
181 views 7:11 am 0 Comments November 10, 2023

7005AFE Individual Presentation Assignment Brief, Assignment Guidelines and Rubric Assignment Brief Assignment Number and Weighting Individual Presentation (5 Credits) Anonymous marking No Submission Date and Time See Aula submission link Expected return of feedback and marked work 15 working days from the deadline Submission Procedure Electronically via Aula (Turnitin) ONLY Word Count 15-20 Slides PPT report with 10 minutes pre-recorded Video Assignment Title Pre-Recorded Video Presentation Assessment Learning Outcomes MLO1: Appraise the portfolio management process. MLO2: Analyse the risk and return of a portfolio. MLO3: Critically evaluate the impact of portfolio construction on portfolio risk & return. MLO4: Evaluate and present quantitative data to support an argument. MLO5: Select information technology tools to analyse and communicate financial data. This assignment is in the form of an Individual pre-recorded video Length: 15-20 Slides, 10 Minutes. Details of the task Specific Tasks You are working as a research analyst in a portfolio management company, and you are asked to create a new portfolio by suggesting a list of financial assets covering the main financial markets. You will prepare a PPT report (15-20 slides) to the Board, giving advice on your investment strategy. You need to create a video recording of your explanation of the slides. In your PPT, you should have a clear review of the selected financial markets, reasons for forming a diversified portfolio versus one or two individual equities, rationale of your choice, proposed portfolio strategy and analysis on the portfolio performance. You will only be able to submit one file to Aula, this must be your pre-recorded video file. Your video must clearly show all parts of your PowerPoint presentation. You also need to have your camera on while carrying out your presentation. Please note that there is a 100MB limit to the size of videos that can be uploaded to Aula. You should include ratios, graphics, tables, and analysis in written words in your slides. Examples of ratios and analysis, you can consider including in your slides to support your presentation: 1. The Risk, Return, Beta, Sharpe and Treynor ratios for each of the chosen securities and alternative portfolios. 2. Propose your portfolio strategy and calculate proportions of selected investments to minimise the risk of the selected Portfolio. 3. Present and critically assess the risk and return of this portfolio. 4. Calculate the proportions you would invest to maximise the Sharpe Ratio of the Portfolio. 5. Critically assess the Sharpe maximised portfolio. Assignment Guidelines Structure You have been asked to produce a presentation. It should contain the following: • Appropriate coversheet • Title Page, including the given title in full. • Contents Page • Introduction • Main body, which should also be organised under appropriate (sub)headings • Conclusion • References • Appendices, which should be numbered. o Make sure you refer your reader to them as required. Layout Your work should be appropriate presentation software Your name should appear on the submission. • Your student number should be included on every page. Additional Skills Attend a Spotlight session as advertised on Aula. Marking Criteria/Rubric Criterion & Learning Pillars Weight 0 Fail 2 (1-29) Fail 3 (30-39) Fail 4 (40-49) Pass 5 (50-59) 2:2 6 (60-69) 2:1 7 (70-79) Dis 8 (80-89) Dis 9 (90-99) Dis 10 (100) Dis 1 Cognitive (thinking) skills: Overview of performance of the chosen financial markets 15% No attempt Poor attempt Inadequate, Incomplete attempt Basic, satisfactory, acceptable illustration of developed and developing financial markets, and investigating of financial market integrations Reasonable, fair, and appropriate description of developed and developing financial markets, and investigating of financial market integrations Competent, good, commendable, and effective description of developed and developing financial markets, and investigating of financial market integrations Strong, proficient, and very welldone with the description of developed and developing financial markets, and investigating of financial market integrations Articulated, highly impressive, excellent description of developed and developing financial markets, and investigating of financial market integrations Superb, outstanding original description of developed and developing financial markets, and investigating of financial market integrations Faultless, publishable, industry standard description of developed and developing financial markets, and investigating of financial market integrations 2 Knowledge and Understanding and Skills: the awareness of reasons for creating 25% No attempt Poor attempt Inadequate, Incomplete attempt Generally right but basic interpretation of the awareness of creating A reasonable, satisfactory, and fair interpretation of the awareness of Good and competent interpretation of fund-raising reasons of the awareness of Strong and proficient interpretation of fundraising reasons of the Excellent and impressive interpretation of fundraising reasons of the Outstanding and superb original interpretation of fundraising Faultless, industry standard, original interpretation of fund- diversified portfolio diversified portfolio, the understanding of different levels of financial markets and how they function creating diversified portfolio, the understanding of different levels of financial markets and how they function creating diversified portfolio, the understanding of different levels of financial markets and how they function awareness of creating diversified portfolio, the understanding of different levels of financial markets and how they function. awareness of creating diversified portfolio, the understanding of different levels of financial markets and how they function. reasons of the awareness of creating diversified portfolio, the understanding of different levels of financial markets and how they function. raising reasons of the awareness of creating diversified portfolio, the understanding of different levels of financial markets and how they function. 3 Practical Skills: fundamental analysis towards risk, return, sharp ratio, beta, and other financial information 25% No attempt Poor attempt, not relevant financial information provided Inadequate, Incomplete attempt as assignment requested. Identify and illustrate partial of fundamental analysis towards companies’ essential financial information Identify and illustrate partial of financial information of fundamental analysis towards companies’ essential financial information. Competent and correctly identify and illustrate all essential financial information of fundamental analysis towards companies’ essential financial information. Strong, proficient, and correctly identify and illustrate all essential financial information of fundamental analysis towards companies’ essential financial information. Along with critical discussion. Excellent and impressive critical discussion towards all the identified essential financial information of fundamental analysis towards companies’ essential financial information. Superb and outstanding critical discussion towards all the identified essential financial information of fundamental analysis towards companies’ essential financial information. Faultless, industry standard critical discussion towards all the identified essential financial information of fundamental analysis towards companies’ essential financial information. 4 Transfer Skills: assess the risk and return of the proposed portfolio 20% No attempt Poor attempt Inadequate, Incomplete attempt Basic, satisfactory, acceptable discussion of portfolio theory, and the selection of companies. Reasonable, fair, and appropriate discussion of portfolio theory, and the selection of companies. Competent, good, and effective discussion of portfolio theory, and the selection of companies. Strong and proficient discussion of portfolio theory, and the selection of companies. Articulated and impressive discussion of portfolio theory, and the selection of companies. Superb and outstanding discussion of portfolio theory, and the selection of companies. Faultless and industry standard discussion of portfolio theory, and the selection of companies. 5 Practical skills and Referencing/ Citations: use of I.T. Acknowledgement of sources of written and presentation of information 15% No attempt Poor attempt The presentation is difficult to read, lacks professional presentation and does not follow format requirements. Insufficient reference and citation The oral presentation and slides read well but lacks professional presentation and does not follow format requirements. Basic reference and citation The oral presentation and slides are well presented in writing style and layout, following almost all format requirements. Reasonable reference and citation The oral presentation and slides are well presented in writing style and layout, following almost all format requirements. Competent reference and citation The oral presentation and slides are well presented in writing style and layout, following almost all format requirements. Proficient reference and citation The oral presentation and slides are well presented in writing style and layout, following almost all format requirements. Excellent reference and citation The oral presentation and slides are well presented in writing style and layout, following almost all format requirements. Outstanding reference and citation The oral presentation and slides are well presented in writing style and layout, following almost all format requirements. Publishable reference and citation

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