Assessment 1

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HRMT20024 – Assessment 1– Presentation Rubric
Note: This is an illustration of the marking criteria that will be used in the Turnitin system. To see your marks on the criteria, open your assessment through Turnitin and click on the marking criteria button.The markers
will provide feedback throughout your assessment in the ‘Grademark’ view in Turnitin. You can access this by clicking on the small blue pencil icon next to your assessment submission.
While there is no set rule for what your similarity index should be, you should aim for a similarity score that is less than 20%. A high similarity score can be due to a very long reference list though. The main thing
to look out for is WHERE the similarity is being shown. If there is a high level of similarity found in the body of the assessment, you will probably lose marks for not presenting your own ideas. A high level of
similarity in the body of your assessment may significantly affect your marks for each of the criteria, as marks are given based on original text and appropriately referenced text only. It is suggested that you
reduce the use of direct quotes from other sources wherever possible. Markers will analyse the similarity score reported by Turnitin on a case‐by‐case basis.

Key Criteria 0 (Not Shown) 2 (Poor) 3 (Unsatisfactory) 4 (Satisfactory) 5 (Good) 6 (Very Good) 7 (Excellent)
Correct Referencing (5%) Strictly comply with APA 7 referencing style.
Research aim and
question (10%)
Satisfactory understanding Above average
Strong understanding Comprehensive and
insightful presentation
Method (10%) No explanation of
Very limited
understanding of method
Limited understanding
of method
Satisfactory understanding Above average
Strong understanding of
understanding and
description of method
Findings (10%) No knowledge nor
understanding of the
HRM topic.
Inaccurate knowledge
of the HRM topic.
Irrelevant information
presented. Poor
understanding of
information and
concepts presented.
Insufficient knowledge of
the HRM topic.
Information appears to
be randomly chosen and
not related to material
covered in the unit.
Limited understanding of
information and concepts
Demonstrates satisfactory
knowledge of the HRM
topic. Information from
existing thinking in HRM
presented and explained.
Satisfactory understanding
of information and
concepts presented.
Demonstrates above
average knowledge of
the HRM topic.
Relevant information
presented from latest
thinking research in
HRM. Above average
understanding of
information and
concepts presented.
Demonstrates good
knowledge of the HRM topic
with insight and depth.
Accurate, interesting, and
relevant information
presented from latest
thinking research in HRM.
understanding of
Information and concepts
Demonstrates a
comprehensive and highly
insightful knowledge of the
HRM topic. Highly relevant
and informative material and
evidence presented from
latest thinking research in
HRM. Highly developed
understanding of
information and concepts
Article Conclusion (10%) No conclusions
Brief conclusion Brief conclusion with limited
links to the presentation
understanding of article
Demonstrates above
understanding and
explanation of article
Clear and concise
explanation of article
Clear and concise
explanation of article
conclusions and implications
Contribution to topic
No attempt to link to
Very limited
Limited understanding of
how the article
contributes tothe week’s
Some understanding of
howthe article relates to
the week’s theme
Good understanding of
how the article relates
to the week’s theme
Strong understanding of how
the article relates to the
week’s theme
Sophisticated understanding
of how the article relates to
the week’s theme
Quality of
presentation (25%)
No ability to present. Ideas on the HRM
topic is disorganized
and not coherent.
Pace is highly
inappropriate. The
student’s voice is: not
clear; not expressive
and/or the student
pronounces a number
of terms incorrectly.
Ideas on the HRM topic is
unclear and not in a logical
way. Pace is inappropriate.
The student’s voice is: not
clear at times; not
expressive and/or the
student pronounces
occasionally some terms
Ideas on the HRM topic
are satisfactorily
organised with clarity in
parts, pacing adequate,
though may be over‐or
under length. The
student’s voice is clear
and expressive at times
during the presentation.
Ideas on the HRM topic
are presented in an
organised way, though
lack clarity in parts,
adequately paced. The
student’s voice is clear
and expressive for most
of the presentation.
Ideas on the HRM topic are
presented effectively and
expressed in an organised
way, appropriately paced.
The student has a clear
voice, and expressive during
the presentation.
Ideas on the HRM topic are
clearly and professionally
articulated, presented
effectively in an organised
way, and are appropriately
paced. The student has a
clear voice, exceptionally
expressive during the whole
Visual Aids (20%) No visual aids are used. The visual aids are poorly
designed or unrelated to
the message presented.
Limited visual aids are
used and
The visual aids are
satisfactorily designed and
at times support the
The visual aids are
well designed and
adequately support
the presentation.
The visual aids are well
designed, confidently used
and effectively support the
The visual aids are well
designed and confidently
used. Add impact to the