Assignment overview

97 views 10:31 am 0 Comments May 6, 2023

5E learning plan folio 1500 words

Assignment overview

Across the duration of this unit, you have engaged, explored, explained, elaborated and evaluated. This 5E approach has been modelled in your learning materials and practised in your activities. 

The 5E approach is summarised in the following table:

5Es teaching and learning model



Engage Engage students and elicit prior knowledge.
Explore Provide hands-on experience with the phenomenon.

Develop scientific explanations for observations and represent developing conceptual understanding.

Consider current scientific explanations.

Elaborate Extend understanding to a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student-planned investigation.
Evaluate Students re-represent their understanding and reflect on their learning journey and teachers collect evidence about the achievement of outcomes.

5Es teaching and learning model: Primary connections 5Es teaching and learning model (2011) adapted from Primary Connections

This assignment requires you to use your knowledge of the 5E approach to producing a 5E learning plan. This learning plan will be a sequence of 5 activities or experiences, designed around the 5E Model. This 5E learning plan will be for ONE year level of primary science, choosing one of the following sub-strands to focus on:

Year 3 Chemical Sciences


Year 4 Biological Sciences


Year 5 Chemical Sciences


Year 6 Biological Sciences













Please note: While a Lesson Plan is one stand alone lesson, a Learning Plan is a series of activities or experiences over a period of time. In this assignment, you are creating a Learning Plan. Each phase of the 5E learning plan may take place over a period of time.

Preparing your assignment

You will prepare your assignment as a Word document, which must include:

one learning plan using the template provided, including:

at least one content descriptor for the Science Understanding strand you have selected

at least one content descriptor from the Science as a Human Endeavor Skills strand

at least one content descriptor from the Science Inquiry Skills Strand

an introduction/rationale explaining the scientific skills and concepts that will be covered within your plan, with reference to the content descriptions and other curriculum documents (e.g. Structure, Rationale and Aims). Explain how STEM will feature in your learning plan. (250 words)

a learning plan of five activities/experiences designed around the 5E learning Model. Remember to identify any resources used (100 words per stage)

a justification of choices made in your activity/ experience (150 words per stage).

a reference list in which you cite all sources of information you used for all components according to APA 7th edition referencing conventions. Your reference list must start on a new page. Do not use bullet or numbered points in your reference list; ensure it is ordered alphabetically.

Supporting resources

Understanding this learning area: ScienceLinks to an external site. (ACARA, 2022, v.9)—explore these supporting resources from the Australian Curriculum website relating to the structure of Science in the Australian Curriculum. This will give you an idea of what the three strands encompass, and how they relate to each other.