Assessment Task 3: Research Presentation

155 views 8:11 am 0 Comments July 5, 2023
Human Computer Interaction

Criterion High Distinction (HD) Distinction (D) Credit (CR) Pass (PP) Fail (NN)
Explain how evidence informs and underpins nursing practice to deliver optimal patient outcomes. (35%)   Justification of topic Level of evidence EIP triad Clinical question is clearly and comprehensively justified in relation to optimal patient outcomes and the EIP triad. The concept of hierarchy of evidence is discussed and critiqued. An appropriate hierarchy of evidence is identified and justified, and used to accurately evaluate the level of evidence of four articles chosen in AT2. Clinical question is clearly related to optimal patient outcomes and the EIP triad. The concept of hierarchy of evidence is discussed. An appropriate hierarchy of evidence is identified and used to accurately evaluate level evidence of four articles chosen in AT2. Clinical question is related to optimal patient outcomes and EIP principles. An appropriate hierarchy of evidence is used to evaluate the level of evidence of four articles chosen in AT2. Clinical question is stated, with reference to EIP triad. A hierarchy of evidence is used to identify level of evidence of four articles chosen in AT2. Clinical question is not clear AND/OR concept of hierarchy of evidence is misunderstood AND/OR level of evidence of articles is not evaluated OR is mis-interpreted.
Interpret research data and research findings to evaluate health care and nursing practice. (25%)   Evaluation of one research article via CASP tool (or equivalent) An appropriate CASP tool (or equivalent) is used AND all questions have been answered correctly, with sufficient detail to demonstrate understanding of key concepts covered in the unit. An appropriate CASP tool (or equivalent) is used AND all questions have been answered or addressed correctly. An appropriate CASP tool (or equivalent) is used AND some questions have been answered or addressed correctly OR Tool is inappropriate but related to the correct paradigm AND all questions have been attempted within the context. An appropriate CASP tool (or equivalent) is used AND the correct response has been ticked to most or all questions OR Tool is inappropriate but related to the correct paradigm AND most questions have been attempted within the context. CASP tool (or equivalent) is appropriate, but no questions have been answered or addressed OR Tool is inappropriate AND most questions have not been attempted OR a tool has not been used OR Answers to questions are all or mostly incorrect
Completed CASP tool (or equivalent) is submitted. No CASP tool submitted.
Develop evidence- informed clinical recommendations for practice. (25%)   Apply evidence to own context Answer the question Make recommendations Evidence from the literature has been interpreted within the context of the clinical question, to provide an appropriate answer AND appropriate and insightful recommendations for practice and further research have been made which take into account strengths and limitations of the evidence, the EIP triad AND the existing evidence base. Evidence from the literature has been interpreted within the context of the clinical question, to provide an appropriate answer AND appropriate recommendations for practice and/or further research have been made that take into account the strengths and limitations of the evidence AND the EIP triad. Evidence from the literature has been interpreted to address the question AND some recommendations for practice or further research have been made within the context of the EIP triad. Evidence from the literature has been used to address the question AND recommendations for practice have been made. Question is not answered appropriately OR answer is not based on evidence provided.
Disseminate findings using appropriate academic language and referencing, underpinned by scholarly literature. (15%)   Visual matter Narration Referencing Slides are well-designed and engaging and capture all essential information in a clear and succinct manner. Slides are free from formatting, grammar or spelling errors. Narration is clear, engaging, and provides additional information to the slides. Information and images used are appropriately referenced and included in a final list in accurate Slides are well- designed and capture all essential information clearly. Slides are practically free from formatting, grammar or spelling errors. Narration is clear and provides additional information to the slides. Information and images used are appropriately referenced and Slides are clear and legible and capture most essential information; more detail may be needed in places. Some small formatting, grammar or spelling errors present. Narration is clear and provides some additional information to the slides. Information and images used are appropriately referenced and included in a final list in Harvard style which may have Slides capture most information; more detail is needed in places. Some formatting, grammar and/or spelling errors present. Narration follows information on the slides. Most information and images used are appropriately referenced in Harvard style with some errors present in-text and/or Slides are illegible or hard to read, and information is hard to follow making meaning unclear. OR No presentation is used. OR No narration given. OR No referencing for information / images used.
Harvard style with no errors. included in a final list in accurate Harvard style with minimal errors. errors in-text and/or in the final list. in the final list; more referencing needed in places.
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