Manage finances within a budget

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ASSESSMENT 1 – Written Question

This cover sheet is to be completed by the assessor and used as a record of student competency in this assessment task

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Unit code


Unit Title

Manage finances within a budget

Date of Assessment:

Student Declaration: CHEATING & PLAGARISM

In accordance with NTCA Institute’s Plagiarism Policy and Procedure, I hereby acknowledge by signing this declaration that I have not cheated or plagiarised any work in all the assessment tasks undertaken in this unit of competency except where the work has been correctly acknowledged or as per the specific assessment task instructions.

Student name: _________________________ Signature: ____________________________

Assessment Criteria


If Not Satisfactory, please comment

types of financial records:

bank deposit documentation

bank statements

banking summaries

business activity statements

cheque books

credit card transaction statements


journal entries

labour and wages reports

merchant statements

merchant summaries

transaction reports

r Yes r No

types of budgets:

cash budgets

cash flow budgets

departmental budgets

event budgets

project budgets

purchasing budgets

sales budgets

wage budgets

whole of organisation budgets

r Yes r No

factors for consideration in the preparation of financial and statistical reports:

cash flow

commercial account activity

commission earnings

covers and financial return

daily, weekly and monthly transactions



occupancy rates and financial return

performance of department, project and/or products and services

sales performance

sales returns

staff costs

stock levels

variance in income and/or expenditure



r Yes r No

use, contents of and formats for:


financial reports

statistical reports

r Yes r No

budget terminology

r Yes r No

for the specific industry sector and organisation:

use of budgets to control costs and enhance profitability

importance of budget control

techniques for maximising budget performance

financial reporting procedures and cycles

features and functions of accounting software programs used to manage budgets

r Yes r No

ð Satisfactory ð Not Yet Satisfactory

(Please tick the assessment result for this task)

If Not Yet Satisfactory – Please identify the re-assessment arrangements:

Comments/ Feedback (If the student is deemed Not Satisfactory the Assessor MUST state the circumstances and reasons why this judgment has been made):

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this assessment task, have been provided with feedback and I have been advised of my result. I also am aware of my appeal rights

Student name: _____________________________

Signature: ____________________________

Date: ____/_____/_____

Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback

Assessor Name: _____________________________

Signature: ____________________________

Date: ____/_____/_____

Assessment Guidelines for Student:

Conditions of assessment

This assessment requires you to answer all the listed questions in your own words

This assessment will be conducted in NTCA Institute’s classroom

On completion, submit the knowledge test to your assessor.

You are required to answer all the questions that are outlined in this Assessment and submit your evidence to your Assessor so that you can be graded as either S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory for this assessment. Your Assessor will provide you with feedback.

Only when all your answers have been assessed as satisfactory will you be deemed S – Satisfactory for this assessment.

If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the evidence. In this case you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so that you can improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment.

If you require an allowable adjustment to this assessment procedure you should discuss this with your assessor

If you are dissatisfied with an assessment decision you should make an appeal to NTCA Institute in writing no longer than 10 days following advice of the assessment decision

Context of and specific resources for assessment

During the assessment tasks, you will be provided with:

Printed copy of the written assessment

Your assessor will be assessing you on the criteria listed in the Assessment cover sheet:

Evidence to be provided by the student for this assessment:

Printed copy of responses to all the questions

ASSESSMENT 1 – Questioning

Answer the following questions

Q 1. List 8 examples for financial records

Q 2. List 4 different types of budgets.

Q 3. What is the purpose of preparing a draft budget?

Q 4. What should you do with the feedback from the draft budget?

Q 5. List 2 people the final budget might need to be distributed to.

Q 6. Why is it important for each department head to understand their part of the budget?

Q 7. Why should all staff have some knowledge of the budget for their area?

Q 8. Once the final budget has been approved, how often should it be monitored? 

Q 9. As well as receiving the final budget the management team should be advised of their reporting duties. What should their report contain?

Q 10. Name 2 financial reports you might generate from your accounting system to check your budget against actual income or expenditure.

Q 11. Every revenue and expense item on the Profit and Loss Statement should be compared to what?

Q 12. When revenue variances occur, why should you talk to the staff to help identify, and find options to address the issue?

Q 13. List 2 factors that can cause variances in staff budgets.

Q 14. List 3 colleagues you may advise if you noticed that there were deviations between your budget and your targets.

Q 15. List 2 ways you might research new approaches to managing your budget.

Q 16. List 3 things you need to include in your budget report, to give the decision maker enough information to do a clear cost versus benefit analysis of the budget request.

Q 17 If you are cutting expenditure, why must you be careful that the cuts do not cause the level of service and product to fall?

Q 18. Name an accounting program you can use to help manage budgets