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Case Study Analysis (3000 words) IKEA India

Reference (Harvard – minimum 8 – 10, Academic from the year 2013)

Assignment should include

A. External Analysis ( 1.5 to 2 Page)

. What is the industry

 . General Environment Analysis (PESTLE) – briefly write on that industry ( application not the definition)

. The industry environment (Porter’s  Forces and all)

. Competitive Environment (rivalry amongst main players, direct and indirect competition)

. Opportunity and threats 

B.  Internal Environment (1.5 to 2 page)

The firm’s resources Tangible and intangible

Capabilities (firm might have few capabilities)

Core competencies (the main capabilities)

Strength and weakness

value chain analysis (primary and support activities

C. Current Strategies  –  3 to 4 pages

(in this section choose  3 – 4 concepts from the given concepts to show what they are doing currently)

Corporate Strategy*

Business Strategy*

International Strategy 

Acquisition and Merger

Integration (Horizontal / Vertical)


ANS off Matrix

D. Future Strategies and Recommendation (1 page)

E. Conclusion

For presentation  ( 5- 7 Slides)

1. Introduction  – 1 Slide

2. External Analysis – 1 slide

3. Internal Analysis – 1 Slide 

4 Current Strategies – 2 Slide 

5  Future and Recommendation – 1 page

6 . Conclusion –  Page