21506 International Business Capstone

83 views 5:23 am 0 Comments October 9, 2023

21506 International Business Capstone – Assessment 2 Part A: Firm and Industry Analysis – Marking Criteria Criteria HD 85+ D 75-84 C 65-74 P 50-64 F <49 Structure Weight 20% Tot. 7 marks Very clear and concise outline. The overall report is systematically coherent and have excellent logical linkages between different subsections. Clear and concise outline and direction of the report. The overall report is coherent and present logical linkages between different subsections. Appropriate outline and direction of the report. The overall report presents some level of coherence and logical linkages between different subsections. Vague outline and direction of the report. Limited coherence and weak logical linkages between different subsections. No outline and direction of the report. No coherence and no logical linkages between different subsections. Firm Analysis Weight 40% Tot. 14 marks – Comprehensive analysis of the selected international firm. – In-depth evaluation of firm’s internationalisation strategy and structure. – Outstanding application of VRIO framework and other relevant tools to identify strengths and weaknesses of the international firm. – Well-developed analysis of the selected international firm. – Professional evaluation of firm’s internationalisation strategy and structure. – Good application of VRIO framework and other relevant tools to identify strengths and weaknesses of the international firm. – Appropriate analysis of the selected international firm. – Limited evaluation of firm’s internationalisation strategy and structure. – Appropriate application of VRIO framework and other relevant tools to identify strengths and weaknesses of the international firm. – Superficial analysis of the selected international firm. – Some attempts of evaluation of firm’s internationalisation strategy and structure. – Limited application of VRIO framework and other relevant tools to identify strengths and weaknesses of the international firm. – Poor analysis of the selected international firm. – No evaluation of firm’s internationalisation strategy and structure. – Very limited application of VRIO framework and other relevant tools to identify strengths and weaknesses of the international firm. Industry analysis Weight 30% Tot. 10.5 marks – Comprehensive analysis of the industry in the selected firm’s home country. – In-depth evaluation of the industry level environment and its impact on business practices for international firms. – Outstanding application of relevant theories or tools to identify strengths and weaknesses of the industry. – Well- developed analysis of the industry in the selected firm’s home country. – Professional evaluation of the industry level environment and its impact on business practices for international firms. – Good application of relevant theories or tools to identify strengths and weaknesses of the industry. – Appropriate analysis of the industry in the selected firm’s home country. – Limited evaluation of the industry level environment and its impact on business practices for international firms. – Appropriate application of relevant theories or tools to identify strengths and weaknesses of the industry. – Superficial analysis of the industry in the selected firm’s home country. – Some attempts of evaluation of the industry level environment and its impact on business practices for international firms. – Limited application of relevant theories or tools to identify strengths and weaknesses of the industry. – Poor analysis of the industry in the selected firm’s home country. – No evaluation of the industry level environment and its impact on business practices for international firms. – Very limited application of relevant theories or tools to identify strengths and weaknesses of the industry. Referencing Weight 10% Tot. 3.5 marks A comprehensive range and use and accurate citation of appropriate types of relevant recommended sources required including but not limited to up-to-date relevant high impact journal articles, latest data for country analysis, relevant textbooks, news, TV and magazine articles. No Wikipedia sources used. A wide range and correct use of citation of appropriate types of relevant recommended sources required including but not limited to up-to-date journal articles, latest data for country analysis textbooks, news, TV and magazine articles. No Wikipedia sources used. Mostly relevant use of current and recommended sources required including but not limited to up-todate journal articles, latest data for country analysis, textbooks, news, TV and magazine articles. Occasional incorrect use of citation. No Wikipedia sources used. Some relevant use of current and recommended sources required including but not limited to up-todate journal articles, latest data for country analysis, textbooks, news, TV and magazine articles. Many errors in the citation of reference material. No Wikipedia sources used. Inadequate use of current and recommended sources (old sources) and irrelevantly selected sources not including up-to-date journal articles, latest data for country analysis, textbooks, news, TV and magazine articles. Wikipedia sources used.

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