Contemporary Management Studies
Assessment – Suggested Structure
• NOT to your topic area, but to the essay
• Provide a clear structure in this part
Background to topic area
• Critical Literature Review – Brief history of:
o its emergence
o its definition(s)
o the way it has been studied
o where it has been studied
o the theoretical perspectives that have underpinned its study
Organisational Goals
• Why is this topic important to companies?
• How does it relate to achieving their organisational goals?
Management Practice
• Why is this topic important to managers?
• How does it impact of their everyday practice?
• How do they know about it?
• What guidance do they receive?
Think about how this provides insight
• Problematise the topic:
o What have been the dominant assumptions?
o What have been the research assumptions?
o What are the values of those undertaking the research / those putting the research
into practice?
o What could be done differently?
o Whose views have been prioritised, what other stakeholder are there, what other
perspectives are there?
o Are there ethical implications?
• How might your understanding / different approaches provide new insights in to the
management function?
o Introduce your meta theoretical understanding
• Whose problems are being ‘solved’?
• What have you learned from this learning journey?