80 views 10:56 am 0 Comments August 24, 2023

L02 Evaluate organisational processes involved in the planning, implementation, and control of marketing activities

LO3 Evaluate key marketing issues and develop sustainable marketing strategies for an organisation facing a complex marketing situation


For your chosen organisation, develop an (abbreviated) strategic marketing plan. The plan is for the CEO and management team of the organisation.

Task 1

Provide a brief introduction including:

  1. Background information; and
  2. Purpose of the strategic marketing plan


Present information that clarifies any questions the reader might have as to why the document was written.

  1. Background information: such as the type of business structure, some details of ownership and management team, company history, vision/mission, core values, the nature of business
  2. Purpose of the strategic marketing plan that guides the company management in making the right business decisions, relevant to the mission, vision and values (such as increasing revenue, profits, reputation, repositioning, branding).

Task 2

  1. Conduct situation analysis.
  2. Provide critical issues from the findings of your situation analysis, and the strategic implications from your situation analysis.


  1. Conduct situation analysis (including a problem and opportunity statement).
  2. Summarise the findings, Issues and Implications of situation analysis. Synthesize the findings from the data collected in developing the situation analysis.

In other words, highlight:

    1. the most important findings;
    2. the most important issues; and
    3. strategic implications from your situation analysis.

It is important to discuss the issues/circumstances that have led to problems/opportunities. The reader needs to understand what has led to the problem/opportunity/issue. Show evidence.

Task 3

Based on the above situation analysis suggest and discuss:

  1. Strategic positioning and marketing objectives;
  2. Product market strategies;
  3. Segmentation, targeting and brand positioning strategies; and
  4. Customer value creation mix.


  1. State what marketing objectives (Use SMART objectives) have to be achieved and show how these will be met in terms of the revenue mix (product market strategies). State the rationale for these decisions and draw on the opportunities and threats identified in the situation analysis, to recommend strategic positioning.
  2. State what makes our product unique and features ideal for your target audience, and better than your competitors.
  3. State what segments you will be targeting, and the brand positioning strategies.
  4. State what will be the customer value creation mix and discuss how this will be achieved.

Where possible, your suggestions need to include the concept of sustainability.

Task 4

Marketing strategy implementation, control and evaluation.


Describe the overall approach to implementing the marketing strategy (pricing, distribution, advertising/social media management etc.) to reach the marketing goals/objectives over a period of time (monthly, quarterly or annual basis) and provided a brief description of the control mechanisms (market and cost analysis) that will be used to monitor performance.