Assessment Task 1

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Assessment Task 1: Essay Please refer to the Academic Tip Sheet provided on Blackboard for an explanation of essay writing and also review the learning advisor and librarian’s material on blackboard related to this assessment.
Due date & time:
How to submit:
Unit learning outcomes:
Course learning outcomes
40% of the unit 1500 words (+/- 10%); 12 pt font with 1.5 line spacing, include a signed ECU Cover Sheet at the start of the document; APA 6′” style including references and headings. By 2359 (AWST) on Sunday 14′” April 2019 * Electronically, via Blackboard>Assessment folder > Turnitin link 1,3,4 and 5
1 and 2
* Note: Select units use CADMUS academic integrity software in addition to Turnitin.
Before starting this assignment, you should have 1. Read the instructions for this assignment, 2. Reviewed all material about the assignment on Blackboard including the marking rubric, the Learning Advisor and Librarian’s material and the Academic Tip Sheet provided on Blackboard for an explanation of an essay, 3. Asked your lecturer/tutor any questions you have about the development of the assignment, 4. Obtained a copy of the University coversheet and read and understood its contents before you upload your assignment. 5. Familiarise yourself with TURNITIN including how to test your similarity score. Completing this assignment will help you gain an understanding of how management practice can impact organisations and the differing views expressed in high quality academic journal articles on key management topics. Students will be required to familiarise themselves with ECU journal databases to research contemporary management concepts. The librarian’s material on blackboard will help you with this.
For this assignment, you will write approximately 1500 words (please indicate the word count on the first page of your assignment; plus or minus 10% words is acceptable) reviewing a current issue in management using a recent late July to December 2018 or 2019 newspaper article and scholarly publications to summarise the issue and make an argument for or against the view given in the newspaper article. Students are to select an article related to one of the following topics: Topic 1 Integrating indigenous cultures into organisations Topic 2 Sustainable business in practice Topic 3 Integration of artificial intelligence into organisations (human and machine) Topic 4 Mentoring for effective workplace behaviour