Assignment Objective

129 views 9:16 am 0 Comments November 17, 2023

Assignment Question
Explore the contribution of the T/3 Framework in the execution of various strategic choices as deployed by a company in an attempt to establish and maintain a competitive advantage. In so doing, you are asked to apply your knowledge to the analysis of the market-as-a-game with particular emphasis on the strategic interdependencies among rival players.

Assignment Objective
Your essay should critically assess the value-added of using the T/3 framework in contributing to an understanding of how players execute various strategies to establish and maintain a competitive advantage. The exchanges on Blackboard with Practicals I– IV and the Online Lectures have offered you the opportunity to gather your thoughts on the topics.

You should also use some case studies and your Workshop case research. A key objective is to outline the overlap between micro-economics and game theoretic concepts introduced in this Module. Using academic literature and coupled with the practical case research undertaken by your group during the Workshop or coupled with the research you may have undertaken in support of your individual Workshop Alternate Assignment, illustrate how the transaction cost economics and the economics of game theory can be used to reshape strategy. So, please do use real case study materials where appropriate.