Detailed design of motorways

54 views 8:17 am 0 Comments March 25, 2023

Student name:
Include the title of project 1 here:
Include the title of project 2 here:
Section 1: Detailed design of motorways and interchanges preparation

Complete this section for Project 1.

Work requirements

Provide a summary of the project to be completed.

List all the documentation and data that you can access for the project and provide a brief description of each.
Legislation and policies and procedures

Outline the legislation, and policies and procedures that applies to detailed design of motorways and interchanges work.

Include at least two legislation and two policies and procedures.
Design plan

Include the title of detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan here.

Use the detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan template as included in your student resources.

Attach your completed plan to your Portfolio.

Detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan

Complete this section for Project 2.

Work requirements

Provide a summary of the project to be completed.

List all the documentation and data that you can access for the project and provide a brief description of each.
Legislation and policies and procedures

Outline the legislation, and policies and procedures that applies to detailed design of motorways and interchanges work.

Include at least two legislation and two policies and procedures.
Design plan

Include the title of detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan here.

Use the detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan template as included in your student resources.

Attach your completed plan to your Portfolio.

Detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan

Section 2: Detailed design of motorways and interchanges

Complete this section for Project 1.

Data analysis

Provide an analysis of the data that you have obtained as relevant to the detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan.

Your analysis must include calculating:







capacity requirements for motorways and interchanges

components sizes for motorways and interchanges.

Your analysis could be presented in various ways such as notes which you will then use for your presentation or in report form or in terms of screenshots if you are using specific software or as excel spreadsheets with accompany notes.

You can attach supporting evidence to your Portfolio as relevant.

Based on the analysis, you have completed, outline options as relevant to detailed design of motorways and interchanges project. Include a minimum of at least two options.

For each option, provide a cost estimate for that option, as well as a risk assessment.

You may present this in note form which you can then use for your formal presentation as below.

Develop a presentation based on all the work you have completed. You will need to provide this presentation to your team to seek their input, provide a report on progress and to gain approval for your work as completed to date.

Include the title of your presentation here and attach it to your Portfolio.

Supporting analysis evidence as relevant


Complete this section for Project 2.

Data analysis

Provide an analysis of the data that you have obtained as relevant to the detailed design of motorways and interchanges plan.

Your analysis must include calculating:







capacity requirements for motorways and interchanges

components sizes for motorways and interchanges.

Your analysis could be presented in various ways such as notes which you will then use for your presentation or in report form or in terms of screenshots if you are using specific software or as excel spreadsheets with accompany notes.

You can attach supporting evidence to your Portfolio as relevant.

Based on the analysis, you have completed, outline options as relevant to detailed design of motorways and interchanges project. Include a minimum of at least two options.

For each option, provide a cost estimate for that option, as well as a risk assessment.

You may present this in note form which you can then use for your formal presentation as below.

Develop a presentation based on all the work you have completed. You will need to provide this presentation to your team to seek their input, provide a report on progress and to gain approval for your work as completed to date.

Include the title of your presentation here and attach it to your Portfolio.

Supporting analysis evidence as relevant


Section 3: Finalisation of detailed design of motorways and interchanges

Complete this section for Project 1.

Documentation filing

Prepare an electronic folder for all your work for this project. File each document in suitably named folder. Take a screenshot of your folder structure.

You are required to review your work on the project by considering the following questions:

What do you think you did well?

What were challenges for you?

What could be improved?

Prepare an email to your assessor providing your review as per the questions above. As a guide your email would include 2 to 3 paragraphs.

Send your email to your assessor who will provide you with feedback.

Complete this section based on the feedback you have received from your assessor.


Document the feedback you received from your assessor here. What further thoughts do you have on the review of your work based on this feedback? Document this here.

Complete this section for Project 2.

Documentation filing

Prepare an electronic folder for all your work for this project. File each document in suitably named folder. Take a screenshot of your folder structure.

You are required to review your work on the project by considering the following questions:

What do you think you did well?

What were challenges for you?

What could be improved?

Prepare an email to your assessor providing your review as per the questions above. As a guide your email would include 2 to 3 paragraphs.

Send your email to your assessor who will provide you with feedback.

Complete this section based on the feedback you have received from your assessor.


Document the feedback you received from your assessor here. What further thoughts do you have on the review of your work based on this feedback? Document this here.