Advanced Software Engineering

94 views 8:20 am 0 Comments April 28, 2023


Name of Module Advanced Software Engineering
Name of Module Leader Dr Duncan Mullier
Main Assessment or Resit? Main assessment
Semester 1 or 2 or Term 1, 2 or 3 1
CRN 10542
Type of Assessment (Coursework;
Presentation; Phase Test etc)
Date & deadline time of
9/11/2020 9am for part 1 13/12/2020 11pm for part 2
Date for Return of feedback Within 2 weeks.
Type of Submission
(online via My Beckett; Handed in
during Seminar; Presentation).
It is expected that all assignments
will be submitted electronically.
Online Via MyBeckett
Feedback (please specify how will
feedback be given to students )
Via marksheet uploaded to myBeckett.
Franchise delivery
Is the assessment for campus
delivery the same for the
franchise partner, if not please
provide assessment for franchise

Component 1 COURSEWORK

Module name and CRN Advanced Software Engineering10542
Module Leader Duncan Mullier
Term 1 Level 6 Approx No of Students 60

COMPONENT TITLE: Graphical Programming Language
COMPONENT WEIGHTING: 40 % of Module Marks
SUBMISSION DATE: 9am Monday 9/11/2020 (Week 6)
Upload to myBeckett submission box. Zip up your entire project directory so you are
submitting both your source code and the executable plus a screenshot of your
version control commits page
You are required to make a screen recording of you demonstrating your work
according to the provided script. The script will be in the assessment directory.
Instructions of how to screen record are provided in detail below.
Recommended Software for Screen Recording
You will upload you screen demo to your student YouTube account see
You will then add the link to your YouTube video demo to the upload box when you
submit your assignment code.
It may be that you are asked to do a live demonstration at a time to be arranged.
You will receive feedback via the VLE
Evaluate and demonstrate professional engineering style approaches to developing software systems
Develop underpinning and transferrable skills relating to the application of programming languages and
The usual University penalties apply for late submission.
This is an individual assessment. Submission of an assessment indicates that you, as a
student, have completed the assessment yourself and the work of others has been fully
acknowledged and referenced.
By submitting this assessed work, you are declaring that you are fit to submit, and you will
therefore not normally be eligible to submit a request for mitigation for this work.
If your result for this assessment is recorded as Non-Submission or your mark for this
assessment and for the whole module is below 40%, you will have opportunity to take

reassessment with a submission date of 9th July 2021 (see Reassessment information below).
If you are granted deferral through the mitigation process, you may complete the
reassessment with a full range of marks available.
If you fail to record and upload a demonstration by the scheduled date and time without
agreed mitigation, you will be given one further opportunity to demonstrate your work
(incurring a 5% late penalty) at a time scheduled by the module team. If you miss this second
opportunity, your result will be recorded as Non-Submission. If your result is recorded as
Non-Submission or your mark for this assessment and for the whole module is below 40%,
you will have opportunity to take reassessment in and your marked capped at 40% (see
Reassessment information below). If you are granted deferral through the mitigation process,
you may attend the reassessment demonstration with a full range of marks available.
For further information, please refer to your Course Handbook or University Assessment
Graphical Programming Language Application
This assignment is to use what you are learning in the module to produce a fairly complex
program. The idea of the program is to produce a simplified environment for teaching simple
programming concepts. You are to create a simple programming language and environment
that has the basics of sequence, selection and iteration and allows a student programmer to
explore them using graphics.
Note that the assignment has two components. They are marked separately. If you fail
either part and your overall module mark is below 40% you are likely to get reassessment in
those part/s that you failed. You should read both parts of the assignment to see where you
are aiming. You could tackle them completely separately, i.e. worry about part two when it
arrives and therefore treat part one as a prototype, but this will involve reworking part one
for part two. For example to put design patterns into it which isn’t on the marking scheme
for part one. Or you could design part 2 elements in from scratch. Both methods are valid
software engineering methods. I would at the very least be very familiar with part two
whilst you are doing part one so that you can make an informed choice at the time.
Hand In 1 40%
1 Management –10 marks total
Note Version Control needs to be set up and used in part 1 but will be marked
in part 2 for 10 marks.
Unit Tests (10 marks)
Fully implemented as unit tests. Note that the code that the tests are testing does not
necessarily have to have been written (see Test Driven Development).
Unit Test project set up (2 marks)
Appropriate tests for part 1 set up (2 marks)
Appropriately documented.(3 marks)
Some appropriate tests for part 2 implementation (3 marks)
Note, I am not expecting you to implement code for part 2, just the tests for
one or two elements.
2 Implementation — 30 Marks total
Your implementation must have a proper interface with a window/area for typing a
“program” into and a window/area for displaying the output of the “program”. You should
also have a command line where commands are executed immediately. The actual layout is
up to you.
Appropriate UI conforming to above specification (1 mark)
Command parser class
Reads and executes commands on command line one at a time (2 marks)
Reads a program (in the program window) and executes it with a “run”
command (typed into the command line). (5 marks)
Saves and loads a program (2 marks)
Syntax checking
Checks for valid commands (2 marks)
Checks for valid parameters (2 marks)
Basic drawing commands (all commands should be case insensitive)
Position pen (moveTo) (2 marks)
pen draw (drawTo) (2 marks)
clear command to clear the drawing area (1 mark)
reset command to move pen to initial position at top left of the screen (
Draw basic shapes:
rectangle <width>, <height> (2 marks)
circle <radius> (2 marks)
triangle (you can do this any way you like) (2 marks)
Colours and fills
pen <colour> e.g pen red, or pen green (three or four colours).
(2 marks)
fill <on/off> e.g. fill on, makes subsequent shape operations
filled and not outline. (2 marks)
The program should be written using inheritance and design patterns (specifically
marked in part 2) so that additional commands could easily be added without affecting the
rest of the code. Marks may be deducted if this is not the case.

Assessment Brief

Module name and CRN Advanced Software Engineering A 10542
Module Leader Dr Duncan Mullier
Term 1 Level 6 Approx No of Students 60

COMPONENT TITLE: Graphical Programming Language Application
COMPONENT WEIGHTING: 60% of Module Marks
SUBMISSION DATE: 11pm Friday 13/12/2020
Upload to myBeckett submission box. Zip up your entire project directory so you are
submitting both your source code and the executable plus a screenshot of your
version control commits page
You are required to make a screen recording of you demonstrating your work
according to the provided script. The script will be in the assessment directory.
Instructions of how to screen record are provided in detail below.
Recommended Software for Screen Recording
You will upload you screen demo to your student YouTube account see
You will then add the link to your YouTube video demo to the upload box when you
submit your assignment code.
It may be that you are asked to do a live demonstration at a time to be arranged.
You will receive feedback via MyBeckett.
Evaluate and demonstrate professional engineering style approaches to developing software systems
Develop underpinning and transferrable skills relating to the application of programming languages and environm
Apply and critically evaluate advanced programming and design concepts.
The usual University penalties apply for late submission.
This is an individual assessment. Submission of an assessment indicates that you, as a
student, have completed the assessment yourself and the work of others has been fully
acknowledged and referenced.
By submitting this assessed work, you are declaring that you are fit to submit, and you will
therefore not normally be eligible to submit a request for mitigation for this work.

If your result for this assessment is recorded as Non-Submission or your mark for this
assessment and for the whole module is below 40%, you will have opportunity to take
reassessment with a submission date of
9th July 2021 (see Reassessment information below).
If you are granted deferral through the mitigation process, you may complete the
reassessment with a full range of marks available.
If you fail to record and upload a demonstration by the scheduled date and time without
agreed mitigation, you will be given one further opportunity to demonstrate your work
(incurring a 5% late penalty) at a time scheduled by the module team. If you miss this second
opportunity, your result will be recorded as Non-Submission. If your result is recorded as
Non-Submission or your mark for this assessment and for the whole module is below 40%,
you will have opportunity to take reassessment (see Reassessment information below). If you
are granted deferral through the mitigation process, you may attend the reassessment
demonstration with a full range of marks available.
For further information, please refer to your Course Handbook or University Assessment

Hand In 2 60 marks
Note: If you did not get a working prototype in part 1 then you may continue it
for part 2. Your mark for part 1 will stand as it is but you may gain marks for
part 2 from the part 1 marking scheme. Your mark cannot exceed the total
marks for part 2.
Management 10 marks
Set up version control (10 marks)
Early commit (from part 1), project description this includes part 1 of the assignment.
At least five commits of software for part 1 and at least 5 for part 2 (no marks if less)
Description with each commit about what has been done/changed and what is to be
done next.
For high marks I expect a professional standard with many and regular commits each
time something significant has been added with comprehensive descriptions.
Further tests for new parts of spec and evidence of completion.
Programming commands – 30 marks
The idea here is that it behaves like a proper programming language with sequence,
selection and iteration.
Variables – allows variables to be used in loop and as parameters to draw
commands (5 marks)
Loop command (5 marks)
Repeats everything between Loop on the first line and “end” on a later
If statement (5 marks)
2 marks for one line
3 marks for block with “endif”
Syntax checking (5 marks)
Syntax of the program is checked before the program is run and
reported appropriately.
Methods (10 marks)
This is quite complex and will require some thought.
Define a method with:
Method myMethod(parameter list)
Line 1
Call a method with:
myMethod(<parameter list>)
working methods without parameters (5 marks)
working with parameters (+5 marks)
3 Design and Implementation Standard –20 marks total
Use of design patterns – factory class (5 marks)
All user created objects from classes that you have designed should use appropriate
inheritance but should also use the factory design pattern. It should be fairly straightforward
to add additional classes to the factory.
Use of additional design pattern/s (5 marks)
Code documented with XML tags, XML documentation produced (I want to see the
documentation and not just the comments in the code). For high marks I expect
documentation to a professional standard. (5 marks)
Use of exception handling (including user generated exceptions) (5 marks)
4 Additional functionality
Here you can come up with your own functionality. Here are some suggestions but
you are free to come up with your own, however you should discuss them with your tutor
If you haven’t already got 100% you may be able to get additional marks here.
Additional commands, one example might be to transform/rotate shape, more complex
shapes and the drawing of shapes.
Command Examples
The commands could be slightly different to this if necessary but the functionality must be
the same (i.e. you could have DrawTo (x,y).
The pen position is stored in the drawing object. Commands should not be case sensitive.
DrawTo x,y
MoveTo x,y
Circle <radius>
Rectangle <width>, <height>
Triangle <base>, <adj>, <hyp>
Or you could have
Triangle width, height where it defines a box that the triangle is
drawn in
Polygon [points,…]
Complex commands
If <variable>==10
Line 1
Line 2
Radius = 20
Width = 20
Height = 20
Count = 1
While Count < 10
Circle radius
Radius = Radius+10
Rectangle width, height
Width = Width+10
Height = Height + 10
Count = Count+1

The deadline is 9am 9th July 2021
You must record a demo using the original script, upload it to your
YouTube account and paste the link into the submission.
Part 1 reassessment
You MUST contact your tutor to confirm which part 1 reassessment you are to do. There
are two versions of the reassessment for part 1 because you may have affectively done
the first one as your part 2 assignment. If this is the case you will be directed to do the
part 2 reassessment but CHECK with your tutor.
Part 1 reassessment
This variant is for people who failed part 1 but did not continue to implement it for part 2.
To pass the reassessment you program should have ALL of the following facilities.
Your implementation must have a proper interface with a window/area for typing a
program into and a window/area for displaying the output of the program. You should also
have a command line where commands are executed immediately. The actual layout is up
to you.
Appropriate UI conforming to above specification
Command parser class
Reads and executes commands on command line one at a time
Reads a program and executes it with a “run” command
Saves and loads a program
Syntax checking
Checks for valid commands
Checks for valid parameters
Basic drawing commands (all commands should be case insensitive)
Position pen (moveTo)
pen draw (drawTo)
clear command to clear the drawing area
reset command to move pen to initial position at top left of the screen (
Draw basic shapes:
rectangle(width, height)
Part 2 Reassessment
To pass the reassessment you program should have ALL of the following facilities.
Set up version control
At least five commits of software
Description with each commit about what has been done/changed and what is to be
done next.
Unit Tests with at least three working Unit Tests
Programming commands
Variables – allows variables to be used in loop and as parameters to draw
commands (5 marks)

Loop command (5 marks)
Repeats everything between Loop on the first line and “end” on a later
3 Design and Implementation Standard
Use of design patterns – factory class (5 marks)
All shape classes should use appropriate inheritance but should also use the factory design
Code documented with XML tags, XML documentation produced.

Screen Recording Demonstrations
You must produce a screen recording for demonstrating both parts 1 and 2. This will be done according to a
separate script for each part. Your recording can be made with any software but I have
recommendations for
Windows, Linux and Mac here
. Your screen recording should include an audio commentary explaining what
you are doing (or just reading the script). It should also include showing which part f the marking scheme you
are currently demonstrating (by showing the marking scheme).