Agricultural materials and post harvest technologies

86 views 9:26 am 0 Comments March 28, 2023

AGR3303 – Agricultural materials and post harvest technologies

Assignment 1

Student name and student number:





Bruising in fruit and vegetables is a …… This report compares the two reports ‘Bruising and energy dissipation in apples’ and ‘Apple impact bruise prediction models’ to determine …….


Summary of ‘Bruising and energy dissipation in apples’

Theory and Method…….



·         Energy Absorbed

·         Dynamic loading relationship

·         Quasi static loading relationship

Conclusion of the first paper

Summary of ‘Apple impact bruise prediction models’

Theory and Method…….



·         Hertz Theory

·         Adjusted Hertz Theory

·         Plastic Theory

·         MLRA Model

Conclusion of the second paper

Comparison of the results

·         Compatibility of results of the two papers …..

·         Accuracy of results of the two papers …….

·         Other more recently published papers

·         Practicality of results…….


Overall conclusions




