BIT362 Digital Forensics
Assessment 3: Report 1 (20%)
Due Date: Week 11
(see MOODLE for exact times)
Assignment Overview
Digital Corpora have given us the rights to use their scenario in our assignment. These are fcttous
scenario. You are a forensics investgator. You are to choose one of the following cases to solve. You
are required to complete an Expert Witness Report for a court examining the case. It is expected to
use multple tools and techniques to establish the claim.
Choose of the following Digital Corpora Scenarios:
* Nitroba University Harassment Scenario — A fun-to-solve network forensics scenario.
* M57-Patents — A complex scenario involving multple drives and actors set at a small company
over the course of several weeks.
* Natonal gallery DC 2012 — a fctonal atack on the Natonal Gallery DC, foiled in 2012.
* 2018 Lone Wolf Scenario — A scenario involving the seizure of the laptop of a fctonal person
planning a mass shootng.
Report (~10 pages with screenshots, not including the appendicies)
Cover Page: Name, Student ID, Subject Code.
Executve Summary (1 Mark)
Introductons (1 Mark)
Actors (2 Marks)
Inventory (2 Marks)
Timeline of Events (2 Marks)
Key Findings (with techniques such as RAM, Network, USB, Phone, Search Analysis)
(10 Marks = 3.333 Marks x 3)
Appendix: Tools Generated Reports (2 Marks)
Due Date & Submission
By the due date, you must submit:
1. Name your fle with your student number
2. Sofcopy of your video link to MOODLE. By submitng on MOODLE you agree that the work
is yours unless properly cited.
3. Fail to submit may result in a fail.
Late submission of assignments will be penalised as follows:
For assignments 1 to 5 days late, a penalty of 5% (of total available marks) per day.
For assignments more than 5 days late, a penalty of 100% will apply.
Your submission must be compatible with the software (PDF/Word) in Melbourne Polytechnic,
Computer Laboratories/Classrooms.
Extensions: Under normal circumstances extensions will not be granted. In case of extenuatng
circumstances—such as illness—a Special Consideraton form, accompanied by supportng
documentaton, must be received before 3 working days from the due date. If granted, an extension
will be only granted only by the tme period stated on the documentaton; that is, if the illness
medical certfcate was for one day, an extension will be granted for one day only. Accordingly the
student must submit within that tme limit.
Penaltes may apply for late submission without an approved extension.
Penaltes: Academic misconduct such as cheatng and plagiarism incur penaltes ranging from a
zero result to program exclusion.
All assessments (except for fnal examinaton) and feedback are provided via the Moodle site and in classes. | |||||
Assessment Tasks: | Due Date | SLOs | CLOs | Weight | Comments/Descripton |
Actvites: A range of 10 short in-class digital forensics exercises. |
Week 10 | 1, 2 | A, B, C | 10% | Individual (equivalent to 1,000 words) |
Video Presentaton: A formal 10-minute video presentaton on an assigned digital forensic image, with forensic analysis and interpretaton of data |
Week 8 | 2-4 | A, B, C, E | 20% | Individual (equivalent to 1,000 words) |
Report 1: Research forensics techniques and apply them to a digital forensics image. Report on the implementaton. |
Week 11 | 2, 3 | B, C, D | 20% | Individual (equivalent to 1,200 words) |
Report 2: A critcal analysis of a case scenario problem, identfying evidence which could potentally assist the case investgaton. Include industry and legal procedures for data acquisiton, validaton, analyses and presentaton |
Week 13 | 1, 2, 3, 4 | A, B, C, D, E | 40% | Individual (2,000 words) |
Presentaton: A 15-minute presentaton on the critcal analysis of the case study in Task 4, responding to partcipant feedback and questons. |
Week 13 | 3, 4 | B, C | 10% | Individual (equivalent to 1,500 words) |
Marking criteria:
Marks are allocated as indicated on each queston, taking the following aspects into account:
Aspects | Descripton |
Analysis (if appropriate) | Investgaton, comparison, discussion |
Explanaton/justfcaton | Descripton/answer to the queston |
Presentaton | Inadequate structure, careless presentaton, poor writng |
Reference style | Proper referencing if required |
Plagiarism | Copy from another student, copy from internet source/textbook, copy from other sources without proper acknowledgement |
Marking Rubric for Exercise Answers
Grade Mark |
HD 80%+ |
D 70%-79% |
CR 60%-69% |
P 50%-59% |
Fail < 50% |
Excellent | Very Good | Good | Satsfactory | Unsatsfactory | |
Analysis | Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments |
Consistency logical and convincing |
Mostly consistent and convincing |
Adequate cohesion and convicton |
Argument is confused and disjointed |
Effort/Difcultes/ Challenges |
The presented soluton demonstrated an extreme degree of difculty that would require an expert to implement. |
The presented soluton demonstrated a high degree of difculty that would be an advance professional to implement. |
The presented soluton demonstrated an average degree of difculty that would be an average professional to implement. |
The presented soluton demonstrated a low degree of difculty that would be easy to implement. |
The presented soluton demonstrated a poor degree of difculty that would be too easy to implement. |
Explanaton/ justfcaton |
All elements are present and well integrated. |
Components present with good cohesion |
Components present and mostly well integrated |
Most components present |
Lacks structure. |
Reference style | Clear styles with excellent source of references. |
Clear referencing/ style |
Generally good referencing/style |
Unclear referencing/style |
Lacks consistency with many errors |
Presentaton | Proper writng. Professionally presented |
Properly writen, with some minor defciencies |
Mostly good, but some structure or presentaton problems |
Acceptable presentaton |
Poor structure, careless presentaton |