135 views 9:30 am 0 Comments May 20, 2023



You are being invited to take part in a research project. Before you decide whether you want to take part it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take the time to read the following information carefully.

Who is conducting the research?

This project is being conducted by [INSERT YOUR NAME] as part of their final year [INSERT YOUR DEGREE PROGRAMME] dissertation at Buckinghamshire New University.

What is the purpose of the study?

[INSERT one paragraph that indicates what the study is about and why it is being done].

What is involved in participating?

[INSERT one paragraph describing as fully as possible what participants will be asked to do as part of your study. Give as much information as you can to allow participants to decide if they want to take part. You should also indicate how long it is likely to take].

Why have I been invited to participate?

You have been invited to take part as you are [INSERT details such as age, occupation, gender, etc. that form your inclusion criteria].

Do I have to take part?

No. It is up to you to decide whether to take part as participation is entirely voluntary. If you do decide to take part you will be asked to read and sign an Informed Consent Form. You are still free to withdraw at any time, before the data are analysed [INSERT data analysis starting date] and without giving a reason.

What are the possible benefits and risks of taking part?

Benefits of taking part in this study include aiding research into the understanding of [INSERT the topic of your study here]. The main beneficiary of the study is the researcher, who will use the data for an undergraduate dissertation. No risks are anticipated in taking part in this study.

[Please note: If your study involves any anticipated risks for participants, please discuss with your supervisor how to acknowledge this here. An example is: However, should you become upset or anxious, we can take a break for a few minutes or stop the study entirely, if necessary. You will also be provided with the names of some organisations that you might find supportive].

Will what I say or do in this study be kept confidential?

You will not be asked to give your name or any identification on any of the materials used during this study, so all the information you give will be anonymous and confidential. Only the researcher and her/his [DELETE as appropriate] supervisor will have access to the data, which will be stored by the researcher in accordance with the Buckinghamshire New University policy on data security. The anonymised data will be used for an undergraduate dissertation and may form part of a published article and/or conference/seminar paper. The data generated in the course of the research, and signed consent form, will be destroyed once the dissertation has been marked, or if the data is likely to be used for a publication and/or conference/seminar paper, it will be transferred to the supervisor and kept for a period of ten years after the completion of the research project.

If you have any additional questions regarding this study, please contact either:

Researcher: [INSERT your first and last names]


Supervisor: [INSERT your supervisor’s title and first and last names]

Email: [xxxxxxxxxxxxx]

School of Business and Law

Buckinghamshire New University

Queen Alexandra Road

High Wycombe

Buckinghamshire HP11 2JZ

Tel.: 01494 522 141

Thank you for taking time to read this information.