A Review of the Empirical Literature

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A Review of the Empirical Literature
on FDI Determinants
This paper surveys the recent burgeoning literature that empirically examines the
foreign direct investment (FDI) decisions of multinational enterprises (MNEs) and the
resulting aggregate location of FDI across the world. The contribution of the paper is to
evaluate what we can say with relative confidence about FDI as a profession, given the
evidence, and what we cannot have much confidence in at this point. Suggestions are
made for future research directions. (JEL F21, F23)
It is well known that the growth of multinational enterprise (MNE) activity in the
form of foreign direct investment (FDI) has grown at a faster rate than most other
international transactions, particularly trade flows between countries. In many ways,
MNEs are the control centers for a large portion of international transactions other than
FDI. For example, almost half of trade flows are intrafirm; i.e., trade within an MNE.
These real-world trends have led to substantial recent interest by the international
economics literature to empirically investigate the fundamental factors that drive FDI
behavior. This paper provides a critical review of this literature with a discussion of
future research areas. The literature is large enough that a comprehensive review is not
possible. Instead this paper highlights what the author considers the more important and
novel papers in the empirical literature on the determinants of FDI. The topic of the
effects of MNE activity on host and home countries will not be addressed, but could
easily be the focus of its own literature survey. On a final note, this survey
_s focus will be
more recent papers, and the interested reader should refer to Caves [1996] for a broader
discussion of earlier papers in the literature.
To organize ideas, we first examine the literature that motivates and tests its analysis
of FDI determinants from a partial equilibrium view of the MNE. After briefly discussing
the internal firm-specific factors that motivate a firm to become an MNE in the first
place, we then examine the external factors that are likely determinants of the location
and magnitude of FDI by MNEs. These external factors range from exchange rates and
taxes, to factors that are likely more endogenous with FDI activity, such as trade
protection and trade flows. These latter determinants of FDI, such as trade flows, opens
up the larger issue of the quite varying motivations for FDI which are ignored to a large
degree by the partial equilibrium literatures on the effects of exchange rates and taxes.
Atlantic Economic Journal (2005)33:383–403 * IAES 2005
DOI: 10.1007/s11293-005-2868-9
*University of Oregon and National Bureau of Economic Research—U.S.A. This paper was
written for an International Atlantic Economic Society session at the 2005 ASSA conference in
Philadelphia, PA. I thank Ron Davies, Walid Hejazi, and an anonymous referee for excellent
comments and suggestions. All remaining errors are my own.
Such questions are key in the literature reviewed in the second half of the paperVthe
recent work to develop the theory and estimation of general equilibrium models of MNE
Firm Characteristics that Affect the MNE Decision
The most fundamental question about FDI activity is why a firm would choose to
service a foreign market through affiliate production, rather than other options such as
exporting or licensing arrangements. The standard answer revolves around the presence
of intangible assets specific to the firm, such as technologies, managerial skills, etc. Such
assets are public goods within a firm to the extent that using such assets in one plant
does not diminish use of the asset in other plants. This explains why firms with such
assets are more likely to have multiple plants, ceteris paribus, but not necessarily why
they would be multinational.
To explain why such assets lead to an MNE decision, we often note the potential for
market failure connected with these assets. A standard hypothesis is that it is difficult to
fully appropriate rents from such assets through an arrangement with an external party.
For example, a licensee will not offer full value in negotiations over a contract if the
intangible asset is not fully revealed, but the licensor will not want to reveal the asset
fully until a contract is finalized. In such situations, the optimal decision may be for the
firm to internalize the market transaction, which would mean establishing its own
production affiliate in the market. Early conceptualization of this notion includes Oliver
s work on transactions costs, and the development of the ownershipY
locationYinternalization (OLI) paradigm [Rugman, 1980; Dunning, 2001]. Recent work
has applied more formal theory of the firm, such as hold-up issues and agency theory, to
provide more formal frameworks for understanding market failures that lead to a firm
becoming an MNE (e.g., see chapter 5 of Navaretti and Venables [2004], for an overview).
Testing these hypotheses is difficult because the firm-specific factors leading to the
FDI decision are inherently unobservable. As a result, R&D intensity (the ratio of
research and development expenditures to assets or sales) and advertising intensity have
been primarily used as proxies for the presence of intangible assets and then used as
explanatory variables in firm-level studies of whether firms are multinational or not. In
fact, it has become standard to include such variables in any firm-level analysis of the
FDI decision. My own experience and reading of the literature suggests that R&D
intensity is almost invariably positively correlated with multinationality regardless of the
data sample, while the evidence for advertising intensity is much more mixed. An
alternative test is provided by Morck and Yeung [1992], which found that publicly-traded
US firms announcing foreign acquisitions experienced positive abnormal returns to their
stock only if they had a significant level of R&D and advertising intensity.
In the final analysis, however, it is not possible to suggest that these empirical
analyses irrefutably confirm the internalization hypothesis. Such measures as R&D and
advertising intensity may be proxying for other forces that lead to FDI, rather than those
connected with the internalization hypothesis. In addition, there is evidence that firms
that are lacking R&D intensity (or innovation) relative to their industry competitors are
the ones more likely to engage in FDI. For example, Kogut and Chang [1991] and
Blonigen [1997] provide evidence that Japanese firms
_ acquisition FDI in the US was
motivated by accessing firm-specific assets, not necessarily due to internalization of their
own firm-specific assets. These motivations may or may not be contradictory to
internalization motivations for FDI.
In the rest of this literature review the focus is much more on the exogenous and
policy factors that affect the magnitude of FDI that we observe, not whether FDI will
occur or not in the first place. Industry and country-level studies of partial equilibrium
specifications either ignore such micro-level factors or assume they are controlled for
though an average industry- or country-level fixed effect. The general equilibrium work
on the other hand models it directly, but then ties it back to country-level features
(primarily country endowments) to again generate a country-level average effect. For
example, FDI is more likely to originate in countries abundant in capital and skilledlabor which are necessary for generating the firm-specific assets that create the need to
internalize through FDI.
Partial Equilibrium Analysis of External Factors Affecting FDI Decisions
and Location
A large body of literature examining determinants of FDI begins with a partial
equilibrium firm-level framework based in industrial organization and finance to motivate
empirical analysis. These studies then typically examine how exogenous macroeconomic
factors affect the firm
_s FDI decision, with the primary focus on exchange rate movements,
taxes, and to a more limited extent, tariffs. Earlier studies often then use industry-level
(or even country-level) data to explore these hypotheses, while more recent work has had
firm- and plant-level data available to more appropriately match the firm-level theory.
Exchange Rate Effects
The effect of exchange rates on FDI has been examined both with respect to changes
in the bilateral level of the exchange rate between countries and in the volatility of
exchange rates. Until Froot and Stein [1991], the common wisdom was that (expected)
changes in the level of the exchange rate would not alter the decision by a firm to invest
in a foreign country. In rough terms, while an appreciation of a firm
_s home countrys
currency would lower the cost of assets abroad, the (expected) nominal return goes down
as well in the home currency, leaving the rate of return identical.
Froot and Stein [1991] presents an imperfect capital markets story for why a
currency appreciation may actually increase foreign investment by a firm. Imperfect
capital markets mean that the internal cost of capital is lower than borrowing from
external sources. Thus, an appreciation of the currency leads to increased firm wealth
and provides the firm with greater low-cost funds to invest relative to the counterpart
firms in the foreign country that experience the devaluation of their currency. Froot and
Stein [1991] provide empirical evidence of increased inward FDI with currency
depreciation through simple regressions using a small number of annual US aggregate
FDI observations, which Stevens [1998] finds is quite fragile to specification. Klein and
Rosengren [1994], however, confirms that exchange rate depreciation increases US FDI
using various samples of US FDI disaggregated by country source and type of FDI.
Blonigen [1997] provides another way in which changes in the exchange rate level
may affect inward FDI for a host country. If FDI by a firm is motivated by acquisition of
assets that are transferable within a firm across many markets without a currency
transaction (e.g., firm-specific assets, such as technology, managerial skills, etc.), then an
exchange rate appreciation of the foreign currency will lower the price of the asset in that
foreign currency, but will not necessarily lower the nominal returns. In other words, a
depreciation of a country
_s currency may very well allow a Bfire sale^ of such transferable
assets to foreign firms operating in global markets versus domestic firms that may not
have such access. Blonigen uses industry-level data on Japanese mergers and acquisition
FDI into the US to test this hypothesis and finds strong support of increased inward US
acquisition FDI by Japanese firms in response to real dollar depreciations relative to the
yen. As predicted, Blonigen finds that these exchange rate effects on acquisition FDI are
primarily for high-technology industries where firm-specific assets are likely of
substantial importance.
Other studies have generally found consistent evidence that short-run movements in
exchange rates lead to increased inward FDI, including Grubert and Mutti [1991],
Swenson [1994], and Kogut and Chang [1996], with limited evidence that the effect is
larger for merger and acquisition FDI [Klein and Rosengren, 1994]. Thus, the evidence
has largely been consistent with the Froot and Stein [1991] and Blonigen [1997]
hypotheses. One serious issue in the literature is that these exchange rate effects have
been tested almost exclusively with US data, though some studies have focused on US
outbound FDI, while others have used US inbound FDI.
These previous studies have also made the implicit assumption that exchange rate
effects on FDI are symmetric and proportional to the size of the exchange rate
movement. The financial crises of the late 1990s have just begun to spur a small nascent
literature on the effects of large sudden exchange rate swings on a variety of economic
variables, including FDI by MNEs. Lipsey [2001] studies US FDI into three regions as
they experienced currency crises (Latin America in 1982, Mexico in 1994, and East Asia
in 1997) and finds that FDI flows are much more stable during these crises than other
flows of capital. Desai et al. [2004a] compare the performance of US foreign affiliates
with local firms when faced with a currency crisis and find that US foreign affiliates
increase their investment, sales and assets significantly more than local firms during and
subsequent to the crisis. They attribute the differences to MNEs abilities to finance
investment internally to a larger extent than local firms. While these papers are quite
informative, there are clearly more questions to be answered in this literature.
A final related strand of the literature studies how uncertainty and expectations
about future exchange rate movements may affect FDI decisions. An early paper by
Cushman [1985] lays out a very nice firm-level model of international investment that
depends on the interaction of exchange rate expectations, trade linkages, and financing
options the firm may have. Specifically, the paper examines four possible regimes for an
MNE: 1) Foreign production and sales, either financed by foreign or domestic sources,
2) Direct investment financed domestically, but foreign production and sales with a
imported input from the home country, 3) Direct investment financed domestically, but
domestic production and sales with an imported input from the foreign country,
and 4) Domestic financing of investment for production at home with export sales
to foreign market or domestically-financed foreign investment for production and
sales in foreign market.
The paper
_s treatment of both the MNE_s financing options and its trade linkages is
the strength of the paper. However, this is a weakness as well, since the effect of the
exchange rate and its expected movements varies considerably across models and is often
ambiguous in sign for a given model. In addition, his firm-level modeling shows that if
firms are heterogeneous in their financing options and trade linkages, then examination
of aggregate data (industry- or country-level) may very well show ambiguous results that
hide these very real firm-level effects. Cushman, however, tests his firm-level model with
data on US bilateral country-level FDI, though data availability in the 1980s makes this
4 Cushmans empirical analysis finds evidence that an expected real
appreciation of the home currency increases FDI, whereas the current level of the
exchange rate has no consistently significant impact. These results with respect to the
expected exchange rate effect are consistent with certain versions of models 3 and 4
noted above. The firm-level modeling of the Cushman paper is impressive, but there is a
clear need for more updated work using firm-level data to accurately test its hypotheses.
Campa [1993] lays out a much simpler and (perhaps more) elegant approach than
Cushman [1985] to examine how exchange rate uncertainty affects FDI based on options
theory in Dixit [1989]. Greater exchange rate uncertainty increases the option for firms
to wait until investing in a market, depressing current FDI. Campa finds evidence for
this using data on FDI into the US in the wholesale industry. Again, a broader firm-level
database would be likely preferred to test these hypotheses and Tomlin [2000] also points
out that the Campa [1993] estimates are sensitive to empirical specification. A related
paper by Goldberg and Kolstad [1995] alternatively hypothesizes that exchange rate
uncertainty will increase FDI by risk averse MNEs if such uncertainty is correlated with
export demand shocks in the markets they intend to serve. They confirm this hypothesis
with empirical analysis relying on quarterly bilateral data on US FDI with Canada,
Japan, and the United Kingdom.
In summary, the literature has derived important and interesting firm-level models of
how exchange rate uncertainty can affect FDI flows, depending on firm characteristics.
Ironically, the modeling is much stronger than the empirical work, and there has been
very little firm-level empirical analysis of these hypotheses. In addition, two of the main
papers in the area
VCampa [1993] and Goldberg and Kolstad [1995]Vhave apparently
contradictory hypotheses which both confirm using US data on FDI. Thus, the topic of
exchange rate effects on FDI is an area rich for future work. One related issue that likely
deserves more attention is how one measures expected exchange rate levels, uncertainty,
or even volatility. Each of these papers has their own way of measuring these variables,
but further investigation into appropriate measures and sensitivity of results to
alternative measures deserves some attention as well.
Interest in the effects of taxes on FDI has been considerable from both international
and public economists. An obvious hypothesis is that higher taxes discourage FDI with
the more important question one of magnitude. De Mooij and Ederveen [2003] provide
an even more detailed discussion of the literature than that provided here and finds a
median tax-elasticity of FDI of
j3.3 across 25 studies. However, some of the more wellplaced articles in the literature have highlighted why such a number may be quite
misleading. As these papers point out, the effects of taxes on FDI can vary substantially
by type of taxes, measurement of FDI activity, and tax treatment in the host and parent
countries. Another important issue is that a MNE potentially faces taxes in the host and
the home countries. Countries have different ways of addressing this double taxation
issue, which further complicates expected effects of taxes on FDI.
Most of the literature on taxation effects of FDI point to Hartman_s papers [1984;
1985] as the starting point of the literature, as these were the first to point out a way in
which certain types of FDI may surprisingly not be very sensitive to taxes. The key
insight by Hartman is that earnings by an affiliate in foreign country will ultimately be
subject to parent and host country taxes regardless of whether it is repatriated or
reinvested in the foreign affiliate to generate further earnings. There is no way to
ultimately avoid foreign taxes on these earnings. On the other hand, new investment
decisions consider transfers of new capital from the parent to the affiliate that do not
originate from the host country and, thus, have not yet incurred any foreign taxes. This
has a number of important implications. First, it means that firms will want to finance
new FDI through retained earnings as much as possible, before turning to new infusions
from the parent. Second, this means that FDI through retained earnings should only
respond to host country tax rates, not parent country tax rates or the parent country
method of dealing with double taxation issues. FDI through new transfers of capital, on
the other hand, will potentially respond to both parent and host country taxes and rates
of return available in both the parent and host markets.
Hartman [1984] tests this by examining behavior of foreign affiliates in the United
States. Important for the empirical analysis, Hartman is only able to gather data on host
country (US) tax rates and returns, but not parent (foreign) country tax rates and
returns. Thus, he separately regresses retained earnings FDI and new transfer FDI on
the host country (US) tax rate, not controlling for these unobservable parent country tax
rates. He finds that retained earnings FDI responds significantly to the host country tax
rate as hypothesized. Transfer FDI, however, does not respond significantly to host
country tax rates which can then be explained by not controlling for parent country tax
rates (and differences in returns across the countries).
This estimation strategy by Hartman is clearly not ideal for identifying the
hypotheses. Ideally, one would want information on the parent country tax rates and
explicitly control for these in the estimation, rather that assuming that their omission
will bias a current observable variable
_s coefficient to insignificance. Slemrod [1990] goes
a step in this direction by using disaggregated country-level panel data and controlling
for the system used by the parent country to deal with double taxation (those that allow
MNEs to use foreign repatriated income as a credit on their parent tax liability and those
that allow for exemptions), which he argues should matter for the tax response.
6 His
results are decidedly mixed often revealing an insignificant tax response for retained
earnings FDI or even a negative response. This study has clearly cast doubt on the
Hartman model, yet there have been no significant attempts since to re-estimate with
better data or approaches.
_s [1990] idea that policies to deal with double taxation may affect tax
responsiveness did take hold in the literature. The common distinction is between
territorial countries that do not tax any income outside of the parent country, exempting
foreign-earned income from tax liability, and a worldwide tax method which considers all
earned income by its parent firms potentially taxable, but may treat foreign income in a
number of ways to avoid double taxation of the MNE. Two standard treatments to deal
with this double taxation issue are for the home country to offer a credit or a deduction
of foreign tax payment made by the MNE.
The potential for these tax treatments to affect the analysis of FDI and taxation first
played a large role in the literature as researchers began to examine the impact of a
significant US tax reform in 1986 on inward US FDI. Scholes and Wolfson [1990]
hypothesizes that US FDI from MNEs under worldwide systems would likely increase
when US tax rates increased! This seemingly counterintuitive notion comes from the
realization that with a credit system, for example, the MNE would not see any increase
in its tax liability under a worldwide taxation system. On the other hand, the US
domestic investors (and MNEs under a territorial tax system) would bear the full brunt
of the added US tax liabilities. With firms all bidding for the same assets in the US, the
worldwide-tax MNEs would be advantaged and invest more.
While Scholes and Wolfson [1990] performs only very simple statistical tests to show
that US FDI goes up after 1986 without controlling for other factors, Swenson [1994]
does a more careful examination of the Scholes and Wolfson hypothesis by examining the
differential impact that the US 1986 tax reform had on FDI across industries that had
varying changes in tax rates after the reform. Specifically, Swenson examines industry
panel data from 1979 through 1991, exploiting the industry variation in tax changes from
the 1986 tax reform, and finds that FDI did indeed increase with greater average tax
rates, particularly for worldwide taxation countries.
One worrisome issue with Swenson
`s study is that confirmation of the Scholes and
Wolfson hypothesis is shown when using data on average tax rates, but rejected when
using effective tax rates. Auerbach and Hassett [1993] provides further evidence against
the Scholes and Wolfson hypothesis by developing a model of FDI that predicts the types
of US investments that should be encouraged by the tax reform for territorial-tax MNEs
versus worldwide-tax MNEs. In particular, their model shows that territorial-tax MNEs
should have incentives to focus more on merger and acquisition (M&A) FDI, whereas
worldwide-tax MNEs should have been discouraged from such FDI relative to investment
in new equipment. The data, however, suggest that the substantial increase in FDI after
the 1986 US tax reform was through M&A FDI by MNEs from worldwide-tax countries
(mainly Japan and the United Kingdom).
Thus, in many ways, the effects of the 1986 tax reform on FDI are very much an open
question to this day. However, while the particular question is now somewhat dated, the
notion that FDI from worldwide taxation countries that offer their parent firms credits
should be relatively insensitive to tax rates is of continuing interest. This is best
represented by Hines [1996], which creatively brought the issue of the territorial versus
worldwide-tax treatment issue to the pre-existing literature by examining whether statelevel taxes affect location of US inward FDI. Previous studies examining the effect of
state taxes on state location of FDI found insignificant results [Coughlin et al., 1991].
Like federal taxes, MNEs facing state-level taxes may differ in their responses based on
whether they face a territorial-tax or worldwide-tax system in their parent country.
_ [1996] empirical strategy is to investigate the distribution of FDI across US states
and examine the tax sensitivity of FDI into a state of
Bnon-credit-system^ foreign
investors relative to that of
Bcredit-system^ foreign investors. He finds that higher tax
rates of 1 percent are associated with a 9 percent larger FDI decrease by the non-creditsystem investors relative to the credit-system investors.
In summary, the literature has pointed out quite nicely that there is more than meets
the eye initially when considering the effects of taxes on FDI.
8 MNEs face tax rates at a
variety of levels in both the host and parent country and policies to deal with double
taxation can substantially alter the effects of these taxes on a MNEs incentive to invest.
As has been alluded to above, empirical approaches and data samples have differed a fair
amount, so that there are still significant questions about how much taxes (and tax
reforms such as that in the US in 1986) affect FDI. The evidence seems more convincing
that a credit system to deal with foreign taxes by an MNE makes taxes in the host
country relatively inconsequential.
There are other weaknesses with the literature that clearly need to be addressed.
First, all the studies mentioned above examine (at best) industry-level data for models
that are typically of firm-level activity. This can create an issue with interpreting the
empirical evidence back to the theory. The most obvious example of this is the use of
average tax rates as the variable of interest which has obvious errors-in-variables issues.
Whether average or effective tax rates are preferred as a measurement of tax liability is
rarely discussed, but can show quite different effects on FDI as exemplified by the
Swenson [1994] study.
The literature has also only recently begun to examine other related taxes beyond
corporate income taxes. For example, a recent working paper by Desai et al. [2004b] finds
evidence that indirect business taxes have an effect on FDI that is in the same range as
corporate income taxes. In a similar vein, the effect of bilateral international tax treaties
on FDI activity has been an unexplored issue empirically until just recently. There are
thousands of such tax treaties which negotiate reductions in countries
_ withholding rates
among other things.
9 Hallward-Dreimeier [2003] and Blonigen and Davies [2004] find
little evidence that these treaties affect FDI activity in any significant fashion.
The quality of institutions is likely an important determinant of FDI activity, particularly
for less-developed countries for a variety of reasons. First, poor legal protection of assets
increases the chance of expropriation of a firm
_s assets making investment less likely. Poor
quality of institutions necessary for well-functioning markets (and/or corruption) increases
the cost of doing business and, thus, should also diminish FDI activity. And finally, to the
extent that poor institutions lead to poor infrastructure (i.e., public goods), expected
profitability falls, as does FDI into a market.
While these basic hypotheses are non-controversial, estimating the magnitude of the
effect of institutions on FDI is difficult because there are not any accurate measurements
of institutions. Most measures are some composite index of a country
_s political, legal and
economic institutions, developed from survey responses from officials or businessmen
familiar with the country. Comparability across countries is questionable when survey
respondents vary across the countries. In addition, institutions are quite persistent, so
there is likely to be little informative variation over time within a country.
For these reasons, while cross-country FDI studies often include measures of
institutions and/or corruption, they do not often have it as a focus of the analysis.
_s papers [2000a, b] are exceptions that show that a variety of corruption indices are
strongly and negatively correlated with FDI, though other studies can be found that did
not find such evidence (e.g., Wheeler and Mody [1992]). Hines [1995] provides an interesting
Bnatural experiment^ approach by examining how the 1977 US Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act which stipulated penalties for US multinational firms found to be bribing
foreign officials. His estimates find a negative impact on US FDI in the period following
this Act. Analysis of such natural experiments hold out the hope of even more convincing
evidence in the future, though finding such natural experiments is often difficult.
Trade Protection
The hypothesized link between FDI and trade protection is seen as fairly clear by
most trade economists-higher trade protection should make firms more likely to
substitute affiliate production for exports to avoid the costs of trade production. This is
commonly termed tariff-jumping FDI. Perhaps because the theory is fairly simple and
general, there have been few studies to specifically test this hypothesis. Another possible
reason is data-driven. It is difficult to quantify non-tariff forms of protection in a
consistent fashion across industries. Many firm-level studies have controlled for various
trade protection programs using industry-level measures, but often with mixed results,
including Grubert and Mutti [1991], Kogut and Chang [1996], and Blonigen [1997]. An
alternative to industry measures is provided by antidumping measures which apply firmspecific antidumping duties that are often quite large. Using these more precise
measures of changes to a trade protection faced by a firm, Belderbos [1997] and Blonigen
[2002] both find more robust evidence of tariff-jumping FDI, though Blonigen
`s results
strongly suggest that such responses are only seen from multinational firms based in
developed countries. This may be another reason why support for tariff-jumping of other
measures of trade protection have been mixed
VFDI requires substantial costs that many
small exporting firms may not be able to finance or find profitable. Indeed, trade
protection may explicitly target such import sources where FDI is less likely.
11 This
would suggest one way in which FDI and trade protection may be endogenous, an issue
that has been hardly explored empirically. An exception is Blonigen and Figlio [1998]
that finds evidence that an increase in FDI into a US Senator
`s state or US house
s district increases their likelihood to vote for further trade protection.
Trade Effects
The previous partial-equilibrium studies discussed to this point have largely ignored
trade effects of FDI, which are intimately connected with underlying motivations of FDI
12 Perhaps the most commonly cited motivation for FDI is as a substitute for
exports to a host country. As laid out by the model of Buckley and Casson [1981], one can
think of exports as involving lower fixed costs, but higher variable costs of transportation
and trade barriers. Servicing the same market with affiliate sales from FDI allows one to
substantially lower these variable costs, but likely involves higher fixed costs than
exports. This suggests a natural progression from exports to FDI once the foreign
_s demand for the MNE_s products reach a large enough scale (size).13
Early papers by Lipsey and Weiss [1981, 1984] find a positive coefficient when
regressing US outbound FDI measures to host countries on exports to the host countries,
which is inconsistent with the notion of FDI replacing exports. However, these papers
ignore the endogeneity that comes from the characteristics of the host market that would
generally tend to increase or decrease MNEs
_ desire to FDI and export to the market in
the same direction. Grubert and Mutti [1991] instrument for export sales and estimate
a negative coefficient using similar data to Lipsey and Weiss [1981], though it is statistically insignificant.
Blonigen [2001] considers the issue that trade flows may be either finished products
that are substitutes for the product that would be produced by an MNE
_s affiliate in the
same country or intermediate inputs that would be used by the MNE
_s affiliate to
produce a finished product. The former situation would suggest a negative correlation
between trade and FDI, whereas the latter would see a positive association between the
two. Blonigen uses product-level trade and FDI data for Japanese 10-digit Harmonize
Tariff System (HTS) products in the United States to show that new FDI in the US by
Japanese firms increases Japanese exports of related intermediate inputs for these
products, whereas new FDI leads to declines in Japanese exports of the same finished
products. Head and Ries [2001] and Swenson [2004] show similar evidence when using
data on Japanese firm-level data or US industry level data, respectively.
An underlying issue to the discussion above is that relationships between firms (such
as suppliers of inputs to assemblers) have the power to affect FDI decisions. Japanese
firms often have much more formal and public connections between suppliers and
assemblers, which are called vertical
keiretsu. Head et al. [1995] explores whether
location of other Japanese firms in a US state or neighboring states by firms of the same
keiretsu affects subsequent FDI for a Japanese MNE. They find that it does,
particularly for the automobile sector, and assign this as evidence for agglomeration
economies between such firms with formal supplier
Yassembler relationships.
Other studies have considered the impact of horizontal
keiretsu on Japanese FDI
activity. Horizontal
keiretsu are conglomerate groupings of firms across many industries,
but centered around a major Japanese bank. Three potential effects of such groups for
FDI activity have been suggested. The primary potential effect is use of the horizontal
keiretsu_s bank as a source of cheaper funding, which would increase the firm_s total, as
well as foreign investment. As argued by Hoshi et al. [1991], such relationships with a
member_s keiretsu bank can reduce monitoring costs and lowering the cost of capital.
Their analysis of Japanese manufacturing firms finds evidence that those in horizontal
keiretsu are less liquidity-constrained in their investment activity than other firms.
Subsequent studies examined whether membership in such horizontal
keiretsu increases
a Japanese firm
_s FDI, but often found insignificance or sensitive results [Belderbos and
Sleuwaegen, 1996].
Blonigen et al. [2005] focuses on another possible effect of these horizontal
keiretsuVexchange of information. Executives of the largest firms in a keiretsu often
participate in
BPresidential Council^ meetings, where surveys find that information
exchange is the primary activity. Blonigen et al. [2005] hypothesizes that such exchanges
may lower the costs of acquiring information on sites for future affiliates and lead to a
positive effect of previous FDI by horizontal
keiretsu firms on a firm_s FDI location
decision. Using a data on Japanese firm FDI locations across the world from 1985
through 1991, they find that recent FDI by fellow horizontal
keiretsu firms of at least 100
employees increases the probability of a firm locating in that same region by 20 percent.
They also confirm the findings of Head et al. [1995] on the agglomeration effects of
keiretsu FDI for a world sample of locations, not just US location.
General Equilibrium Analysis of FDI Decisions and Location
Ideally, the FDI literature would have an established model and empirical
specification that lays out the primary long-run determinants of FDI location. This
would enable sound empirical analysis of how such worldwide FDI patterns are affected
by government intervention, such as taxation and trade policies, while controlling for
underlying changes in long-run determinants of FDI activity. As we will see, the literature
_s focus on partial equilibrium frameworks discussed above is due to the difficulty of
building a model that accounts for general equilibrium features that is tied back to
microeconomic decision making. The concern with evidence from partial equilibrium
models is that they ignore important long-run general-equilibrium factors that affect
FDI decisions and locations. This can then lead to omitted variable bias in the empirical
specification. This is particularly a concern when studies run cross-sectional data only
(which a number of studies discussed above do), since this has an implicit assumption
that the data represent some (long-run) equilibrium.
15 The alternative is to examine
time series data, assuming that omitted variables reflecting long-run determinants are
not changing significantly over the time period of the sample
Vi.e., focus only on the
short-run factors, assuming long-run factors are constant. This is probably not
reasonable for samples that span more than a few years in length. Thus, there is a real
need for an empirical specification that can encompass both short- and long-run factors,
whereas the literature surveyed above (with the exception of papers surveyed in the
section on trade protection) is concerned only with short-run activity. After first
discussing why it is difficult to generate such an empirical framework, this section then
describes the literature
_s efforts to construct such an empirical model and what
determinants of FDI appear to be robust long-run determinants in the literature to this point.
To understand the evolution of studies on the general-equilibrium determinants of
FDI, it is informative to look at the parallel literature examining similar issues in trade.
In the latter half of the twentieth century until the 1990s, trade theory and trade
empirics rarely crossed paths. The period was dominated until the 1980s by the elegant
general equilibrium theory of Heckscher-Ohlin where trade flow predictions are based
primarily (exclusively) on differences in relative endowments of production factors
between countries. However, attempts to reconcile the theory with the data were often
unsuccessful, including the Leontief paradox that US exports appeared to be more laborintensive than its imports.16 A huge hurdle for generating an exact testing equation out
of the Heckscher
YOhlin model is the possible indeterminancy of trade flow predictions
from the model when there are more that two countries and more than two factors
of production.
During this time, however, there was an empirical literature that was able to
successfully fit and predict trade flows between countries. This specification is known as
the gravity model of trade, which specifies trade flows between countries as primarily a
function of the GDP of each country and the distance between the two countries.
Unfortunately, the gravity model appeared to have no theoretical foundation and was not
held in very high standing by most of the profession for decades.
Recent trade literature has led to a melding of theory and empirics. First, there has
been the realization that the gravity specification characterizes basic predictions by
many various models of trade, including variations of Heckscher-Ohlin (see Deardorff
[1998]). Second, theoretical foundations for the gravity model have been established by a
series of papers, the most recent of which is Anderson and van Wincoop [2003]. As a
result, a gravity empirical specification for trade flows is now back in fashion, this time
with theoretical foundations to support it.
Studies of FDI flows are considerably behind the parallel trade literature, but face
even more daunting issues. As with trade flows, a gravity specification actually fits crosscountry data on FDI reasonably well. However, there is no similar paper to Anderson and
van Wincoop [2003] that lays out a tractable model that specifically identifies gravity
variables as the sole determinants of FDI patterns. In fact, intuition and theory suggests
that MNE and FDI behavior is likely much more complicated to model than trade flows.
First, since Markusen [1984] and Helpman [1984], MNE general equilibrium theory has
suggested two very distinct motivations for FDI: To access markets in the face of trade
frictions (horizontal FDI) or to access low wages for part of the production process
(vertical FDI). More recently, a number of papers have begun to sketch out more
complicated patterns of FDI. For example, an important possibility is export platform
FDI [Ekholm et al., 2003, and Bergstrand and Egger, 2004] where a MNE places FDI into
a host country to serve as a production platform for exports to a group of (neighboring)
host countries. Another important example is a more complicated vertical interaction (or
fragmentation) result where affiliates of an MNE in a variety of hosts are shipping
intermediate goods between them for further processing before shipping a (more)
finished product back to the parent (see e.g., Baltagi et al. [2004]).
Suggestive evidence of these various channels can be seen from US MNE statistics
collected by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Statistics. Table 1 provides illustrative data
from the 1999 Benchmark Survey of US MNE activity. The first column provides data on
_ local sales in the country in which they are located. This presumably matches
up with horizontal motivations for FDI. The next column provides data on sales back to
the US, which is connected with vertical motivations for FDI. The third column of data
shows sales by affiliates to unrelated parties in other foreign countries which should
gauge export platform FDI activity. And the final column shows sales by affiliates to
affiliates in other foreign countries which could be consistent with vertical fragmentation
across multiple hosts if these sales are of intermediate goods, or more in the spirit of
export platform FDI if these are final goods being shipped to a related wholesaler in the
foreign country.
One way to interpret Table 1 is that the assumption that FDI is simply horizontal
FDI is perhaps not a bad one. Sales to the local market account for about two-thirds of
Composition of Sales of US Affiliates Abroad, 1999, in Millions of Dollars
Local Sales in
Host Country
Sales Back
to US
Sales to Unaffiliated
Parties in Other
Foreign Countries
Sales to Related
Affiliates in Other
Foreign Countries
Dollars % of Total Dollars % of Total Dollars % of Total Dollars % of Total
All US activity 1,494,903 67.4% 230,975 10.4% 216,613 9.8% 276,904 12.5%
Manufacturing 651,982 58.9% 165,731 15.0% 110,119 9.9% 179,533 16.2%
Non-manufacturing 842,921 75.8% 65,244 5.9% 106,494 9.6% 97,371 8.8%
Canada 197,222 70.1% 78,081 27.8% 3,600 1.3% 2,348 0.8%
Europe 803,860 65.9% 53,629 4.4% 159,130 13.0% 203,850 16.7%
Asia and Pacific 304,177 71.4% 47,255 11.1% 30,944 7.3% 43,904 10.3%
Latin America 165,678 65.9% 43,544 17.3% 18,620 7.4% 23,722 9.4%
Source: Table 3.F.1, US Bureau of Economic Analysis.
US affiliate sales, and this is true even for the Latin America region that is comprised
solely of less-developed countries with substantially lower wages than the US. On the
other hand, there is reasonable activity in these other types of activities listed in Table 1,
suggesting that other motivations play a role as well. As one would expect, affiliate sales
back to the US (evidence for vertical motivations of FDI) are higher than average for the
Latin America region and, interestingly, even higher for Canada, where almost 28
percent of US affiliates there ship back to the US. Sales to other foreign countries as a
percent of total sales are largest for Europe, suggesting export platform FDI plays a
reasonably significant role there.
The primary issues with translating MNE general equilibrium theory to an empirical
specification is the complexity of the theoretical models that generally do not have closed
form solutions and a multitude of dirty data issues connected with country-level
measures of MNE activity. One of the first attempts to match predictions of a general
equilibrium model of MNE behavior to data is Brainard [1993a, 1997]. Brainard [1993a]
develops a two-country, two-factor general equilibrium model of horizontal MNE activity
with a differentiated sector of monopolistically competitive firms, where MNEs may
arise, and a perfectly competitive homogeneous goods sector. With sufficient assumptions
on the model and parameter values, Brainard [1997] derives an equation for the
proportion of sales by the MNE that are exports to total foreign sales (affiliate sales plus
exports). This variable is inversely related to the frictions incurred with exporting, such
as transport and tariff costs, and directly on the significance of plant-level fixed costs.
Brainard [1997] uses a cross-section of US affiliate sales and export activity by country
and industry to test her hypotheses and finds evidence that trade frictions and plant level
fixed effects have their expected impacts on the ratio of exports to total foreign sales.
`s studies were a crucial (first) step, but had a few weaknesses. First, the
assumption in the model of symmetrically identical countries precluded analysis of how
country size matters for cross-country FDI, much less how factor endowment differences
may matter. The focus on plant-level fixed costs also makes this more a model to examine
cross-industry differences than cross-country differences.
A parallel path of developing ever-more sophisticated models of MNE behavior was
undertaken by James Markusen and co-authors in the 1990s. Building first off of
Markusen [1984] to clarify the horizontal model of MNEs, a
Bknowledge-capital model^
was developed in Markusen et al. [1996] and Markusen [1997] that unified horizontal
and vertical motivations of MNEs. Similar to Brainard
_s studies, these Markusen models
have typically been two-country, two-factor, two-sector models. However, unlike
Brainard, the imperfectly competitive sector is Cournot oligopolists and there is added
complexity in assumptions of differing factor requirements for headquarter services of
MNEs, production, and transportation of goods. The added complexity and more flexible
assumptions means simulations, rather than closed-form solutions, are necessary to
explore the role of various factors on MNE behavior. An important result of these models
is that factor endowments may matter significantly for FDI patterns, in addition to the
traditional gravity variables, such as trade and FDI frictions (that may be proxied by
distance) and parent and host market sizes (proxied by GDP).
Carr et al. [2001] provided the first empirical examination of the knowledge-capital
_s hypotheses. From numerical simulations of the model they conjecture an
empirical specification where affiliate sales in a host country is a function of GDP of the
two countries, trade costs of the two countries, FDI costs, and differences in factor
endowments between the parent and the host. The last term is labeled
Bskill differences^
as the prediction comes from a two-factor model of skilled and unskilled labor. The
complexity of the model gives rise to nonlinearities in the simulated results which the
authors capture with a GDP sum and GDP difference term and interactions between the
skill difference, the host country
_s trade costs, and the GDP difference. In rough terms,
the horizontal side of the model predicts a positive coefficient on the GDP sum term, a
negative coefficient on the GDP difference term, and a positive sign on the host trade
cost variable. The identifying coefficient on the vertical side is on the skill difference
variable which should be positive.
19 The authors use a panel dataset of bilateral countrylevel US outbound and inbound affiliate sales from 1986Y1994, and find empirical
evidence for both the horizontal and vertical motivations for FDI, consistent with this
Bknowledge-capital^ model.
A number of issues are a concern with these important, but initial, attempts to
estimate general-equilibrium determinants of FDI patterns. The most specific critique
was that of Blonigen et al. [2003] which points out a significant error in variable
specification in Carr et al. [2001]. For US inbound affiliate sales, the skill difference
variable is always negative (foreign countries are always less skilled than the US in the
data). Thus, a positive coefficient for this variable on these observations is suggesting
that affiliate sales goes up when skill differences decline!
20 This contrasts with observations of US outbound where the skill difference variable is always positive in value and
a positive coefficient suggests that affiliate sales increases as skill differences increase.
The obvious alternative fixes for this are to either estimate a separate coefficient for
outbound and inbound observations or specify the skill variable as an absolute difference
from zero. Blonigen et al. [2003] show that regardless of how you fix this error, it
completely switches the sign from the original Carr et al. [2001] paper and no longer
supports the vertical motivations for MNE activity.
The issue of whether there is evidence for significant vertical FDI is an interesting
one. An earlier empirical paper by Brainard [1993b] examined whether US affiliate sales
back to their US parents were sensitive to factor proportion differences using bilateral
country data and also found little support of this. Yeaple [2003], however, runs a
specification similar in spirit to Brainard with US MNE affiliate activity, but interacts
factor endowment differences with industry factor intensities and then uncovers vertical
motivations (as well as horizontal motivations). Namely, he finds that factor endowment
differences increase FDI for industries that intensively use the factor in which the host
country has the comparative advantage. Looking for the effects of factor endowment
differences specifically in the right industries is the key. These results are also in line
with recent micro-level evidence on US affiliate activity by Hanson et al. [2003] and
Feinberg and Keene [2001, 2003] that finds substantial vertical activity going on for
certain manufacturing sectors and host countries and for which factor prices and trade
costs have the signs one would expect with vertical FDI activity. It seems clear that
vertical motivations are not prevalent in the general FDI patterns. Rather, such motivations for FDI show up as important for only a few particular manufacturing sectors,
such as machinery and electronics.
Other more general issues with the general-equilibrium models concern data quality
and characteristics of the data. As discussed in Blonigen and Davies [2004], residuals
from estimating the Carr et al. [2001] empirical specification on a sample of bilateral
observations of FDI to developed and less-developed countries are far from white noise.
In fact, the model substantially under-predicts affiliate sales to developed countries and
over-predicts affiliate sales in less-developed countries even after allowing for interactions of a less-developed country dummy with the other independent variables and
country fixed effects.
22 There are likely two contributing and related factors here. First,
the FDI data are highly skewed with most of the activity confined to OECD countries.
One simple way to statistically control for this is to log the data, which interestingly
is the typical practice with gravity models, whereas Carr et al. [2003] used interactions of variables in levels to deal with non-linearities.
23 In Blonigen and Davies [2004],
logging the variables goes a long way toward generating white noise residuals, but
not completely. This suggests that the factors that determine FDI into developed
countries is simply much different than into less-developed countries, and that these
differences are still not captured adequately in the empirical specifications that we
currently estimate.
A final important issue with these previous MNE models and resulting empirical
examination of their hypotheses is the modeling of a two-country framework with testing
done on bilateral country pairings. This assumes that the FDI decisions by MNEs in a
parent country into a particular host country are independent of their FDI decisions to
any other host country. But clearly this is not a good assumption for the variety of MNE
motivations mentioned above. A vertical FDI decision by an MNE involves picking the
best low-cost host at the expense of other potential host locations. An export platform
strategy likewise involves picking the best host country and presumably leaving other
neighboring countries in a low-FDI shadow. To what extent these interdependences still
show up in the estimates after aggregating individual firm decision-making is an open
question. However, theoretical modeling of such MNE decisions will clearly be affected
by having more than two countries and one would guess that estimation on data
reflecting the aggregation of these decisions also needs to account for such host-market
Work on this in the literature is extremely recent, with a number of recent papers
applying spatial econometric techniques to allow for interdependence of FDI activity (the
dependent) variable across host countries. Coughlin and Segev [2000] estimated that FDI
into neighboring provinces increases FDI into a Chinese province and assign this as
evidence of agglomeration externalities.
24 In contrast, Blonigen et al. [2004] estimate a
negative effect of neighboring-country FDI on the amount of US FDI received by a
European country, while finding that neighboring GDPs increase FDI. These two effects
provide evidence for export-platform FDI.
25 Baltagi et al. [2004] develop a model of MNE
activity in a multi-country world that predicts how a variety of neighboring country
characteristics (GDP, trade costs, endowments, etc.) should affect FDI into a focus country
depending on MNE motivations (horizontal, vertical, export-platform, etc.). Using data
on US outbound FDI in seven manufacturing industries they find mixed evidence that
mildly supports export-platform and vertical fragmentation MNE motivations in the
data. These studies show that spatial interdependence matters for FDI patterns, but that
the sample one chooses in geographic space to estimate these relationships can substantially
affect the estimated interdependencies.
The literature on the determinants of MNE decisions and FDI location is quite
substantial, though arguably still in its infancy. Our theoretical hypotheses come out of
modeling firm-level decisions. A large body of literature takes these partial equilibrium
predictions of a MNE
_s FDI decisions and examines how (exogenous) factors, such as
taxes and exchange rates, affect these firm-level decisions. A more recent body of literature has begun to frame such MNE decisions in a general equilibrium framework and
generates predictions of how fundamental country-level factors affect aggregate country
level FDI behavior. Regardless of the approach, the interconnectedness of FDI
behavior with trade flows and the underlying motivation for MNE behavior complicates
analysis. Many strands of the partial equilibrium FDI literature have largely ignored this
issue, while the general equilibrium models have begun to grapple with this issue.
In the final analysis, the empirical literature on determinants of FDI is still young
enough that most hypotheses are still up for grabs. Thus, it is perhaps not surprising
that Chakrabarti [2001] finds that most determinants of cross-country FDI are fairly
fragile statistically. However, as this survey of the literature reveals, the issues are
complicated enough that broad general hypotheses
Vsuch as taxes generally discourage
Vsimply should not be expected once one takes a closer look. The more insightful
and innovative papers in the literature have developed hypotheses about when a factor
should matter and when it should not matter, and then find creative ways to test these
hypotheses in the data. The ever greater availability of micro-level data should also help
in the future to clear some of the muddy waters. Again, the better papers in the literature have been cognizant of how data issues affect interpretation of their results, and
this will be a key issue as the literature moves forward.
1For example, US Census [2001] finds that 47% of the US`s trade with other countries was
intrafirm in 1999.
2Feenstra and Hanson [2004] provide an important empirical contribution to this mainly
theoretical literature where they find that the choice of ownership by a multinational firm in a
Chinese factory is related to thickness of the export market and the extent to which this affects the
relationship-specificity between the multinational firm and the Chinese factories.
3McCulloch [1989, p. 188] provides a simple sketch of this argument.
4The final sample includes 16 yearly observations for five US partnersVCanada, France,
Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom.
5There is also a significant literature on transfer pricing (shifting income via intrafirm pricing
to minimize tax burden) which is beyond the scope of this review, but is likely endogenous with
decisions of FDI.
6A number of previous studies to Slemrod [1990] had explored other issues with Hartman`s
results, but continued to confirm his findings. See de Mooij and Ederveen [2003] for a discussion of
these studies.
7As Hines [1999] points out, the evidence that state taxes affect domestic investment is likewise
8This paper is focused only on studies of taxation on the decision to FDI and the accompanying
location decision. There is an extensive related literature that also examines how tax laws affect
financing decisions, repatriation decisions [e.g., Desai et al., 2001], and mode of FDI [e.g., Desai and
Hines, 1999].
9Withholding tax rates are applied to repatriated income above and beyond the corporate
income taxes that have been the focus of the discussion so far.
10It is not always clear that promotion of FDI is a natural goal of the participants of these
negotiations, as some have suggested that these treaties are more about uncovering tax evasion by
MNEs. In a related vein, Chisik and Davies [2004] examine the expected outcomes of bilateral tax
treaties when one of the countries has substantially more FDI in the other country. Their theory
and statistical evidence suggests that such asymmetric bilateral partners are not able to negotiate
as large of reductions in withholding tax rates as more symmetric pairs of countries.
11See Ellingsen and Warneryd [1999] for a theoretical analysis that derives an optimal tariff as
one that does not cross a level that would lead to FDI by the foreign firms.
12An obvious exception is Cushman [1985].
13As we will discuss below, an entire literature beginning with Markusen [1984] has developed a
similar model of horizontal FDI in a general equilibrium framework.
14These insignificant results may not be surprising in light of Miwa and Ramseyer [2002] which
argues that the possibility of such economic effects from horizontal groupings is unlikely,
particularly the lower cost of capital story. Their main argument is that financing from non
keiretsu sources accounts for the majority of total investment financed by keiretsu firms and that
this share has been increasing over time. Although this does not rule out that
keiretsu financing
has an important impact on the margin!
15Without this assumption, the possibility of various cross-sectional units displaying out-ofequilibrium behavior makes the interpretation of the econometric estimates difficult at best.
16This paradox remained in the literature for 30 years until Leamer [1980] found a resolution.
This resolution did not address, however, a way in which one could get a general empirical
specification from the Heckscher
YOhlin framework to model trade flows between countries that
could perform as well as the gravity model.
17The development of new trade theory no doubt was helpful in this process as it broke the
monopoly that Heckscher
YOhlin trade theory had on a generation of ideas in the profession and
made researchers open to considering a variety of alternative theoretical models of trade, one of
which underlies the theoretical modeling for the gravity empirical specification.
18Brainard labels this a Bproximity-concentration trade-off^ model because of these relationships though the more recent literature labels this Bhorizontal^ MNE activity.
19The interaction terms muddy the waters somewhat on expected signs and it is more exact to
say that the marginal effect of an increase in skill difference between parent and host on affiliate
sales should be positive to be consistent with vertical motivations.
20In other words, an increase in this variable is moving from a negative number to another
value close to zero where there is no skill difference between the parent and host country.
21Carr et al. [2003] objects to using an absolute difference of the skill variable because it
imposes symmetry that the model suggests is incorrect. Thus, allowing a separate coefficient for
negative ranges and positive ranges of the variable, which in this dataset corresponds to inbound
and outbound FDI, respectively, is likely the best way to handle this specification issue. Blonigen
et al. [2003] show that all these alternative specifications lead to a sign reversal of the skill
difference coefficient.
22The specification is also controlling for FDI costs, which include expropriation risks, etc.,
which may be a large concern with FDI into less-developed countries.
23An alternative, and more sophisticated, statistical correction is modeling the non-FDI
observations (or zeroes) as a different first-level process from the decision of how much to FDI
conditional on the decision to invest some positive amount. This is the approach in Razin et al.
24These models typically develop measures of neighboring countries` variables though a matrix
of weights inversely related to the distance of other countries in the sample.
25Head and Mayer [2004] focus exclusively on the impact of neighboring regions_ GDP (or
market potential) on Japanese FDI into Europe and find it has a significant positive correlation
with FDI.
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