execute” is for handling the recursing of directory tree. “special execute” is about no permissions where there are execution of permissions regardless of the permissions and appliers to the permission that is set in the group.

The t sticky is for the special section of the modes and the s is setuid for the special modes details.

Question 8. How can you analyse, evaluate and apply the operating system features to a given telecommunications multi-user application? Answers must include:

As per the analysis, there is a need to evaluate and then work on properly handling the enterprise system which are for working over the telecommunications. This is set through working on distributed computing that is able to handle the different information sets.

It can include the analysis of information in a systematic manner with properly examining data that includes the correlations and the data patterns. The analysis is done for the trends and development that will help in collecting information for the different reports.

The factors include the evaluation of the values and then ensuring the benefits or the challenges which are for handling different computing systems.

Question 9. What are 10 command line options you can use to interact with shells and commands to the telecommunications application?

Answers must include 10 of the following:

CHKDSK (/f /r): Checks the hard drives for errors.

COPY (/a /v /y): Allows a file to be copied from one place to another.

DIR: Displays all subfolders and folders in a particular directory.

EDIT: Edit files or drives.

FORMAT: Format drives or directories

MD: Creates a hidden directory

RD: Deletes a directory

MSCONFIG: MSconfig is a system configuration tool which may be accessed through the run line utility and can be used to troubleshoot and configure Windows startup processes

SFC: Can be used to replace and verify Windows system files

XCOPY: Copies specified files and directories

Question 10. How might you use regular expressions?

Concatenation: This is for handling the longer expressions. The example is the regular expression a which match the string abcdcba twice. This is for the regular expression b. Hence ab will match abcdcba and ba will match only abcdcba

Repetition: The Kleene * is for the matching of zero or more occurrences for the regular expressions. The expressions does not hold the escape with expressing the match for a literal asterisk (*). There is a need to use in gobble with matching strings.

Alternation (): This operator is for handling the preceding and other following expressions which includes the expressions of a*|b*c. This includes the strings which includes a string for the different number of bs. They are terminated by a single c. The single character c then matches.

Question 11. What functions can you write regular expressions to perform?

The functions include details of CompileToAssembly(RegexCompilationinfo[], AssemblyName) which includes the compilation of specific Regex objects.

CompileToAssesmbly(RegexComilationinfo[], AssemblyName, CustomAttributeBuilder[]) which includes the compilation of the specified objects for a specific attribute.

CompileToAssesmbly(RegexComilationinfo[], AssemblyName, CustomAttributeBuilder[] String) which includes the specification of the resource files with named assembly for the specific attributes.

Equals(Objects) helps in determining the specification of the objects that are related to the current objects.

Escape (Object) for handling minimal characters and white space with replacing them with codes. The regular expression helps in interpreting the characters literally rather than the metacharacters.

Finalize () helps in allowing the objects to work on the free resources and then handle the cleanup of operations as well.

GetGroupName () helps in returning the capturing group names for different regular expressions.

Question 12. How can you send text files and output streams through text utilities?

The data is sent for the texts files and then there are output for the systems through use of the text utilities with properly using the commands. The text utilities are including the creation, receiving and then sending the text files for the command lines. The aspects are related to ensuring the effective management of the larger and the complex network of telecommunication.

Question 13. How can you create menu options for telecommunications application within distributed computing?

There is a need to focus on the enterprise wide operational system that needs to work on the enabling of systems. Here, the users are able to easily handle the access for the different functions operating systems. The telecommunication operations are managed with the menus and the methods that could be handled with use of command line and graphic user interface.

Question 14. Outline what is involved in managing user and group accounts on distributed computing.

The features for the Windows 2000 authentication model includes the support of the single Sign-On which includes the user logs that are handling the login name and the passwords. There is a use of the smart card and then the interactive logon processes for authenticating the access for the user. The local accounts and the credentials are used and authenticated for working over the access on the local computers. The domain is et to match with the Active Directory that will help in accessing the network resources effectively. There are domain accounts with network authentication that is completely automatic with Single Sign-On process. The local accounts are for the users who are handling the user names and the details related to access controls and active directory which is object based. There are users, computers and the groups which helps in working over the defined objects that are applied to access controls to the different objects. The systems are defined and then worked for object based standards in an effective manner for the security descriptions. It includes the listing of users and the different groups who are able to grant the complete access for the objects. The specifications of the user permissions and the groups are for tracking events which could be easily audited with defining object ownership.

Question 15. Why might you change user and group profiles once the accounts have been created?

The users are able to handle the creation of group accounts which are mainly to make sure that there are alterations to work on different accesses done for the security levels, in an effective manner. This is done to match with the proper demands and commands.

Question 16. What commands might you use to scan log files for activity?

The command lines are for handling the number of scan commands which can easily run and search logs for properly identifying the parameters. These needs to be identified and maintained to handle the security of system. The setup of the scanning commands are for searching specific programs and the directories which are important for maintaining the records.

An example of scan commands is:

/A: Scans all drives

/S-: Disables subfolders scanning

/BOOT: Scans only the boot records

/QUICK: Runs a Quick Scan

[folder_path]*[?]: Scans the files that match specified wild card

[drive|folder|file]: Scans the specified drive, folder, or file

Question 17. What components of the user environment will you need to configure?

Components of the user environment will require to focus on the configuration with the desktop icons, and the network visibility or the access that will help in handling the requirements of authentication process.

Question 18. Why should you record the configuration settings?

The cost, reliability and the speed is important for the configuration, downtime, accessibility and the protection of data with the use of incremental backup.

There are possibilities of using the account, network and troubleshooting settings. There is a need to plan the effective updates with the proper management and maintaining of networks.

Question 19: How can you use the system ‘cron’ command to automate scheduling?

The command is for the scheduling and handling the processes which is important for the scheduling purpose done by the administrator.

The crontab -a filename is for the installation that is for the filename. The systems are for the command which is executed through crontab filename.

Crontab -e is for the editing

crontab -l is for the displaying and -r is for the removing of file. Crontab -v is for the displaying of time with editing that is done with the -u user for the conjunction with the other options that will lead to the modification and viewing the files of user.

Question 20: What should you consider when determining the need for a backup strategy?

The determination of the system includes the backup type in the organisation along with focusing on different types of the ranges which helps in depicting about the changes which are done for different systems.

Question 21. What best practices should be used when implementing backup and recovery procedures?

There are different practices for handling the procedures which includes:

The creation of the backup plans and the recovery that will help in properly handling the storage locations with the backups that are for the programs. It will be including the different setups with programs that are needed to complete the backups. The items are set with the scheduling and handling the offsite locations as well which are for the backups.

The preparation of backups also include the details about ensuring about different firmware and the software that will help in updating with access to ensure the software with installation of disks and implementing the server monitoring. The records are maintained for the hardware and software effectively.

The backup and the recovery is determined through working on the automation backups which requires to make use of the operating systems and the job scheduled tools. This will also help in managing the email systems and the system recovery of the network plans. The directory services of the objects and the backups are using the third party software which includes the database and the recovery backup. Here, the volume shadow copies are also there.

Question 22. How can you configure the system to perform scheduled backing up?

For configuring the steps, there is a need to plan the server backup of the windows with the necessary click start that will handle the administrative tools. The backup schedule will include the selected ranges of the default page which is for handling different operational sets and then opening the scheduled wizard options. Here, the clicking and the modification of the backups are done to make sure about configuration pane that is important for backing up the system with the server as needed. The page, then allows to handle the selection of items depending upon the necessity to check options for the backing up and then the exclusions are determined with advanced settings menu. The parameters are managed with scheduling the day and time with the destinations which could be important and properly setup.

Question 23. How can you verify the integrity of backup operations?

The focus is on verifying the backup operations with the integrity that requires to restore the plans and the files with the setup of organizational knowledge. The planning is determined with data and customer information which is found redundant and then there is a need to ensure about the operations with deployment of systems in an effective manner. The backup operations help in working over the effective testing and the restoration of files which needs to be taken from the folders, or the other directories or volumes.

Question 24. How can system log files be used to enhance administration and security of the network?

The log files help in focusing on different events which are matching to the network setup and then enhancing or maintaining the log files which could easily be configured and matched to collect the different range of information. The authentication success and the attempts are made for handling the transfer of data that will also include the requests of administration with other important information setup.

Question 25. How can you using the effective management of print services to enhance customer service?

The effectiveness of the services of the customer includes the printing that can easily be handled with controlled sectors. The customers need to work on collecting resources and focusing on the permissions as needed.

Question 26. What should you ensure when documenting the configuration backup schedules and system logs?

The documentation is done to keep up the configuration backup and then there are scheduling to ensure that the information is secured in a proper manner which can easily be read and retrieved. The planning is about details which are relevant for the system logs and the configuration to plan and focus on the schedules that can easily maintain the system standards and planning.

Question 27. What should you produce a project evaluation report on?

The evaluation of the project has been set with reviewing and properly focusing on the items that are project related. It will help in matching to the evaluation of projects that are working on the applications of Unix features with the given system of telecommunication. The ranges are determined for improving the system functioning and the system level functions effectively.

Question 28. What report writing policies should you follow when writing a report on the management and configuration of user applications and system level functions?

There are possibilities of the internal, external requirements, with the templates that are for handling the stye guides and focusing on different methods which could be used for collecting data. The requirements are legislative and regulatory depending upon different range of factors.