When working on this part of the assignment you should:
- Consult with your supervisor to identify a focus person you may be able to
work with - Talk to the focus person and ask their permission to work with them on your
assignment and explain what this will involve - Get written consent from the focus person confirming their agreement
- Describe the actions you took to promote this process of consultation with the supervisor and the focus person
2. Develop a background profile of the location you work in based on the following:
- The number of service users accessing the service where you work
- The diagnosis of these service users. For E.g. 6 have Down’s syndrome, 1 has Rett’s Syndrome, 2 have Intellectual Disability and epilepsy, and 4 are undiagnosed. You can access this information through your supervisor
- The documented level of Intellectual Disability of each of the service users