Assignment Submission Instructions

119 views 9:56 am 0 Comments May 12, 2023

La Trobe Business School
Assignment Submission Instructions
You will be required to submit 2 files in Assignment submission site in LMS
a) A word or pdf document with responses to questions. Name this document as
<student_id>Assignment1_report (.doc or .pdf)
b) A SAS package file (.spk extension) which is a ‘model package’ of your project
(please see the instructions below to create a model package of your SAS
How to Create a SAS Model Package
1. Open your Assignment 1 project and diagram
2. Highlight the last node in the diagram. (Although it has not been specifically
mentioned, you should have created a model comparison node and linked the
different models to this node). Therefore the model comparison node will be
the final node.
3. Select
Actions=>Create Model Package from the menu on the top. In the input
dialog box provide a name for the model package. To ensure that you have a
unique filename, include your student id as a prefix to Assignment 1 model
package (<student_id>_Assignment1 ie. Your Student_id underscore
Assignment1 should be the name of your Model package)
4. When model package generation completed, select OK.
5. The model package now appears under the project in the top left hand corner
of screen.
6. Right click on the model package you have created and then click
‘Save As’.
You will be prompted to save the model as a SAS Package File (.spk) – can be
saved in your hard drive.