A Guide to Inserting a Screenshot in MS Word

114 views 9:02 am 0 Comments April 20, 2023

A Guide to Inserting a Screenshot in MS Word
Open and/or minimize the program/sheet you wish to create the screenshot from (in this
case your Excel document). As your screenshots are designed to show calculations, you
should make sure you have highlighted the relevant cell and that the function is clearly
visible in the function dialogue (fx) box.
Open your ‘Word’ document.
Select Insert/Screenshot/Screen Clipping.
Select the sheet you wish to create the screenshot from. The screen should fade and a
+ appear. Use the + as a cropping tool to select the required screenshot. Note: There is
no need to show every cell. (See Figure 1 in which one of the relevant cells is
highlighted (B3) and the function for column B is clearly visible.)
Label the screenshot appropriately.
If you need to create a screenshot of a column that is not located near the fx box (see Figure
2) you can:
Select the relevant cell. Double click on the cell to show the formula.
Create a screen clipping as per the instructions above. Provide an appropriate label.
To show several formulas in the one screenshot (see Figure 3) you can:
Select the relevant cells.
Select Formulas/Formula Auditing/Show Formulas.
Take the screenshot as per the directions above.
(Note: Text needs to be large enough to be read clearly.)