A Proposal on a Technical Topic

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English 301:

Formal Proposal Guidelines

Assignment in Brief

Topic: A Proposal on a Technical Topic

Value: 20% of Your Total Grade

Due: Sunday, Week 15, December 25th at 11:59 PM

Length: 1500 Words (Between 1450 and 1550 Words)

Academic Honesty: All of the work in this paper must be your own.

Formal Proposal

In your future job, you may need to write a formal proposal on a variety of technical topics, ranging from policy changes in the company to a request for grant money to complete a study.

In this paper, you will choose a company in Riyadh and write a proposal to the directors of your company as an employee

The proposal must center on an engineering related topic that makes sense for your chosen company

The proposal must include at least six citations and references and at least two graphics

Each report will have 11 sections (see page 342 of your book):

1. Letter of Memo Transmittal 7. Body (or Discussion)

2. Title Page 8. Conclusion (or Summary)

3. Table of Contents 9. Glossary

4. List of Illustrations 10. Appendixes

5. Executive Summary (or Abstract) 11. Works Cited

6. Introduction

***Examples of Each Section Can Be Found on Pages 346 to 357 of Technical Writing for Success.

Introduction (See page 335 of your textbook)

1. Describe the situation or problem (Answer the “why?” in the reader’s mind.)

2. Establish the background of the situation or problem

3. Identify the sources of data for the proposal

4. Explain previous studies on this topic

5. Review the constraints or critical factors in regards to the situation or problem (e.g. cost,

time, size, manpower, etc.)

***Make sure to use well-crafted, persuasive language in your introduction

Body (See page 336 of your textbook for a full description of each section)

1. Methods 6. Plan for Evaluating Results

2. Scheduling 7. Feasibility

3. Capabilities 8. Budget

4. Materials and Equipment 9. Justification

5. Expected Results

***Make sure you include APA citations of all evidence presented


1. Sum the overall proposal using clear, cogent language

2. The conclusion should be brief, yet persuasive

Required Formatting

Introduction with clear thesis statement stating the objective of the proposal

Well organized, formatted and written body and conclusion to the report

Use 12 point font and double-spaced text with 1 Inch margins

No use of 1st or 2nd person (I or you) in the formal proposal text

No contractions in the text (E.g.: Can’t Cannot)

Minimum of six APA style citations (inside the formal report)

Minimum of six references (at the end of the formal report)

Minimum of two graphics (with citations) in the formal report

Formal Proposal Rubric

***Make sure to look at the Formal Proposal example on pages 346 to 357 of Technical Writing for Success







Very Good


On-Time Submission






Title Page and Front Matter (10%)
Introduction (10%)
Body Section




Figures, References and Citations


Glossary & Appendix (10%)

Total: /100%

For each criterion except “On-Time Submission,” the following scale will be used:

Excellent 100
Very Good 90
Good 80
Competent 70
Weak 60
Poor 50
Unacceptable 0

For “On-Time Submission,” you either receive a mark of 100 if it is submitted before the deadline, or a mark of 0 if it is submitted late. Please note that the late penalty (5% per calendar day as described in the course syllabus) will still be applied to the overall essay mark.