Academic Summary

109 views 11:26 am 0 Comments June 12, 2023

cademic Summaries (40%) – BEHV1018 (Autumn 2023)

Academic Summary 3 – BEHV1018 (Autumn 2023) Psychology
0 NB: Task will be marked out of 100
/Ass ess in e ii i .L. rt,…..11i, — …… — •,….., , … , .. __,,,_ P (Beginning) A beginning attempt to state the selected topic, research question, variables, and hypothesis. CR (Developing) Adequate attempt at stating the selected topic, research question, variables, and hypothesis. D (Competent) Good attempt at stating the selected topic, research question, variables, and hypothesis. HD (Mastery) Succinctly states the selected topic, research question, variables, and hypothesis. LF Criteria Introduction (20%) Approx 100-150 words Very limited or no attempt to state the selected topic, research question, variables, and hypothesis. Method (20%) There is very limited or no Approx 100-150 attempt to describe the methods used to test the words hypothesis or to seek an answer to the research A beginning attempt to describe the methods used to test the hypothesis or to seek an answer to the research question. There is a beginning attempt to describe the findings and how the findings relate to the h .othesis There is an adequate attempt to describe the methods used to test the hypothesis or to seek an answer to the research question. There is an adequate attempt to describe the findings and how the findings relate to the h sothesis. There is a good attempt to describe the methods used to test the hypothesis or to seek an answer to the research question. There is a good attempt to describe the findings and how the findings relate to the hypothesis. Clearly describes the methods used to test the hypothesis or to seek an answer to the research question. Clearly describes the findings and how the findings relate to the hypothesis. _question. Results (20%) There is very limited or no Approx 100-150 attempt to describe the findings and how the findings words relate to the hypothesis Conclusion (20%) There is very limited or no Approx 100-150 attempt to describe the strengths and weaknesses of words the study and the key implications and applications of the results reported by the author. There is a beginning attempt to describe the strengths and weaknesses of the study and the key implications and applications of the results reported by the author. There is an adequate attempt to describe the strengths and weaknesses of the study and the key implications and applications of the results reported by the author. There is a good attempt to describe the strengths and weaknesses of the study and the key implications and applications of the results reported by the author. . Proficiently describes the strengths and weaknesses of the study and the key implications and applications of the results reported by the author. Reference list and in- text citation (5%). Has not applied the correct referencing style (e.g., reference list and in-text citations) to the summary Inconsistent use of the correct referencing style (e.g., either reference list or in-text citations) to the summary with a number of errors. An attempt in the use of consistent and correct referencing style (e.g., either reference list or in- text citations) with several errors. Applies correct referencing style (e.g., reference list and in-text citation) with a few minor errors. Applies correct referencing style (e.g., reference list and in-text citation) to the summary article with no errors Academic style (15%) – writing (e.g., spelling, grammar, punctuation, paraphrasing) Has not applied the correct writing style (e.g., spelling, grammar, punctuation and/or paraphrasing) to the summary. All opinion. Uses correct writing style (e.g., spelling, grammar, punctuation punctuation) with a number of errors in the summary. pU(eus.gnes.c,tuscpoaertrlileoincntg,wagnrrdiatimngmsatyr,le paraphrasing) with some errors in the summary. Uses correct writing style (e.g., spelling grammar, punctuation, and paraphrasing) with minimal errors in the summary. Applies correct writing style (e.g., spelling, grammar, punctuation, and paraphrasing) to the summary. Have described the article and
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