COM202 Sustainability Assignment

How can Singapore bridge the gap between climate change awareness and sustainable actions? While many people in Singapore are aware of environmental issues, fewer adopt green practices. On Earth Day,…

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Marketing Communication Assignment

Description ETTE TEA COMPANY (based in Singapore) has launched its products since 2014. They are a contemporary tea company specializing in tea blends with Singapore and Southeast Asian taste. Starting…

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POL246: Public Policy Analysis Research Paper

Assignment 1: Policy Problem Scoping Paper: 700 Words (25%) It is recommended you choose the same policy for Assignment 2: Policy problem scoping paper, and Assignment 3: Policy Briefing paper.…

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BUS21 International Logistics Assignment

Assessment 2 – Proposed Logistics Solutions ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION Note that this is a group assignment. Groups should consist of no more than four (4) members. For this assignment, groups should…

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HE3002 Take-home Quiz Instructions: 1) Do the following 5 questions in 48 hours as a take-home assignment. 2) Discussions around peers are strictly NOT allowed. 3) Please make sure to…

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HE3002 Take-home Quiz Instructions: 1) Do the following 5 questions in 48 hours as a take-home assignment. 2) Discussions around peers are strictly NOT allowed. 3) Please make sure to…

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Course Assignment Assignment

Assignment Task: cuts across departmental boundaries with an interdependent relationship between marketing and operations, requiring that they communicate, share their knowledge and experience to inform what the organization produces and…

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Part A Questions You have been hired by Vacoliday as a Database Architect to undertake a database project to support the data needs of the company. Your job in this…

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