Evolution of management thinking

128 views 9:15 am 0 Comments June 6, 2023

14 pm Tue 26 Mar %.,LUUy %.,lol ICUU IV This schedule provides a guideline on the topics covered and activities required each week, including assessment dates during the semester.
II blackboard.ecu.edu.au
Wk Week BeginningSpecial Needs Assistance
Pre-Work (including upload)
Workshop Content
1 25 February The Changing World of Management
2 4 March Evolution of management thinking
3 11 March Ethics, CSR & Sustainable Development
4 18 March Corporate Culture and the Sociocultural environment
Nil pre-work to upload — all students Read Unit Plan, Select group on Balckboard as outline in unit plan and on the site. Review Blackboard site materials and go to library link. Lecture recording and Read textbook ch 2 and PP slides. Complete Honey and Mumford’s Learning Style Questionnaire link: (http://www. mycitie/contentfiles/Ca reers/4.%20 Ho neva ndMumfordLearni ngStylesQuestionnaire.pdf and all students upload with reflection (text) response by 2359 (AWST) Sunday 3rd March 2019. On campus students to bring to class. Online/off campus students answer Discussion Board question by 2359 (AWST)Sunday 3rd March 2019 Lecture recording and read textbook ch 5 and PP slides. Review 5 ethical approaches. Source a current ethical dilemma and bring to class. Online/off campus students answer Discussion Board question by (AWST) Sunday 10 March 2019 Lecture recording, PP slides and read textbook ch 3 & 4. Complete Stress Management Questionnaire http://www.hse.gov.uk/stress/mcit.pdf. Bring to class if on campus student. View Hofstede’s internet site. Research an indigenous culture via Google or through a library search using the keywords: Indigenous Cultural histories and contemporary experiences’. All students upload the article you find with a reflection by 2359 (AWST) Sunday 17th March 2019. Online students also need to answer Discussion Board question by 2359 (AWST)Sunday 17 March 2019.
Introduction to lecturer, TEL processes, unit plan including assessments & Blackboard. Discussion of Management & current challenges. Video – Henry Mintzberg. Reflect on week 1 content via a selfie. Learning Style Questionnaire discussion. Debrief and discussion on Hawthorne studies.
Review key concepts in groups & report to class.
Exploring the importance of ethics. Five ethical approaches & discussion of ethical dilemma from media. Watch business ethics case videos & discuss current ethical case. Importance of understanding types of corporate culture Hofstede’s work on national culture Stress Management Questionnaire
Responding to cross-cultural situations.
Meet online or inclass staff.
Ask questions and begin preparation for online test including Kahoots. Pre-work upload
Prepare for online test.
Pre-work upload Complete online test
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FBL5010 I Page 9
Wk Week Beginning
Pre-Work (including upload)
Workshop Content
5 25 March Planning &
Read Chapters 7 and 10 of the textbook and review
Linking planning and structure to the
Develop draft for assignment. Learning