Written Assignment

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AGR8001 Written Assignment, Case Study

The course specification for AGR8001 shows that there is a written assessment, Case Study. The background statement and task specifications for this case study are provided below. The Case Study relates to the course objectives of (i) a comprehensive understanding of the concept of food security; (ii) a thorough appreciation of the challenges and threats to food security; (iii) an enhanced understanding of the Social, Political and Economic changes critical to enhancing food security.

All assessments for AGR8001 are to be submitted via Studydesk.

All assessable work in this course is to be the individual student’s own work. Answers cannot include cut-and-paste material; there must be a clear acknowledgement or reference to the work of others. The assignment is to be fully referenced using the Harvard style.

Background Statement: You are an employee of a government department in either a developed or developing country of your choice. Your department has responsibility for ensuring the food security for your chosen country and is currently resetting its strategic direction for the next five years.

Task Specifications: You have been tasked to develop a White Paper report that will be used to guide your department’s approach to addressing the challenge of food security. You are to provide a critical analysis and evaluation of one environmental, social, economic or political challenge for future food security in the country of your choice. You are to provide recommendations on how adverse consequences may be resolved, mitigated or overcome.

Topic Registration: You must register your chosen country and challenge on the online forum associated with this assessment. You will need to register your chosen country and challenge via the study desk forum by 11:59 pm on 31th March, 2023 and there are marks allocated to this registration.

Assignment form: White Paper report written in the third person, third person-active voice to be presented as a Word document (.doc or .docx or .rtf file type).

Word limit: Maximum of 3500 words (excluding references and graphical summary)

Structure of the Report: The following subheadings are to be used. The marking guide below indicates what needs to be covered under each subheading.

Background, scope and approach of the White Paper.

Create a graphical summary of the main issues raised in the White Paper.

Describe the challenge chosen, the cause(s) of the challenge and how its effect is measured.

Provide a critical evaluation of the consequences of the challenge chosen for food security in the country chosen.

A table, no longer than one page, highlighting how your chosen challenge in your chosen country, impacts three (3) of the following four areas: (i) Environmental, (ii) Social/humanitarian, (iii) Economic or (iv) Political.



Marking Guide: AGR8001 Written Assignment

Inadequate (Deficient to Poor)

Fair to Good


Your mark

Register the challenge and country chosen

Did not register the challenge and country via the appropriate study desk discussion forum by the specified date.

Registered the challenge and country via the appropriate study desk discussion forum by the specified date.




Background, scope and approach

Unclear statement of the challenge chosen for analysis and evaluation, and in which country. Poor to inadequate outline of the approach to be taken, lacks detail on how the White Paper report will be presented.

Fair to good attempt to state the challenge chosen for analysis and evaluation, and in which country. Fair to good attempt to outline the approach to be taken and how the White Paper report will be presented, though some lack of clarity and precision evident.

States clearly the challenge chosen for analysis and evaluation, and in which country. Clearly outlines the approach to be taken and how the White Paper report will be presented.





Graphical summary – main issues in report

Fails to or inadequately illustrates the issues of the challenge in the report in a unique graphical summary

Fair to good attempt to illustrate the issues of the challenge in the report in a unique graphical summary.

Comprehensively illustrates the issues of challenges clearly using a unique graphical abstract.





Describe the challenge chosen, its cause(s) and how it is measured

Vague and incomplete evidence of understanding of the nature of the challenge chosen, its cause and how it is measured in the context of the country chosen.

Fair to good attempt to provide clear evidence of understanding of the nature of the challenge chosen, its cause and how it is measured in the context of the country chosen.

Provides excellent, clear evidence of the understanding of the nature of the challenge, its cause and how it is measured in the country chosen.





Critical evaluation of the consequence of the challenge chosen for food security in the country chosen

Critical thinking and evaluation of consequences limited and lacks depth of analysis and interpretation, does not suggest how these might be resolved or overcome.

Fair to substantial evidence of perceptive and incisive analysis and critical assessment leading to a soundly based evaluation of consequences for food security, fair to good attempt to assess how the consequences might be resolved or overcome. Lacks depth in some respects.

Comprehensive and clear evidence of perceptive and incisive analysis and critical assessment leading to a soundly based evaluation of the consequences for food security, gives clear guidelines on how these might be resolved or overcome.





A table showing how the challenge impacts 3 of 4 areas: Environment, Social/humanity, Economic or Political

Fails to, or inadequately provides, a table showing impacts of the chosen challenge within three areas.

Fair to good attempt to provide evidence showing impacts of the chosen challenge within three areas.

Comprehensively provides evidence of the impacts of the chosen challenge within the three areas in a well presented table.






Fails to or inadequately draws the issues, concepts and evaluations together or provide a clear statement of how the challenge chosen might be resolved, does not point to changes that might be made to enhance food security in the chosen country.

Fair to good attempt to draw the issues, concepts and evaluations together and provide a clear statement on how adverse consequences of the challenge chosen might be resolved or overcome to enhance food security in the chosen country. Some omissions and weakness in the logic of recommendations.

Comprehensively draws the issues, concepts and evaluations together and provides a clear statement on how adverse consequences of the challenge chosen might be resolved or overcome to enhance food security in the chosen country. Logic of recommendations clear.





In text referencing and references

Limited, too much reliance on a few references, diversity of sources not evident, non- standard citation and reference listing.

Reasonably comprehensive, some errors in citations and reference listing, some limitations in diversity of sources and some over-reliance on a few references.

Comprehensive, correctly cited and presented, uses a diversity of sources, does not rely on a limited number of sources.





Total marks: _____ (out of 100)

Markers comments:

Topic of Case Study:

Agricultural Trade Restrictions in Nepal”

You have been tasked to develop a white paper report that will be used to guide your departments approach to addressing the challenge of food security.You are to provide a critical analysis and evaluation of ONE environmental, social, economic or political challenge for future food security in the country (Nepal). You are to provide recommendations on how these adverse consequences maybe resolved, mitigated or overcome.