Manage project integration

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Assessment Workbook: BSBPMG521

Manage project integration










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Moodle updates and changed title from Instructor Workbook to Trainer Guide




Copyright Statement

© Copyright National Training

Disclaimer All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, scanning, recording, or any information storage retrieval system without permission in writing from National Training. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of information used herein.

While every effort has been taken in the preparation of this publication, the publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein.





How do I use this guide? 6

Introduction 7

Application 7

Elements and Performance Criteria 7

Pre-requisites 8

Appeals and reassessment 8

Plagiarism 8

Referencing Materials 8

Understanding your results 9

Results Legend 9

Assessment activity 9

Assessment 1 & 2 Instructions 10

NCT relocation project – Part 1 Establishing, Planning and Designing 12

Case Study Part 2 – Execution of the Relocation Project 16

Assessment 1: Project Establishment Documents 17

Question 1 17

Question 2 17

Question 3 17

Question 4 17

Question 5 17

Question 6 17

Question 7 18

Question 8 18

Question 9 18

Question 10 18

Question 11 18

Assessment 2: Project Execution and Project Control Report 18

Question 1 18

Question 2 19

Question 3 19

Question 4 19

Assessment 3: Finalisation Report 19

Question 1 19

Question 2 19

Assessment 4: Q & A 20

Question 1 20

Question 2 20

Question 3 20

Question 4 20

Question 5 20

Question 6 20

Question 7 20

Question 8 20

Question 9 21

Question 10 21

Question 11 21

Question 12 21

Question 13 21

Question 14 21

Question 15 22

Question 16 22

Question 17 22

Question 18 23

Question 19 23

Question 20 23

Question 21 23

Question 22 23

Question 23 23

Question 24 23

Question 25 23

Question 26 24

Question 27 24

Question 28 24

Question 29 24

Question 30 24

Question 31 24

Question 32 24

Question 33 24

Templates 25

Project Initiation Document Checklist 25

Project Charter 26

Initiation stage 28

Planning stage 29

Execution stage 31

Monitoring and controlling stage 32

Closing stage 33

Cost 34

Communication 35

Human resources 36

Procurement and contracting 37

Project integration 38

Quality 39

Risk 40

Scope 41

Time 42

Project Management Plan Template 43

NCT – Relocation Project Minutes 44

Risk register and Response Plan 45

Issues Log 45

Project change request form 46

Appendices 47

Response Project plan schedule Example 47

Project plan as a Gantt chart 49







How do I use this guide?




This guide is divided into two sections:

The introduction section gives you information about the unit of competency you will be assessed in. For a comprehensive overview of the assessment process, the principles of assessment, refer to your ‘Student Handbook’ which was provided to you, by National Training, when you commenced your training. It’s also available online via the website:


The second section contains assessment activities each detailing:

Description of the assessments

Instructions for completing the assessment activities









This guide, together with the Assessment Activity forms the assessment tools for:

Unit code Title Training Package
BSBPMG521 Manage project integration

Business Services Training Package



This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to integrate and balance overall project management functions of scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risk and procurement across the project life cycle; and to align and track project objectives to comply with organisational goals, strategies and objectives.

It applies to individuals responsible for managing and leading a project in an organisation, business, or as a consultant.

Elements and Performance Criteria

1.0 Establish project

Identify, clarify and prepare project initiation documentation

Identify relationship between the project and broader organisational strategies and goals

Negotiate and document project objectives, outcomes and benefits

Negotiate project governance structure with relevant authorities and stakeholders

Prepare and submit project charter for approval by relevant authorities

2.0 Undertake project planning and design processes

Establish and implement a methodology to disaggregate project objectives into achievable project deliverables

Identify project stages and key requirements for stage completion against client requirements and project objectives

Analyse project management functions to identify interdependencies and impacts of constraints

Develop a project management plan that integrates all project-management functions with associated plans and baselines

Establish designated mechanisms to monitor and control planned activity

Negotiate approval of project plan with relevant stakeholders and project authority

3.0 Execute project in work environment

Manage the project in an established internal work environment to ensure work is conducted effectively throughout the project

Maintain established links to align project objectives with organisational objectives throughout the project

Within authority levels, resolve conflicts negatively affecting attainment of project objectives

4.0 Manage project control

Ensure project records are updated against project deliverables and plans at required intervals

Analyse and submit status reports on project progress and identified issues with stakeholders and relevant authorities

Analyse and submit impact analysis of change requests for approval, where required

Maintain relevant project logs and registers accurately and regularly to assist with project audit

Ensure associated plans are updated to reflect project progress against baselines and approved changes

5.0 Manage project finalisation

Identify and allocate project finalisation activities

Ensure project products and associated documentation are prepared for handover to client in a timely manner

Finalise financial, legal and contractual obligations

Undertake project review assessments as input to future projects


Not applicable

Appeals and reassessment

If you disagree with the assessment decision and result, you have the right to appeal and be reassessed if necessary. Details of the appeals process is contained in the Complaints and Appeals Policy & Procedure, provided to you prior to enrolment. See Complaints and Appeals Policy & Procedure for more details.


While co-operative effort and the sharing of information are encouraged, you must ensure your assignments and assessments are representative of your own effort, knowledge and skills. You must not take the work of others and present it as your own. Plagiarism may result in the assignment/assessment being deemed to be “not yet competent” by the assessor.

Students accused more than once of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, may be dismissed or cancelled from their course at the discretion of the National Training Manager.

Plagiarism can take several forms;

Quoting from a book or an article without acknowledging the source

Handing in someone else’s work as your own

Stealing and passing off another person’s words or ideas and claiming them as your own

Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation or idea

Downloading information from the internet without acknowledging the source

Copying a section of a book or article and submitting it as one’s own work

Presenting as a new and original idea or produce something which was derived from an existing source

Referencing Materials

National Training prefers that students utilises Harvard Style referencing. Generally, Harvard Reference List citations follow this format:

Books: Last name, First Initial. (Year published). Title. City: Publisher, Page(s).

Journals/publication: Last name, First initial. (Year published). Article title. Journal, Volume (Issue), Page(s).

Websites: Website name, (Year published). Page title. [Online] Available at: URL [Accessed Day Mo. Year].





Understanding your results

The great thing with competency based training is that you either deemed ‘competent’ (you can demonstrate the required skills and knowledge) or ‘not yet competent’ (at this time you haven’t been able to demonstrate required skills or knowledge). The key word is “YET”.

Your trainer will provide you with feedback on your assessments so that you know what you have done well in your assessment and what you need to improve upon or fix. An “NYC” result does not mean that you have failed and that is it – you have the opportunity to try again. It could be that one question in your assessment was deemed not yet satisfactory and this is the only question that will require review.

Results Legend


Competent Has successfully completed unit and has met the minimum competency criteria and demonstrated the required skills and knowledge


Not Yet Competent Has not met minimum competency criteria for the unit – certain section/s require review due to not meeting the requirements and being deemed not yet satisfactory


Credit Transfer Application required


Recognition of Prior Learning Application required

For further information regarding Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfers (CT), please contact on our office on (03) 9674 0331

Assessment activity

The assessment activities contained below have been designed for the following unit(s) of competency:

BSBPMG521 Manage project integration

This is a summative assessment process. For the student to be assessed as competent in each Unit of Competency, all questions and activities need to be satisfactorily completed.

Each assessment activity contained within:

Assessment 1: Project Establishment Documents
This assessment comprises the creation of a series of a Project Establishment Documents relating to the provided Case Study which is required to be completed and used towards the assessment of your overall competency.
Assessment 2: Project Execution and Project Control Report
This assessment comprises the creation of a Project Execution and Project Control Report relating to the provided Case Study which is required to be completed and used towards the assessment of your overall competency.
Assessment 3: Finalisation Report
This assessment comprises the creation of a Finalisation report relating to the provided Case Study which is required to be completed and used towards the assessment of your overall competency.
Assessment 4: Q & A
This assessment comprises a range of Short Answer questions which is required to be completed and used towards the assessment of your overall competency.

Assessment 1, 2, 3 & 4 Instructions

Student Instructions

Type of Assessment

This is a summative assessment activity, which means it is an assessment of what you have learnt and used towards the assessment of your overall competency.


There are a number of short answer questions, projects and a report. You must attempt each one. If you have difficulty with understanding the question or completing the answers then talk to your trainer.

Your trainer is there to help you understand and help you demonstrate your understanding, not to complete the answers for you.

You are required to answer all questions and provide as much detail as you can. These questions are not required to be completed under exam conditions.

Context and purpose of assessment

The short answer questions projects and the report have been drawn from the information contained in your workbook/ learning materials. Therefore you should have a good understanding of the answers

Assessment instructions

Read information provided and fully complete all questions as asked.

Resources, equipment & material required

Learner Guide



How you will be assessed

Upon completion of your responses will be assessed against a standard answer sheet to ensure that you have covered the question and are consistent with others. You are required to get every question correct,

For more information on the specific criteria contained in the unit descriptor, speak with your trainer. They will provide you with a copy of the criteria or see your learner guide which includes the performance criteria.













National Camper Trailers Organisational Structure

NCT relocation project – Part 1 Establishing, Planning and Designing

National Camper Trailer Pty Ltd (NCT) produces bespoke camper trailers. They have over the past 12 months expanded and begun to capture a larger share of the camper trailer market. The team has expanded to accommodate the demand in their product. With this growth it has been determined by the CEO that the relocation of the business from its current location to a larger premise is required and it needs to include offices, showroom and a manufacturing shed. The space to house all three activities: Approximately location floor space range 163 – 297m²; within 50km if the capital city of Melbourne.

You as the appointed Project Manager have been charged with the responsibility to; Establish the project, undertake the project planning and design process, Execute the project, Manage the project control, and Manage the project finalisation.

As the basic aim of the relocation is to support the businesses growth, it also seeks to reduce the costs of current multiple locations for each area of the business. Currently the sales and administration staff are in one location and the manufacturing location is 100km away. The relocation project will require a small team that can assist in this project and are to be chosen from the current organisational structure.

The back ground details, stakeholder interviews, budget allocations and necessary details for each stage of the Relocation Project have been shared in this Case Study scenario. You will be required to use the internet to find a suitable location and ascertain figures to affect the move within the $1m allocated budget.

Project Framework

This project will follow the following framework Initiation, Planning and Design, Execution, Monitoring and Controlling and Closing.

Project Methodology

NCT is familiar with PMBOK and has chosen this methodology for this project due to its ability to cover nine knowledge areas with standardised practices that have been used previously across the business in Integration Management, Scope Management, Time Management, Cost Management, Human Resources Management, Procurement Management, Risk Management, Communications Management and Quality Management.

Project Time Lines

NCT’s current lease on the new premises in 12 months. The project must be completed and move made by the end of the current lease.

Risk, Constraints and potential issues

The unpredictable costs

The failure to set up the equipment

Troubles with installing communication and data cables

The unexpected damage/loss to the inventory

The inconvenience faced by NCT

The unpredictable delays and postponements in the process

Project Deliverables

To have all staff in new location; manufacturing plant operational.




This project will only address the physical move of NCT to its new location at the operational level within the defined timeframe. This includes all associated activities in the following attached NCT Move Plan


National Camper Trailer Pty Ltd (NCT) have allocated $1m to facilitate the relocation


The relocation project will require a small team that can assist in this project and are to be chosen from the current organisational structure. – Indication of resources required as detailed in the attached NCT Move Plan

Project Measurable

Through the use of the NCT Move Plan Excel Document the project can be monitored and measured

Broader Organisational Strategies and Goals

This project has a distinct market focus- NCT wants to increase its share in the camper trailer market by expanding its visual presence by incorporating a new location with a new showroom and on site manufacturing where potential customers can see their purchase through all state of design through to production.


Retain the business capacity (measured by no impact on business capacity)

The CEO has stated it is imperative that the number one objective is to maintain its business capacity as the relocation takes place. It is necessary to pay proper attention on maintaining the business speed, regulation over all operation. The relocation is to retain the business capacity as a manageable task and is to be done by not compromising on the number of clients they handle, maintain the records of our previous clients and encourage them to continue using our services instead of any other supplier even after the shift in workplace by offering those special offers and schemes. If five out of ten people will assist in the project of relocating, then there would be a double burden on the rest of the employees working in the business to manage and cover all operational activities in the company even in the absence of key personnel. The relocation is necessary to expand the business and enhance organisational operations. Reducing the size of the workplace does not mean that you as the Project Manager compromise on the number of potential customers.

A strategy will need to be adopted that can help us in maintaining the same organisational operations, with specific attention to be paid on records of the client base.

Business Growth through visualisation (measured by increase in sales following the move)

Another objective of the CEO calls for improving the presentation of their bespoken trailers in a new display area – with access to the manufacturing plant by potential customers so they can view how the trailers are built.

Sales and Marketing unimpeded (measured by no fall in sales during the relocation process)

Objective three, is to ensure whilst in the relocation process, Sales and Marketing are required to continue in their roles and are to be available to potential customers. Support facilities should be such that no potential customer thinks that they are being neglected or their needs are not being given attention – NCT do not want to lose potential customers to competitor suppliers.



The Project Manager will be responsible for appointing a Steering Committee to ensure the compliance with NCT Quality Standards and has a robust procedure for reporting on the projects status and a detailed monitoring and evaluation process.

Personnel and responses to relocation project

All are supportive of the projects objectives as originally drawn up with the CEO. In individual interviews undertaken the following key points for each was highlighted – these will need to be considered in the appointment negotiation activity to be undertaken by the Project Manager.

CEO – Mick – 555-9852 [email protected]

Supportive and key sponsor. He is the owner of the business and has been the lead on the objectives for this project

PA to CEO Maggie – 555-8549 [email protected]

Has concerns on end location and is keen to be involved in the project. Has offered to manage the Project Management Information System on the company’s SharePoint site. Can act as Communications Manager on project

Manufacturing & Logistics Manager – Bill 555 3456 [email protected]

Keen to have all business functions in one location, has had experience in relocation with a previous employer.

Finance Manager– Sheryl 555-8301/051-444-222 [email protected]

Very keen on the move however concern has on cost creep and wants to use this project as an opportunity to revisit finance approval processes. Has requested involvement but is currently working flexible hours due to an ill parent. Can act as Cost and Procurement Manager on project.

HR/WHS – Heather 555 -9876/051-1111-222 [email protected]

Has advised if the location is more time to commute for her she will be seeking another position with a business closer to home she is currently travelling 2 hours per day. Can act as HR Manager son project

Sales & Marketing – Kennedy 555-7654/051-888-9999 [email protected];

Happy about the impending move, seeks to be actively involved in the project.

IT Manager – Stewart 555-5678 [email protected])

Has just completed the IT major project and is not keen to be tied up in another activity that impacts on his daily work. Is aware that IT will play a major role in the move. Can act as Risk Manager and Quality Manager on project

Project Manager – You the learner – 555- 2345/ 051 – 999-4343 [email protected]

Has no issue with the project, as you will be in the driver seat with location believe this gives you an advantage to have a stronger stake in the final location. Can act as Integration Manager on project.

Training & Development – Jodie 555-2626/051-424-4545 [email protected]

Great experience in engaging people and encouraging buy in to new projects. Has flagged her interest but also that she is taking 4 weeks leave for an overseas trip in the period project timeline.

Customer Service – Susie 555-6789/051-333-4444 [email protected]

Has voiced no concerns, nor any interest in the project

IT Support -Eric 555-1919/051-898-4848 [email protected];

Keen to be involved, will be looking to move out of home so when relocation has happened this will help him choose a new residence. He is struggling in his job a bit and mentioned he might need a mentor in place to address IT high level questions.


Sales – Don 555-2861/051-383-1234 [email protected];

Is excited about the concept of having a new show room and has expressed an interest to be on the project in an active capacity


Sales- Peter 555-1091/051-695 9871 [email protected];

Have young twins that have just started school, not keen on moving his family of the new location is of greater distance to travel currently has half hour drive to current location. Has offered assistance but not keen to be pulled away from selling as it will impact on his income.


Sales & Marketing – Rodney 555-2389/051-000-1111 [email protected];

Excited across the board, single with no ties and has offered to co-lead the project, has experience in large organisational moves.


Sales & Marketing – Christine 555 6508/051-222-5555 [email protected]

Relies on public transport for work commute, has no experience in office relocations, but has a design degree. Wants to be involved subject to her supervisor Rodney’s approval.

Monitoring and controlling the project

The CEO has determined the Project Manager can determine the best method of monitoring and controlling the project. He has voiced a few preferences.

Pulse meetings – these are short and frequent project management team meetings during which the status of day to day project activities is reported including any issues or potential risks. The frequency of these meetings is suggested as weekly for this project.

Project forecasting – this involved assessing the current performance of project activities, issues that have occurred, and potential risks to estimate the impact on the triple constraints of the project activity (duration, cost, quality).

Project Status Summary Reports – a snap shot of the progress of the project that demonstrates the percentage of completion and the current status of the key elements of the project.

Risk register – ongoing document that will report potential risks to progress of the project including the extent pf the potential negative impact on the project caused by the risks and contingency plans to deal with the risks.

Issues log –a document that will report and record risks that have been realised and unexpected events that have occurred and interrupted the project. It documents the way in which the incident has been dealt with and the impact it has had on the project. The accuracy of these reports is important for auditing

Communication Plan

A cascade of information and minutes from regular meetings will be forwarded to each employee. Regular All Staff updates will be schedule.

Recording and Storing project Information

A Project Management information System will be set up on the internal Share Point System and will adhere to the NCT’s standard protocol for recording and storing information ensuring that it is gathered, collated and recorded in a consistent manner throughout the life of the project.


Procedures and formats for documenting information will be dictated by the PMIS so that all who input information will do so to the agreed standard. The consistency makes analysing and comparing information throughout different stages in the project much more efficient and accurate.

The PMIS will be managed by the Project Manager, and the identified support person in the Project Team. Information within the PMIS will be quality assurance checked by them to ensure accuracy and relevance of information communicated to stakeholders.

The Project Manager and Support person will have access authority levels, data ownership to preserve the integrity of the information held on the PMIS.

The PMIS will also have the agreed standards and expectations of the project deliverables and plan programmed into it so that each time actual current status is recorded it can be compared against what the planned status should be and any necessary changes made to the project plan and/or schedule.

Impact analysis forecasting – Project Changes

An impact analysis forecasting template is to be used to make proposed project change against project objectives, deliverables and outcomes in order to decide whether or not to implement the change. This is to be used as a preventative measure to identify and avoid risks before they occur and not a reaction to risks after they have been realised and the damage to the project has been done.


Case Study Part 2 – Execution of the Relocation Project

During the course of the Execution of the plan many unexpected events affected the relocation.

IT – Troubles with installing communication and data cables

Retain the business capacity – Physical working conditions for staff between two locations impacted on meeting the delivery of trailers

Move Delay – The delays and postponements in the process in securing the new location by an additional 2 months.

Human Resources – Great conflict ensued between personnel on the project team and those that were not supportive of the move. This created conflict and disharmony.

Space/ Floor Planning – Size of location impacted on original space allocation and this cause issues with desks, filing cabinets and personnel lockers










Assessment 1: Project Establishment Documents

The objective of this section is to demonstrate BSBPMG521 Manage project integrity

Question 1

Using the Case Study provided, and the learner guide and the internet to prepare and produce a PID using examples template provided



Question 2

Using the Case study discuss the identified relationships between the project and broader organisation strategies and goals.



Question 3

From the Case Study and interview responses from NCT personnel and their interest in the project provide an overview of how you negotiated with those you have chosen for your project team. Detail the objectives, outcomes and benefits discussed with each and their respective concerns. Then generate an organisational chart of the project team.



Question 4

Part A – From the Case Study provide a detailed explanation on how you would negotiate the governance structure with relevant authority channels and stakeholders.

Part B – Once you have completed the Governance Structure you are advised the CEO has reviewed same and has determined the Governance Structure needs an additional Staff Member added. Review the personnel details and determine who this should be and explain your choice.



Question 5

Completed Project Charter document again using the template headings provided.



Question 6

From the Case Study and NCT Move Plan Excel document provided a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) document that disaggregates your project objectives into achievable project deliverables. Add a column to your completed document to insert how each deliverable relates to the projects objectives.



Question 7

Taking all the information from the Case Study, additional information from the learner guide and internet research complete and submit the following template forms for each of the following: Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring and Controlling and Closing stages of the NCT Relocation Project.



Question 8

Using the Case Study, internet research, NCT Move Plan Excel document and Learner Guide and locate a suitable property and require resources to identify the interdependencies and impact on restraints in the provided 9 templates – Cost, Communication, HR, Procurement & Contracting, Project Integration, Quality, Risk, Scope and Time templates.



Question 9

Using the Template provided develop a Project Management Plan that integrates all the project management functions that includes associated plan and baseline from the information provided in the Case Study, Learner Guide, internet research and NCT Move Plan Excel document.



Question 10

From the Case Study and Learner Guide determine which Monitoring and Controlling method will be used for the project and why.



Question 11

Describe how you would negotiate approval of project plan with relevant stakeholders and project authority



Assessment 2: Project Execution and Project Control Report

The objective of this section is to demonstrate BSBPMG521 Manage project integrity

Question 1

The Case Study Part 2 provides a series of issues that were raised during the Execution phase explain how you managed the issues listed with supporting documents including completed Project Summary Reports; Risk Register documents and an Issues log – detailing the issues and how you dealt with them. Templates are provided.



Question 2

Based on the Case Study, Learner Guide, and NCT Move Plan Excel document produce project records against the project deliverables at 3, 6 and 12 month intervals of the project.



Question 3

Analyse the Case Study and previous documents crated and submit a status Report that shows identified issues from the Risk Register and Issues Log – using the supplied templates.



Question 4

Undertake an analysis of the Case Study information and submit an impact analysis that shows proposed project changes with one or more of the risks identified in the risk log using the Project Change Request Form template provided.



Assessment 3: Finalisation Report

The objective of this section is to demonstrate BSBPMG521 Manage project integrity

Question 1

From the Case Study and NCT’s personnel identified skills and interest allocate a project finalisation activity – detail who these personnel are and why they have been chosen to:

Completing financial transactions

Consolidating and storing project data

Documenting outstanding project issues

Obtaining or providing certifications

Preparing final project reports

Updating organisation knowledge management



Question 2

From the Case Study, researched information and Learner Guide undertake a project review assessment of the project and provide a detailed Lessons Learned Report with recommendations for future projects.



Assessment 4: Q & A

The objective of this section is to demonstrate BSBPMG521 Manage project integrity

Question 1

List all of the project initiation documentation required for a project



Question 2

What should a Concept proposal include?



Question 3

What should Feasibility study?



Question 4

List the relevant authorities and stakeholders that need to be negotiated with to agree upon a final project governance structure?



Question 5

Provide 5 methods that can be used to monitor and control planned activities on a project.



Question 6

List 5 policies and procedures that may need to be considered to conduct a project effectively.



Question 7

Describe why it is important to align project objectives with organisational objectives.



Question 8

Provide 5 reasons why you may encounter conflict within a project?



Question 9

List the 4 conflict resolution models



Question 10

Describe what a project manager can do to try to avoid conflict from the outset of a project?



Question 11

List three audit and security requirements.



Question 12

List 6 types of sensitive information.



Question 13

Explain what should be contained in the following reports:

Project Status report



A Risk register



An Issues log



An Executive summary



Question 14

Provide a detailed explanation of an impact analysis.



Question 15

List at least 4 types of project logs and registers that are used in project management.



Question 16

During the managing of a project, it is necessary to report on a projects progress. Explain what changes may arise and why, against the following plans/schedules

Communications plan



Human resources plan



Procurement plan



Project budget Risk plan



Project schedule



Quality-management plan



Risk plan



Scope-management plan



Question 17

What associated documentation should be handed over to clients of a project?



Question 18

Explain the arrangements of the handover process for your project products and the associated documentation.



Question 19

What financial obligations must you finalise?



Question 20

What legal obligations must you finalise?



Question 21

What contractual obligations must your finalise?



Question 22

What may project review assessments include?



Question 23

What project documentation was required in the initiation stages of the project? Provide an example of one of the documents.



Question 24

What information is contained in the project charter and what was the procedure for obtaining approval from relevant authorities?



Question 25

Explain the processes and procedures you undertook to establish the project management plan.



Question 26

What types of issues could you encounter whilst executing the project in an established internal work environment?



Question 27

Explain how issues, risks and changes may be managed during the execution of the project.



Question 28

How can you allocate project finalisation activities?



Question 29

What procedures should be in place for project handover to the client?



Question 30

List four types of project methodology that can be used for a project?



Question 31

What barriers could be faced from stakeholders when determining the project objectives, outcomes and benefits?



Question 32

What information should a project charter include?



Question 33

How can you monitor and control your planned project activities?




Project Initiation Document Checklist

PID Item

Check when completed

Section 1: What is the Project About?

Project Title:



Objectives (and how they will be measured)

Project Scope

Exclusion from Scope

Deliverables (inclduing dates of completion)



Section 2: Why should this project go ahead

Business Case:

Project benefits


Cost and Timescale

Cost/Benefit Analysis

Risk Analysis:

Risk Identification

Risk Prevention

Risk Management

Risk Monitoring

Section 3: Who will work on the Project?

Roles and Responsibilitities

Project Organisation Chart/Structure Diagram

Names of:

Project Sponsor

Project Manager

Project Team

Section 4: How and when will the project be delivered

Initial Project Plan


Schedule (Gantt Chart)

Human Resource Requirements

Project Team

Support Staff

Additional Staff

Project Control: Monitoring Mechanisms

Communication Channels and Schedules

Quality Control



Project Charter

Project Charter

Project name







Project manager


Project sponsor

Project context and background


Expected benefits

Proposed start date

Proposed end date

Project objectives





Success criteria



Steering group


Project manager

Project team


Estimated costs

Issues and risks


Constraints and dependencies

Approvals and sign off





Steering committee

Steering Co and PM

Project team

PM and project team


Progress reports

Sponsor and steering co

Closure report

Sponsor and steering co















Initiation stage

Generic requirement

Client requirement

Project objective issues

Agreed outcome

Consolidation of PID

Feasibility study

Assignation of a project manager and team

Project scope

Project charter


Planning stage

Generic requirement

Client requirement

Project objective issues

Agreed outcome

Review and revision of scope

Work breakdown structure

Organisational breakdown structure

Resource allocation


Generic requirement

Client requirement

Project objective issues

Agreed outcome

Project schedule

Budget allocation

Governance plan


Execution stage

Generic requirement

Client requirement

Project objective issues

Agreed outcome

Time management

Cost management

Quality management

Change and issues management

Relationships management



Monitoring and controlling stage

Generic requirement

Client requirement

Project objective issues

Agreed outcome

Monitoring and reviewing all processes in execution stage

Identifying and preventing risks

Minimising changes to project



Closing stage

Generic requirement

Client requirement

Project objective issues

Agreed outcome

Producing closing report

Redistribution of resources

Administrative work

Next steps for future projects




Project function How is it interdependent on cost?
Human resources
Procurement and contracting
Project integration



Project function How is it interdependent on communication?
Human resources
Procurement and contracting
Project integration


Human resources

Project function How is it interdependent on human resources?
Procurement and contracting
Project integration


Procurement and contracting

Project function How is it interdependent on procurement and contracting?
Human resources
Project integration


Project integration

Project function How is it interdependent on project integration?
Human resources
Procurement and contracting



Project function How is it interdependent on quality?
Human resources
Procurement and contracting
Project integration



Project function How is it interdependent on risk?
Human resources
Procurement and contracting
Project integration



Project function How is it interdependent on scope?
Human resources
Procurement and contracting
Project integration



Project function How is it interdependent on time?
Human resources
Procurement and contracting
Project integration


Project Management Plan Template


Project name


Project Manager




Project management approach


Project scope


Milestone list


Schedule baseline and work breakdown structure


Change management plan


Communications management plan


Cost management plan


Procurement management plan


Project scope management plan


Schedule management plan


Quality management plan


Risk management plan


Staff management plan


Resource calendar


Cost baseline.









NCT – Relocation Project Minutes


Meeting Objectives

Project Manager for Relocation Project to submit draft plan for review, comment and possible changes.



Action Item Review

The following actions have been identified.



Project timeline

It has been determined that the timeline for the project may creep past the 12 months due to some impending staff changes.



First Action Item: Extend the project with a window for 15 months and amend plan and schedule accordingly




The CEO has requested has requested his PA Maggie be included in the Authorities to sign off on his behalf with support from Finance – Sheryl in his absence during the project timeline.



First Action Item: Note this addition to the Governance section of the Project Plan

Risk register and Response Plan


Risk ID

Risk description

Risk likelihood

Risk consequence

Risk grade

Risk mitigation

Details Risk ID:
Change in risk
Review date
Risk mitigation
Person(s) responsible for implementation
Cost of risk mitigation
Risk mitigation schedule

Issues Log

Issue Log

Project: Date:
Issue Description Priority

(H, M, L)

Category Reported By Assigned To Status Date Resolved Resolution/ Comments

Project change request form

General information

Request number:


Project name:

Date of request:

Proposed change

Description of change:

Reason for change:

Expected impact of change

Performance impact:

Technical impact:

Schedule impact:

Budget impact:

Other impacts:

Impact to other projects:

Decision by delegated authority

Approved Denied Approved with conditions


Reason for denial:

Conditions of approval:

Signature: Date:





Response Project plan schedule Example


Relocation to new premises


Stage 1 – planning process

This shows an approach to the considerations needed in planning this relocation. Filling in the task column has also prompted additional tasks that need to be done first.


Dates – deadlines or milestones and end date


Tasks – what needs to be done / who by


General administration and preparation before move


Task Responsible Other considerations
Get estimates for various components of the move. Office
Arrange all necessary insurances for new premises. Office
Set up accounts for utilities. Office
Set up new telecoms/internet/account. Office / IT
Order new stationery. Office
Notify existing customers and suppliers of move and change of address. Office / sales & marketing
Update website with new address and contact details. Office / sales & marketing / IT
Layout plan (e.g. equipment, stock, seating, etc.). Office
Book mail redirection. Office
Create new H&S induction to reflect new premises. Office
Create fire plan, decide on assembly points, etc. Office Speak to Fire Service
Arrange sandwich delivery, etc. Office
Existing premises
Deliver storage crates. Storage co Place order for these
Pack personal effects, desk contents, etc. Staff Allow time to sort / dispose of anything not needed – files, redundant or outdated material, etc.

*Get shredder sacks

Deliver recycling containers for paper, card, etc. Waste co Place order for these
Deliver skips for large/bulky waste. Skip co Place order for these
Furniture/equipment/machinery/computers to be disassembled. Removal co / IT
Pack stock, etc. Removal co
Deliver equipment/machinery/computers to new premises. Removal co Obtain quotes, choose and book removal co
Deliver stock to new premises. Removal co Book removal co
Skips to be removed. Skip co
Clean building. Cleaning co Book this
New premises
Building fit-out
Fit flooring. Carpet co Select and order
Unpack / install furniture, equipment, machinery, computers, etc. Removal co / IT contractor Date?
Deliver new furniture/equipment/computers. Equipment co Select and order these – delivery date?
Test computer network. IT contractor Allow 1 day + day contingency
Install and test telephone system. Telecoms co Book telecoms co
Install exterior signage. Sign co Design, place order and book installers
Unpack stock, etc. Removal co / staff
Unpack personal effects, desk contents, etc. Staff Report any faults with phones, computers, equipment, etc. ASAP
Snagging – building, equipment, IT, phones, etc. From 30 July onwards














Project plan as a Gantt chart

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