Assessment Criteria

83 views 8:44 am 0 Comments March 27, 2023
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
LO3 Analyse the control techniques of power electronics for renewable energy systems
P7 Analyse the applications of power electronics in renewable energy applications
P8 Determine the industrial application of power electronic converters
P9 Analyse the power electronic converter topologies and their principles of operation
M5 Simulate a simple power converter for a typical renewable energy system using a standard software package such as Matlab/Simulink (or equivalent)
M6 Critically analyse the use of the power converter selected above for a renewable energy application
D3 Critically evaluate the dynamic performance of integrating renewable energy sources to the smart grid network using a standard industrial based software, such as Matlab/Simulink software (or equivalent)



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In broad terms, the task of power electronics is to process and control the flow of electric energy by supplying voltages and currents in a form that is optimally suited for user loads.

In recent years, the field of power electronics has experienced a large growth due to confluence of several factors. Revolutionary advances in microelectronics methods have led to the development of such controllers. Moreover, these advances in semiconductor fabrication technology have made it possible to significantly improve the voltage- and current-handling capabilities and the switching speeds of power semiconductor devices, which make up the power processor unit more reliable.


Topics included in this assignment are application of power electronic in renewable energy applications, industrial applications of power electronic converters, topologies of power electronic converters and simulation of the power converters.

On successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to have more advanced knowledge of industrial applications of power electronics and power converters which are widely being used in renewable energy applications.




Task 1:  Analyse the applications of power electronics in renewable energy applications

  • Briefly describe the role of power electronic in modern technologies.
  • What types of converters use in renewable energy systems? See examples below.

Power converters in Wind turbine.


Power converters in Solar system.

  • Briefly discus the power quality issues in converters (Discuss only one type of converter such as DC-DC converter in PV Cell)








Task 2 

Determine the industrial application of power electronic converters.

Power electronic is completely embedded in modern industry. Power electronic applications involves power supplies, inverters, converters, battery chargers, temperature control and variable speed motors. Power electronic is widely being used in environmental control and renewable energy systems. Other industrial applications of power electronics include electrical vehicle, defence and aerospace and utility systems such as HVDC (high voltage direct current) and FACTS (flexible AC transmission systems).Types of converters use in power electronics. DC-DC, AC-DC and DC-AC.


What are the industrial applications of these converters?


Task 3 Power electronic converter topologies and their principles of operation.


  1. Design and simulate a boost converter. Briefly explain the operation of your circuit, the explanation should conclude the following technical information.
  • Why you have chosen the value of 2.7mH for your circuit.
  • What is the function of MOSFET and diode in this circuit.
  • Why the output voltage is not droping down to zero.











  1. Design and simulate a buck converter. Briefly explain the operation of your circuit, the explanation should conclude the following technical information.
  • What is the function of the inductor in this circuit.
  • What is the function of chosen transistor in this circuit.
  • How the voltage can be further reduced in this circuit.

Task 4:

You have just taken a new position as an electronic engineer at a small company that makes a variety of electrical/electronic products. Your supervisor has given you a task to research on types of converters, which are widely used in renewable energy systems. You will also need to critically analyse the use of power converters used in renewable energy application.

Critical analysis should include the following information.

  • What are the main differences in the application of your chosen converters?
  • What type of converter will be best suited for solar and wind renewable energy system and why?
  • Your report should include a detailed explanation of each type of converter, there application, components being used and circuit diagram.






Pearson’s recommended resources


ABU-RUB, H., MALINOWSKI, M. and AL-HADDAD, K. (2014) Power Electronics for

Renewable Energy Systems, Transportation and Industrial Applications.

John Wiley & Sons.

EKANAYAKE, J. and JENKINS, N. (2012) Smart Grid Technology and Applications.

John Wiley & Sons.

RASHID, M.H. (2013) Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications.

4th Ed. Pearson.

TWIDELL, J. and WEIR, T. (2006) Renewable Energy Resources. 2nd Ed.

Taylor & Francis.



This unit links to the following related units:

Unit 51: Sustainability

Unit 53: Utilisation of Electrical Power