Explain the differences between criminal and civil law

119 views 9:20 am 0 Comments May 20, 2023

Online quiz BSBLEG421
Q1 Explain the differences between criminal and civil law; your submission must be
between 450 – 500 words. In your answer, outline each section as below;
Key differences
Who initiates
Standard of proof
Q2. Provide four (4) reasons to explain why a court hierarchy is important.
Q3. As per the Commonwealth Constitution of Australia, explain the federal court hierarchy
system at what matters are heard.
Q4. What is the doctrine of precedent? Explain your answer.
Q5. What is a binding precedent? Explain your answer.
Q6. What is the main difference between a binding precedent and a persuasive precedent?
Explain your answer.
Q7. What is Ratio Decidendi? Explain the concept and how it is applied by the court.
Q8. Explain the concept of Obiter Dictum.
Q9. Conveyancers possess a particular skill under the law. Specifc legislation applies;
explain the level of responsibility within the scope of the Conveyancers Act 2006 (Vic) and
Conveyancers (Professional Conduct) Regulations 2018 or appropriate legislation in your
state or territoty.