
111 views 8:18 am 0 Comments March 31, 2023

Assignment 1
Due Sunday 9 April 11:59 pm (Melbourne time AEST)
Please note for those not in Melbourne time-zone use the Canvas Calendar import function to avoid
missing due times in your local time-zone. See the Welcome Module for links to a “how-to” to add
this to your calendar app.
Assessment Submission Format
Write a report on the topic introduced below. Use the “Example of report format.docx” template (as
on Canvas) for guidance on the expected report structure and what is required in each section. Also
refer to the rubric for an indication of the standards required to achieve full marks for each criterion.
Word limit: 750 words in total (of the main body text only. All tables, appendices and titles
(Report Contents = 10 marks)
Submit your report in a Microsoft Word Document to Canvas. The submission will automatically go
through Turnitin. Work that is not your own will be penalised and will result in disciplinary action.
Ensure you check the file has uploaded correctly. Incorrectly submitted assignments will not be
marked, and email submissions cannot be considered.
Late submissions will incur a 10% deduction of total available marks each day, up until 5 days late
when the assignment will receive a score of zero.
On Canvas you will find the dataset urban_forest.xlsx. This file contains details of the many tree
located in the City of Melbourne.
You are required to use the information in the dataset to summarise the state of Melbourne’s
Urban Forest.
Your analyses should contain the following required outputs, as detailed on the next page.

1. Produce a PivotTable to compare the number of trees across the longtitude locations across
the City of Melbourne, compared to their Age. Filter this table to show only those that were
located on a Street, for example your Table should appear as below. Format your table

New Juvenile Mature Unknown

(1.25 marks)
2. Produce a PivotTable to show the total number of trees planted each year for each location
type. Adjust the table to show as a percentage of each year and format your table
(1 marks)
3. Find the total number of trees, planted in January, that were commonly described as an
“Elm” from the 90’s onwards to today. Your solution must be created using Excel formula.
(Include the complete formula in an appendix for your report).
(1.25 marks)
4. Produce the appropriate PivotChart to show the total number of Myrtle (Myrtaceae) planted
over time. Make sure you graph shows the difference for park and street locations. Ensure
you label your graph appropriately.
(2 marks)
5. Include any other relevant summary information from this data using Excel to assist you to
make a statement regarding the Urban Forest in the City of Melbourne.
(3 marks)
Data sourced from accessed 10 March 2023 and was modified for the
purpose of this assessment. Please use the data version provided on Canvas only. You will also find
additional information on this data in Canvas.