
129 views 10:20 am 0 Comments May 17, 2023
  • Observe an event or performance that you encounter in your daily life. This could be something as simple as queuing up at a food court, waiting for the bus, watching a movie, going to the mall, or sitting at a cafĂ©. Playing the role of an anthropologist doing fieldwork, writing ethnographic notes, and an analysis of this cultural event.
  1. Consider both emit and etic perspectives. You might like to imagine you are an extraterrestrial visiting Earth for the first time and documenting what you see.
  2. Make sure you do not collect any information that could be seen as identifying someone and only observe.
  3. Ensure you follow any safe-distancing guidelines applicable and that you are in a public space.
  4. Only take notes, do not use photography or other data capture methods.