Assessment 3

92 views 10:56 am 0 Comments October 16, 2023

Assessment 3
Task: You recently started at XYZ bank manager in Sydney and have noted that credit card fees have
increased by $10 annually. However, customers have only been sent an email notification of this.
You view this as unethical, and several customers have complained to you personally that they did
not note the email and no other mean of communication such as text message or letters to clients’
home were deployed. You are concerned that the company’s action is damaging its reputation and
may result in scrutiny from regulators. What tools and strategies will you use to present your point
of view to your colleagues as well as the top management? Use ethical theories to inform your
Presentation: Assignments are to be typed, 1.5 lines spacing, and 12-point font.
Students must use Academic Essay format.
Students are to use the CDU Harvard referencing system, available at In-text citations are
included in the word limit.
Word limit: 2000-2500 words
Due date: Sunday Week 12

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