Prepare financial statements

114 views 10:30 am 0 Comments March 3, 2023

Student Name Student Number
Unit Code/s & Name/s FNSACC414 Prepare financial statements for non-reporting entities
Cluster Name
If applicable
Assessment Type ☐ Assignment Project Case Study Portfolio
Third Party Report (Workplace) Third Party Report (Peer) Other
Assessment Name Assessment 1 Assessment Task No. 1 of 2
Assessment Due Date Date Submitted / /
Assessor Feedback:



Attempt 1 Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Date / /
Assessor Name Assessor Signature
Student provided with feedback and reassessment arrangements (check box when completed) Date scheduled for reassessment / /
Attempt 2 Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Date / /
Assessor Name Assessor Signature
Note to Assessor: Please record below any reasonable adjustment that has occurred during this assessment e.g. written assessment given orally.



Assessment Criteria / Benchmarks

The evidence submitted demonstrates that the student has satisfactorily:

Attempt 1

Attempt 2









Part A

Recorded accounts in the correct account class

Listed, and explained advantages / disadvantages of 3 financial statements

Explained purpose of financial statements for

Managers / Business owners



Government Regulators

Named the governing body that issues Accounting Standards

Defined a reporting entity and non reporting entity; explained the reporting requirements of each

Identified 2 key pieces of legislation affecting taxable transactions and summarised the key features of each

Part B

Identified the formula to be used for each calculation

Calculated the ratios for 2019 and 2020, to 2 decimal places. Workings should be included

Comment on / analyse each ratio

Identify the small business benchmark and compare to Delizio Delicatessen

Gross profit ratio

Net profit ratio

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using ratios and comparison techniques

Part C

Reconstruct Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable General Ledger account.

Prepared a cash flow statement consistent with AASB107

Prepared a reconciliation of Net Profit with Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities

Use appropriate functions in Microsoft Excel. For example: cell referencing and totalling.