Assessment Individual Report

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Assessment Individual Report – 70% of the Overall Module Tuesday, April 27th 2023, 16.00 This assignment accounts for 70% of the module marks Word count: 2,500-word report (70% weighting) 

 Learning Outcomes Evidenced by this assignment: Knowledge

 1. Critically evaluate research philosophies, approaches and methodologies in academic business research.

 2. Examine the relevant paradigms in the business discipline and understand their contours and relationships. Skills for life and work (general skills) 

7. Write research reports that are convincing, professional and evidence-based. (COI)

 ASSESSMENT Your Task: Students are asked to create a research proposal for their Marketing Dissertation project for Term 3. 

This proposal should contain:

 1. An introduction to the academic area of study (it should have a marketing focus).

 2. A critical review of the relevant literature and the identification of a specific gap in the body of knowledge and/or an area of specific interest in the academic marketing literature.

 3. An outline of the proposed research methodology. 

4. A 12-week time plan for completion on a Gantt Chart.

 5. A general conclusion outlining the potential contribution to marketing theory and practice of your dissertation. 

Your literature review should refer to at least 10 peer-reviewed academic sources (credible academic consumer research journals, not websites, please see: guide-2018/ if you are unsure of the credibility of the academic journal) to help support their critical literature review. 

Please note that this is a key taught postgraduate module, so more critical marking evaluation will be applied, particularly in terms of the depth of research and analysis conducted by the student. Your literature review should not only contain a review of the literature, but also must consider gaps in the literature for further research and the contribution of the theory for both academic and practitioner communities.

 Your methodology section should contain at least 5 academic references (books or articles) that are relevant to the chosen methodology.

The proposal report will be due on Tuesday, April 27th 2023 at 16.00, and will account for 70% of the final grade for the module. Students should submit their proposal reports to the Turnitin link. Any student who fails to upload the correct cover sheet will be penalised 10% of the group report marks. Details of the Individual Report 1. Introduction This should provide your reader with an overview of the topic you have chosen for your dissertation proposal and the research question and objectives you will investigate for your dissertation project.

 2. Critical Literature Review You should conduct a critical literature review of at least 10 key academic references for your project (see above) and identify either a gap in the existing literature or a specific area of interest.

 3. Research Methodology This section should outline your proposed methodology for the dissertation, explaining the rationale for this approach and how you plan to execute the methodology for your project.

 4. Time Plan You should include a 12-week time plan on a Gantt chart outlining the various stages of completion for your project during Term 3.

 5. Conclusion You should conclude your proposal with a review of your topic and the potential contribution your dissertation will make to both theory and practice in marketing. Individual Report Your report should include: • A title Page • Executive Summary • Contents Page • Introduction (200 words) • Literature Review (1,000 words) • Research Methodology (800 words)

 • Time Plan for Completion (300 words)

 • Conclusion (200 words)

 • Appendices, which should be numbered o Make sure you refer your reader to them as required.

 • Word count; excluding appendices and reference list The word count of 2,500 words will not include the title page, executive summary, contents page or bibliography. It is important that you have a clear understanding of the topic you wish to propose for your dissertation and how you will address it via primary or secondary research. Also, it is strongly advised that you are clear in your writing) and ensure a good level of integration and coherence in evaluating the approach to the topic. Please work on and ensure an excellent level of coherence and flow of your report. This will require effective discussion and clarity.

 Please note that a significant amount of the marks are awarded on the basis of wider reading, logical presentation, quality of argument, referencing, academic integrity and writing conventions. Please see Assessment Criteria on the Moodle. 

Presentation (Individual Report) Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:

 • Font style, Lucida Sans, Size 12

 • 1.5 line-spacing 

Page Margins 2.54cm throughout Skills Advice Refer to your material provided in your skills modules to make sure that you have conformed to academic conventions. 

Pay particular attention to: • Your introduction

 • Your conclusion

 • The use of headings and/or signpost words

 • Paragraph structure Do refer to Info skills at and Referencing The university expects students to use Harvard referencing as specified in the book Cite them Right. • Refer to for further advice and a link to an online version of Cite them Right • You should be careful to include citations within your work as well as a reference list at the end. Unreferenced work will fail. Word Count Your word count should not include your abstract, contents, reference list or appendices. You should provide your word count at the end of your essay. Exceeding the word count by more than 10% will result in a penalty of 10% of your marks for your work. If your work is significantly shorter, then you will probably have failed to provide the level of detail required. 


 The reassessment will be a resubmission of this report, with track changes made in response to the feedback given.

 The date for Reassessment is 30-working days after the first submission. 

The Learning Outcomes assessed by this assessment are: 

Learning Outcomes Evidenced by this assignment: Knowledge

 1. Critically evaluate research philosophies, approaches and methodologies in academic business research.

 2. Examine the relevant paradigms in the business discipline and understand their contours and relationships. Skills for life and work (general skills) 

7. Write research reports that are convincing, professional and evidence-based. (COI)

 We strongly suggest that you try to submit all coursework by the deadline set as meeting deadlines will be expected in employment. However, in our regulations, UEL has permitted students to be able to submit their coursework up to 24-hours after the deadline. The deadline is published in this module guide. Coursework which is submitted late, but within 24-hours of the deadline, will be assessed but subjected to a fixed penalty of 5% of the total marks available (as opposed to marks obtained). If you submit twice, once before the deadline and once during the 24-hour late period, then the second submission will be marked and 5% deducted. This rule only applies to coursework. It does not apply to examinations, presentations, performances, practical assessments or viva voce examinations. If you miss these for a genuine reason, then you will need to apply for extenuating circumstances, or accept that you will receive a zero mark. If you require a 7-day extension, you must apply within 48 hours of the deadline (please also note you are only entitled to one extension per academic term). Further information is available in the Assessment & Feedback Policy at Regulations-Corporate-documents/Student-Policies (click on other policies) 

a) Assessment criteria for each task

 b) Guidance on referencing As a student you will be taught how to write correctly referenced essays using UEL’s standard Harvard referencing system from Cite Them Right . Cite them Right is the standard Harvard referencing style at UEL for all Schools apart from the School of Psychology which uses the APA system. This book will teach you all you need to know about Harvard referencing, plagiarism and collusion. The electronic version of “Cite Them Right: the essential referencing guide” 9th edition, can be accessed whilst on or off campus, via UEL Direct. 

The book can only be read online and no part of it can be printed or downloaded. Further information is available at s/default.aspx c) Details of submission procedures – to include Notice is hereby given that all submissions for this component (Individual Report: ) of this Module must be submitted to Turnitin. 

If you fail to submit either component (Individual Report: ), to Turnitin, in accordance with the guidance provided on the Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle), a mark of 0 will be awarded for the component. Submitting Assessments Using Turnitin: Turnitin is required for coursework assessments, such as report/research papers or projects in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and in PDF format. There are two main reasons we want you to use Turnitin: 

Turnitin can help you avoid academic breaches and plagiarism. When you use Turnitin before a submission deadline, you can use the Originality Report feature to compare your work to thousands of other sources (like websites, Wikipedia, and even other student papers). Anything in your work that identically matches another source is highlighted for you to see. When you use this feature before the deadline, you will have time to revise your work to avoid an instance of academic breach/plagiarism. • Turnitin saves paper. When using Turnitin to electronically submit your work, you will almost never have to submit a paper copy. Late Submissions Using Turnitin UEL has permitted students to be able to submit their coursework up to 24-hours after the deadline.

 Assessments that are submitted up to 24-hours late are still marked, but with a 5% deduction. However, you have to be very careful when you are submitting your assessment. If you submit your work twice, once using the original deadline link and then again using the late submission link on Turnitin, your assignment will be graded as late with the 5% deduction. Turnitin System Failure Best advice: Don’t wait until the last minute to submit your assessments electronically. If you experience a problem submitting your work with Turnitin, you should notify your lecturer/tutor by email immediately. However, deadlines are not extended unless there is a significant system problem with Turnitin. UEL has specific plans in place to address these issues. If UEL finds that the issue with the system was significant, you will receive an email notifying you of the issue and that you have been given a 24-hour extension. If you don’t receive any email that specifically states you have been given an extension, then the original deadline has not been changed. d) Feedback and return of work Work should be submitted on Turnitin and all feedback will be on Turnitin. Provisional marks will be released to students by april 16th at the very latest. 

 Assessment Criteria : Individual Research Proposal Marking Scheme Component Comments Weight Actual Mark Identification of Valid Research Question and Objectives 20% 

Critical Review of the literature 20% 

Rationale for and Appropriateness of Research Methodology 20% 

Clarity and Coherence of Time Plan 10% 

Quality of Academic Writing 20% 

 Accurate Academic Referencing and Overall Presentation 10% Total 100% 

 General Comments: Agreed Mark: Extenuating Circumstances Extenuating Circumstances are circumstances which: • impair your examination performance in assessment or reassessment, or • prevent you from attending for assessment or reassessment, or • prevent you from submitting assessed or reassessed work by the scheduled date If you need to apply for extenuating circumstances, please find the relevant information at: corporate-documents/student-policies/extenuation-procedure