What is risk perception? What does the literature say about it?
Critical Evaluation of Four Theories
Which four theories are you going to discuss? Introduce them in turn and then critically evaluate them.
Theory 1 – ??
Introduce it, what is it? What does the literature say about it?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of it? What does the literature say about its strengths and weaknesses? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the literature?
Theory 2 – ??
Introduce it, what is it? What does the literature say about it?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of it? What does the literature say about its strengths and weaknesses? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the literature?
Theory 3 – ??
Introduce it, what is it? What does the literature say about it?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of it? What does the literature say about its strengths and weaknesses? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the literature?
Theory 4 – ??
Introduce it, what is it? What does the literature say about it?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of it? What does the literature say about its strengths and weaknesses? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the literature?
A Risk Taking Behaviour in Your Field of Study
Introduce it. What is it that people do in your profession that puts either themselves or others at risk? Illustration of where this has been demonstrated. This should not be a long couple of paragraphs.
Application of Theory Above to Introduced Risk Taking Behaviour
Using the theories above that you have critically evaluated, try to explain why people might take the risk you have identified.
A general discussion of what you have found. Do not introduce anything new that you have not written above in this section. You are summing up what you have already said.
Reference List
You must use Harvard style for this. If you don’t know what this is, go to the library pages of the CMU website and look up referencing in the academic skills section. There are lots of resources that will help you to do this properly.
Why people don’t do so well, in general
Lifting large parts of the writing directly from other people’s writing. It is what is known as ‘Unfair Academic Practice’ to do this. It is not enough just to change the odd word here and there and hope you’ll get it through, you won’t. The system is very sophisticated and picks up everything.
Please don’t use translator or synonym software as you may get an incorrect usage of the word in English. Sometimes it is very difficult to read this sort of work and you are unlikely to make your meaning clear. If it is not clear and simply put, you will not do well.
This is helpful for some; read a passage or a paper, then put it down so you can’t see it. Try to explain what it says to a friend or family member. You are paraphrasing in your own words and not reading it word for word to another person. That’s what you should do for your essays.
You must use citation throughout; in general, if you make a statement, you need to cite it. If you don’t know how to cite, there is further information on the library website of CMU, as with referencing. You can find it here.
You must answer the question set; it is not good enough just to write what you want to write about. People have failed in the past, because they wrote about something that didn’t answer the assessment brief.