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Table of Contents
Part 1: Reflectve report on MH In-sessional……………………………………………………………..2
Part 2: Reflectve report on Personality questonnaire and Mental Wealth Competencies..2
Openness to Experience…………………………………………………………………………………………………2
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Part 1: Reflectve report on MH In-sessional
To beter understand my capstone project’s learning outcomes, I’ve learned to rely
on the reflecton essay. Gaining talents, in my opinion, is an excellent technique for
enhancing my future knowledge and aiding my memory recall while I’m studying.
Experiental learning theory by Kolb and Schon was utlized to defne my knowledge of the
capstone competencies. I was able to take stock of my own career and personal growth as a
result of the MBA programmed. The MBA programme, I feel, equipped me with the skills I
needed to apply what I learned in the classroom to real-world issues. There were also
suggestons on how to beter organize classroom instructon and help students stay on top
of their assignments.
Immediately afer class, I was able to put what I had learned into practce. A yearly
report would allow me to distnguish between investments that were safe and those that
were dangerous. It’s possible that the choice on whether or not to be a low-cost supplier
may be sidetracked if the company’s leadership is unaware of the company’s broader goal.
This is what I learned in my strategy class. Because of your leadership development, you’ve
developed the ability to see yourself in the mirror and recognize your own personal style.
Instead of something that comes naturally, I thought that leadership could be learned.
As a result of my partcipaton in executve learning sessions, I developed a more
well-rounded set of abilites that allowed me to atain beter results faster. As a result of the
training, I’ve gained confdence in taking on diverse leadership responsibilites in the
workplace, and I’m beter able to adapt to the preferences of my colleagues.
Part 2: Reflectve report on Personality questonnaire and Mental Wealth Competencies
Openness to Experience
I needed to master advanced business skills if I wanted to work for a wellknown frm and living a fulflling life. As a result, I was able to do so while simultaneously
learning and practsing the fundamentals of company management. In order to guide my
subordinates and team members to beter company performance by applying suitable plans
and processes, advanced business skills like those mentoned in this reflecton essay are
useful. With so many electves to choose from, I’ll be able to take advantage of my tme in
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school this year to learn a wide range of business skills while challenging the status quo, and
I’ll also be able to build long-term relatonships with my classmates, which is essentally
what makes the MBA a unique experience.
Having an MBA was also benefcial since it gave a platorm for openness. As a result, I was
able to discover what I like doing the most while also identfying what I struggled with. I
wouldn’t have realised that marketng and strategy are more important than fnance and
accountng if I hadn’t had prior experience. Thank you for providing the opton to take an
entrepreneurial electve since it forced me to think about my own future and any other
topics that piqued my curiosity. For the frst tme, I am able to focus on my work during the
day without being distracted by my job. Previously, anytme a new idea popped into my
head, I had to investgate whether or not the noton would stll be relevant in the near
In sum, the MBA has been a life-changing experience, not just for those with fnancial
backgrounds but also for those who have been able to develop their entrepreneurial,
presentaton, and leadership abilites by working with varied mult-cultural teams.
There are numerous optonal courses available to ft my interests, so this next year promises
to be both demanding and fascinatng as I gain a broad variety of business knowledge while
also questoning the status quo. Afer all, isn’t the whole point of the MBA to make lifelong
connectons with like-minded individuals?
Take tme to reflect on your work goals and your own brand as a serious professional.
Learning how to evaluate various work functons and positons based on current research is
possible with this strategy. Practces like self-reflectve thinking and self-introspecton can
help people realize their greatest potental. In the future, I plan to incorporate a lot more
self-reflecton into my work. As a real estate marketer, I believe that making this choice will
assist me in achieving my goals.
Additonally, I’ve gained a lot of knowledge from my MBA classmates. As part of a
class of 33 natons, I’ve had the opportunity to work with people from Brazil to Egypt to
Japan and others with military and medical backgrounds. Face-to-face discussions with a
wide range of individuals who can draw on their own experiences are the best way to learn.
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We were able to come up with more ideas for a commercial challenge than I would have
been able to on my own. Because of this, we were able to come up with more concrete
Additonally, these events showed me the importance of being able to properly and
effectvely convey my thoughts and views. My personal work style and how I engage with
people in meetngs have been profoundly influenced by them, allowing everyone to
contribute to the best of their ability, no mater what background they have. Observing my
employees’ improvement has been a great way for me to learn and grow as a leader, as well.
In accordance with John Dewey’s idea, a person learns more via inquiry and
applicaton of previously learned abilites. With my MBA, I’m confdent that I’ll be able to
achieve my career goals more successfully. When it comes tme to land a new job in the near
future, I’m confdent that the knowledge I’ve gained in the classroom will be useful. My
objectve is to use my leadership skills to assist my employees flourish in the workplace and
for my company to get more recogniton. In the collecton of data and the development of a
strategy for dealing with specifc business issues, analytcal abilites are expected to be put
to use. Beter control of my company’s fnances and an increase in output would help me to
atract more clients by providing beter products and services. When it comes to advancing
in my career, my ability to be on tme will help me manage clients and provide high-quality
projects on tme, which will ultmately lead to a promoton. As an entrepreneur, I plan on
using my business acumen to lead the company’s operatons toward long-term growth and
minimize relevant issues. When it comes to career management, I plan to use my problemsolving abilites and new ways to complicated organizatonal issues.
“Corporate Turnaround and Recovery; Venture Capital; Private Equity; The Digital
Economy: Foundatons & Strategy” were among the offerings prior to this year. I can’t wait
for the new year to begin. In the MBA programme at the university, I may also take a
Japanese refresher course or one of the many other optons.
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