Assignment Brief
Academic Year 2022-23
code and title: FY027: Preparing for Success at University: Self Development and Responsibility Module leader: Cadmel Misiani Assignment No. and type: CW1: Portfolio Assessment weighting: 60% Submission time and date: time 9-Jun-23 Target feedback time and date: 3 weeks Assignment task
1. Using materials generated by the project classes and through your independent study, populate a portfolio of evidence of your development of social and ethical awareness and responsibility during the module.
2. Write a 500-word summary to answer the question: • How and why have the project workshop activities developed your social and ethical awareness and responsibility?
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
1: Demonstrate effective communication skills, applicable to academic and professional contexts. 3: Identify own academic and professional development needs and create an action plan 4: Demonstrate an awareness of the global context of higher education and employment
Referencing and presentational requirements
Please reference your work using the Harvard style or the style specified by the subject lecturer where there is a specific professional requirement to use an alternative to Harvard. For most students this will be the Harvard style. The styles are defined in Cite Them Right Online (http://www.citethemriqhtonline.corn). Written work submitted as part of this assignment should be presented according to the following: • The essay should be 1.5 line spaced
Internal approval: Name, Date