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CRICOS Provider No. 00103D ITECH2304 – Group report and presentation-MCedit Page 2 of 4
ITECH2304 Emerging Information Systems
Assignment –
Report Specifications
• For this assignment, you will create a written report that will review/ examine appropriate
information system solutions relevant for an organization within an industry.
• The students will work
• The purpose of this assessment is to enable students to understand the effect and impact that
emerging technologies and information systems have on an organization.
Timelines and Expectations
Percentage Value of Report: 25%
Assignment Details
1. Description of Assignment:
The purpose of this assignment is to enable students to review and examine appropriate information
system solutions and emerging technologies for a selected organization.
Each student should find an organisation that you can work with to complete this assignment.
Approach a relevant person in the organisation (eg the owner, a manager, etc) and explain the
assignment. The organisation may be a large or small business, in any sector, in any state or country.
After speaking with the organization and getting their approval to participate, tell your tutor the name
of the organisation and the contact person you will be liaising with. Your tutor will record the
organisation details, ensure that no other group is either working or has worked with that organisation
before and give you the go-ahead to proceed. Then:
1. Industry background: Perform a competitive analysis along the lines of Porter’s framework
of your organisation compared with others in the industry. Choose any ONE of Porter’s
other factors (eg threat of new entrants bargaining power or suppliers or customers) and
perform an analysis of your organisation for that factor.
2. Business model and environment: identify the business model that the organization is using
as well as identifying their target audience and business scope, using the following analysis
methods conduct an analysis of the chosen business.
a. Business canvas
b. SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) analysis.
3. Appraise the organization’s IT infrastructure based on the industry analysis (1) and
business model (2). This involves identifying the IT systems the organisation uses. Be
mindful of commercial-in-confidence considerations. That is, the organisation may not be
prepared to share too many details about their IT systems. Generate a diagram that
summarises the organisations IT systems and write a 500 word analysis of the suitability of
the IT systems given the organisation’s business model and industry analysis you
conducted in Tasks 1 and 2 above.
4. Assess how one or more of the emerging technologies covered in this ITECH2304 might be
deployed to transform your organisation’s business model. Propose a transformed

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business model with at least two revised business processes that are plausible for your
organisation given the introduction of one or more emerging technologies.
2. The report:
The report will take the form of a well-researched academic report of approximately 1500 words.
Diagrams or tables are encouraged to be used to support your statements. The report should
be well supported with appropriate references from reliable sources. You should include academic
journals, books, theses, trade magazines and well-respected sources of related Internet materials that
you find relevant. Please note – Wikipedia is NOT considered a reliable source to quote in an
academic document of this type, without backup from other well reputed sources.
It is expected to
FLOW as one document
The structure of your report should include the following:
• Executive Summary
• Table of Contents
• Overview of your organisation
• Industry Analysis
o Competitive analysis and one other Porters factor analysis
• Business model and environment (Business model type, target audience)
o Existing Business
o SWOT analysis and discussion
• Existing IT infrastructure
• Emerging technology proposed for your organisation
• Proposed business model and business process transformation if your proposed emerging
technology is adopted
• Conclusion/Summary (Provide brief summary of your selected solution and any additional
recommendations, and summarize your report in one paragraph)
Reference list * (APA style)
Note: Report items marked with a “*” do not count towards the final words count.
Submit your report as either a word or PDF document via Moodle. Your submission will be checked for
plagiarism by Turnitin software against all other submissions, and all sources on the internet. You will not
see the Turnitin score.

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Marking Criteria/Rubric

Weight Excellent Good Fair Poor
Source, analysis
and description of
your organization
20% Direct contact with
an organization,
and insightful
description of the
organization and
industry sector
Direct contact with
an organization,
and good
description of the
organization and
industry sector
Indirect contact
with an
organization, and
good description of
the organization
and industry sector
Little evidence of
any contact with an
and/or shallow
description of the
organization and
industry sector
Proposed emerging
20% The suite of
proposed for the
demonstrates a
great deal creativity
and depth of
The suite of
proposed for the
some creativity and
depth of
The emerging
proposed for the
organization were
not particularly well
suited to the
proposed for the
organization were
not relevant for the
Analysis of
transformation with
the emerging
20% The way the
business model
and processes
would be
rigorous analysis
The way the
business model
and processes
would be
some depth of
The way the
business model
and processes
would be
demonstrates little
depth of analysis
The way the
business model
and processes
would be
demonstrates very
little depth of
Effort 10% Exceeds the
requirements of the
assignment and
have put care
and effort into the
process. 200+
Fulfils all of the
requirements of the
assignment. 200+
Fulfils some of the
requirements of the
Fulfills a few of the
requirements of the
Structure &
30% Report is highly
polished; no
grammar or
spelling errors.
APA referencing
Report is
polished; maximum
of one grammar or
spelling error. APA
Report is adequate;
maximum of two
grammar or
spelling errors.
APA referencing
discussion; more
than two spelling or
grammar errors.

Feedback will be supplied through Moodle. Authoritative marks will be published through fdlGrades.
Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one’s
own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work
and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy
and procedure for the university can be found at
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