ANL505: Hyperautomation

100 views 7:47 am 0 Comments September 27, 2023

Question 1

FIVE megatrends that will be changing our future from now till 2030 and beyond were discussed during Seminar 1:

  • Megatrend 1: Shifting economic power
  • Megatrend 2: Resource scarcity
  • Megatrend 3: Technological breakthrough
  • Megatrend 4: Social change
  • Megatrend 5: Rapid Urbanisation

Question 1a

Evaluate TWO megatrends out of the 5 trends shared during the class.

Question 1b

Compare both megatrends defined in (1a) in terms of their relevancies and differences, then assess THREE opportunities and THREE threats that come in parallel with both trends.

Question 1c

In Seminar 1, we discussed the potential of applying some of the skills and information gained to find work or generate value through entrepreneurship. Based on the opportunities underlying ONE of the selected 2 megatrends, share the approaches you intend to take after this course based on your strengths and weaknesses and explain why.

Question 2

If you are using a WINDOWS computer, please choose Option (I) or Option (II).
If you’re using a MAC computer, proceed to Option (II). You are required to design and construct a workflow that can use UiPath automation to receive input, auto-evaluate the data, and provide an output to address an enterprise function problem you are solving.