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BABC011, CCOF001, DADC001, IITC001, SATC001



Assessment Item Name




Due Date


Assessment item description

A description of the assessment item is as follows:

This task will be completed individually.

Create your own research question, one which explicitly relates to the topic of the prescribed reading in Assessment Task 2 (See Research Module), and one that enables an argument and counterargument.

It must be different from any assessment questions in your other Stage 1 subjects and should be reviewed / approved by your teacher.

Using the notes and your feedback from Assessment Task 2, “answer” your own research question as a written text with TWO tables and/or figures (illustrations, drawings, photographs). Use APA 7th edition captions

In order to help you with the focus of your illustrated written text, use your 5-point purpose statement (Research and Interpersonal Modules).

NOTE: You must use a maximum of ONLY FOUR (4) academic sources to support your written claims (+ the sources you used for illustrations to support your written claims if not original or different from the academic sources you used to support your written claims)

NOTE: You must use the discipline-specific reading that you analysed in Assessment 2

NOTE: You must use the reading and the video that you analysed in Assessment 2 (if appropriate)

NOTE: You may use one other source that you independently sourced.

NOTE: You must write a thesis statement in the introduction.

NOTE: You must include a counterargument

NOTE: You must use reporting verbs

NOTE: You can only use TWO (2) direct quotes.

NOTE: When paraphrasing, use your own words; do not simply move the original words around.

NOTE: You must have TWO (2) illustrations with captions APA 7th edition style after your conclusion.

NOTE: You must refer to these figures at the appropriate time. Write (see Figure 2), for example.


NOTE: You must have a separate references page

NOTE: You must format your entire document APA 7th edition style


Subject learning outcomes (SLOs) & Language learning outcomes (LLOs)

On successful completion of this assessment item, you should achieve the following outcomes:



individually and collaboratively create a range of compelling academic texts for a range of audiences

systematically apply academic conventions to maintain academic integrity

Assessment item brief

For this assessment item you are required to do the following:

Create your own research question, one which explicitly relates to the topic of the prescribed reading in Assessment Task 2.

It must be different from any assessment questions in your other Stage 1 subjects and should be reviewed / approved by your teacher.

Using the notes and your feedback from Assessment Task 2 and your draft, “answer” your own research question as a written text with TWO tables and/or figures (illustrations, drawings, photographs).

Use APA 7th edition style captions https://studyguides.lib.uts.edu.au/images/referencing#s-lg-box-21610154

In order to help you with the focus of your illustrated written text, use your 5-point purpose statement (Research and Interpersonal Modules).

Purpose: To research a specific issue. To write a compelling text that motivates your audience; to inform, to argue, etc.


You are the expert in your field who has undertaken research on a specific issue.

Your audience is a highly educated person who is interested in your topic but may not be an expert in the field (ensure that your writing demonstrates an appropriate academic register).

Alternatively, your audience can be a CEO of a company.

You may choose your own audience; however, it must be very different from that of Assessment Task 4.

Topic: The topic must be explicitly related to the readings and video that you analysed for Assessment Task 2 (Review your teacher’s comments).

Genre: Although your discipline and your other Stage 1 subjects will most likely prefer a genre, you may choose any genre from the list below:

illustrated report

illustrated essay (argument, discussion, problem/solution, comparative analysis)

other (must be approved by your teacher)

Mode: multimodal written – illustrated with ONLY TWO tables and/or figures (to be read in another time and place)

Medium: paper-based or on-line


1200 words (including quotes and in-text citations; excluding the references page). Note: if the writing is significantly under-length or over-length, the brief has not been met.

Format: Your entire written document should follow APA 7th edition style, including captions, citations, references

Evidence: You must use 3-4 academic sources ONLY to support your claims and counterargument in the written part of your assessment, (and any additional sources from which you have taken illustrations ONLY if they are different from the academic sources) – That means that the maximum number of entries in the references page is SIX (6) and the minimum is three (3).

the discipline-specific reading you analysed Assessment 2.

the video that you independently found and analysed in Assessment 2,

the reading that you independently found and analysed in Assessment 2; and

ONLY ONE other source (optional) to support your claims and/or counterargument.

Note: if the prescribed reading has not been used, or there are too many or too few sources used, the brief has not been met.

Illustrations: you must include TWO (2) illustrations with APA captions to support your argument. (graphs, photographs, tables, drawings, etc.)

Helpful sources:

Formatting your entire document APA 7th edition style



APA referencing guide


Captioning and referencing images


In-text citations and referencing



Assessment item submission requirements

For this assessment item you are required to submit the following:

Writing Assessment has three (3) Sections: Section 1. Draft; Section 2. Illustrated written text; Section 3. Checklist

Draft (not graded- for feedback / feedforward purposes only)

Write a draft that includes ONLY TWO (2) paragraphs, a figure/table and a references page. Your teacher will provide feedback relating to academic integrity. See Canvas for due date. Upload a new word document. Do not write your draft here.

Annotations on your draft

If you have written an introduction, highlight the thesis statement; as a comment in the margins, briefly justify why it is effective.

If you have written an introduction, underline the outline statement in your introduction; as a comment in the margins, briefly justify why it is effective.

Highlight the topic sentence in your body paragraph; as a comment in the margins, briefly justify why it is effective.

Underline your evidence/ support in your body paragraph (+citations); as a comment in the margins, briefly justify why it is effective.

On your references page (a separate page), demonstrate that you have checked your reference against the APA 7th edition style guide (include a screen shot of the page of the guide that matches your type of publication).


Illustrated written text (graded)

Write your document (APA 7th edition style) and illustrate the argument, discussion, etc. with ONLY TWO figures (you may wish to include tables). Include a references page (Maximum of 4 sources + those you used for illustrations). Upload a new Word document or PDF. Do not use this template.

Checklist (not graded)


Complete and include it in your document after the references page. If this is not filled in honestly, and attached, you may be asked to rewrite your document.




I have read the Academic Integrity & Assessment policy notice on CANVAS


I have a title page


I have a title at the top of my first page (centred/bold)


I have NOT written a heading “Introduction”


I have used double spacing throughout.


I have used an authorised APA 7th edition font – for example Arial 11 pt.


I have indented the first line of every paragraph


I have NOT put extra spaces between paragraphs.


My Headings 1 are centred and bold


My Headings 2 (subheadings) are aligned to the left and bold


I have used the discipline specific prescribed reading (analysed in Assessment 2).


I have used the two other relevant sources (reading and video) that I researched independently.


I have referred to the figures and tables to support my argument (see Figure 1) (see Table 1).


The figures and tables are aligned to the left and after the main document.


I have NOT described the figures; rather, I have let the figures illustrate my argument.


I have captions above (number and title) and below (note and source); the images + the sources – APA 7th edition style.


I have referenced the images in the References page if not original.


I have put the References on a separate page in the document (NOT as a separate document).


I have provided a heading for the References and centred it. I have written only one word: References


I have checked all my references and in-text citations and made sure that they are written in APA 7th edition style.


My reference list is in alphabetical order (and chronological if there are two entries with the same author).


My reference list is hanging.


I have counted all the different primary citations in my document, and I have counted the entries in the References. The numbers match.


I have NOT put extra spaces between each reference, just double-spaced.


I have used double quotation marks for direct quotes “…”.


My quotes are grammatically integrated into my writing.


I have not used too many direct quotes – count them.


I have paraphrased successfully (I did not simply change some words, but wrote the idea in my own words and my own style).


I have cited every sentence that is not my own idea/argument. If it is not my idea, I MUST cite, even if it is the same author as the one used previously.


All direct quotes have a page number p. xxx (one page).


I have used pp. xxx-xxx when the quote goes over more than one page.


I used a secondary citation and formatted it appropriately APA 7th edition style; the secondary citations are not in the References page.


I have used an appropriate reporting verb which shows my stance toward the author’s idea – endorse, acknowledge, distance.


I have used simple sentences.

Capital letter, Subject + Finite ……   full stop. 


I have used compound sentences with correct punctuation

Subject + Finite………. and Subject + Finite …..

Subject + Finite………. but Subject + Finite ……..

Subject + Finite………; however, Subject + Finite….

Subject + Finite………; furthermore, Subject + Finite….


I have used complex sentences with correct punctuation.   

Subject + Finite …. whereas Subject + Finite ….

Whereas + Subject + Finite ….., Subject + Finite …..

Although + Subject + Finite…., Subject + Finite ….


I have used reporting structures

Smith states that Subject + Finite ……


My introduction has

·      An overall topic

·      Sub-topic (if needed)

·      Key terms + definition (unless defined in another section)

·      Main aim Thesis statement + counterargument Although ………………., this essay argues…………..

·      Outline (which follows the sequence of the argument)


I have made claims to support my argument and supported my claim with evidence.


I have included a concession (counterargument) and then refuted these arguments / claims.


I have written 1200 (+/- 10%) words which include citations and direct quotes (does not include the references in the references page.


I have used a variety of technical words and my word forms (noun, adjectives, verbs) have been checked.


I have considered turning verbs into nouns [nominalisation].


I have not used contractions.  Haven’t don’t isn’t it’s. I have used “have not” “do not” “is not” “it is”


I have used academic verbs, so NOT “goes on to say” but “continues” “further argues”.


I have checked the spelling (do not simply trust your computer auto correct – it may correct to another word).


I have proof-read my document – (I have read the document aloud).


My images are legible (large, clear and in focus).


My images underpin my argument.


I have put this check list (filled in) after the reference list of my document 

Assessment item grading criteria

For this assessment item you will be graded according the following criteria:










Critical thinking; understanding style

Demonstrate critical thinking on an issue

At least TWO features of D are exceeded

The text has a reasonably clear thesis, supported by some relevant evidence. The prescribed reading has been used. There are some gaps in logic and/or coverage but they don’t significantly weaken the thesis. Critical evaluation is applied to most major points, though with gaps. Counter-arguments are included.

At least TWO features of D are observed; all are above P

An overall position is present supported by some relevant evidence. The prescribed reading has been used. There may be unevenness of coverage of the main points. Ideas are relevant throughout, and some are somewhat developed. Critical evaluation is applied to some major points with some effectiveness.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

Did not submit or no features of F3 are met

understanding style

Demonstrate an understanding of register (style) (context, genre, audience, formality, mode, etc.)

At least TWO features of D are exceeded

The task demonstrates a more than adequate understanding of register (context, genre, audience, formality, mode) with only minor deviations.

At least TWO features of D are observed; all are above P


The task demonstrates an adequate understanding of register (context, genre, audience, formality, mode) with no major deviations.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

Did not submit or no features of F3 are met

Grammar and punctuation.

Select and use sentence types: simple, compound, complex, as well as other grammatical structures: relative clauses, noun groups

At least ONE feature of D is exceeded

A variety of grammatical forms including complex sentences is evident. A high proportion of simple sentences and clauses in complex sentences are error free. Errors in grammar and punctuation do not impede communication.

At least ONE feature of D is observed; all are above P

Complex forms are evident. Most simple sentences are error free; most clauses in complex sentences have no or very minor errors. Errors in grammar and punctuation are evident but they rarely reduce communication.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

No submission


Communicate cohesively and coherently

At least TWO features of D are exceeded

The task demonstrates a more than adequate understanding of how to communicate cohesively and coherently. The text is reasonably clearly structured. Presents a clear central topic within each paragraph. In most cases there is a very effective use of cohesive links (transition signals, lexical and reference words) between paragraphs as well as among and within sentences. Any issues with cohesion rarely impede communication. There is a clear understanding of information flow (Given and New).

At least TWO features of D are observed; all are above P

The task demonstrates a slightly more than adequate understanding of how to communicate cohesively and coherently. An overall progression is evident and is appropriate to the task. Generally presents a clear central topic within each paragraph. Generally, there is an effective use of cohesive links (transition signals, lexical and reference words) between paragraphs as well as among and within sentences. There is a general understanding of information flow (Given and New).


Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

No submission

Select and use vocabulary

At least ONE feature of D is exceeded

Vocabulary range is more than adequate for the task. Words are mostly used appropriately. Some flexibility in word choice is apparent. There may be some insignificant typographical errors / spelling errors. Word choice is appropriate for the context and audience.

At least ONE feature of D is observed; all are above P

Range of vocabulary is adequate for the task. Some less common vocabulary is used, generally well. Word forms and formation and/or spelling mistakes may exist but without harming comprehension. Word choice is generally appropriate for the context and audience.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

No submission

Incorporating voices

Quote, paraphrase, summarise, synthesise and incorporate research into texts (reporting verbs)

At least TWO features of D are exceeded

The task demonstrates a more than adequate ability to quote, paraphrase, (summarise) and synthesise information appropriately. Ideas from different sources are incorporated into the text mostly successfully, with the relationship between them and their contribution to the overall meanings being clear. A clear stance is usually taken in relation to the external voices with appropriate use of reporting verbs.

At least TWO features of D are observed; all are above P

The task demonstrates an adequate ability to quote, paraphrase, (summarise) and synthesise information appropriately. Ideas from different sources are incorporated into the text somewhat successfully, with the relationship between them and their contribution to the overall meanings being generally clear. A stance has been taken in relation to some external voices with some clarity; reporting verbs are generally appropriate.

. If not reporting verbs are used, then other factors of this criterion are of very good.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

No submission


Select and use non-verbal resources (images, captions, APA formatting)

At least TWO features of D are exceeded

Figures are legible (clarity, size, detail) and illustrate the argument more than adequately. Captions are mostly complete and informative. Readers are directed to the figures appropriately at an appropriate time. The format of the entire document, including the figures and captions, follows APA 7th edition style, with only a few minor unsystematic errors.

At least TWO features of D are observed; all are above P

Figures are generally legible (clarity, size, detail) and illustrate the argument adequately. Captions are given; Readers are generally directed to the figures. The format of the entire document, including the figures and captions, demonstrates a very serious attempt at following APA 7th edition style with some systematic errors. That is, there is evidence that the video on APA formatting has been viewed.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

No submission

Academic Integrity

Reference list and citations

At least ONE feature of D is exceeded

The reference list and citations rigorously follow APA 7th edition with unsystematic minor errors. The reference list is complete and in alphabetical order.

At least ONE feature of D is observed; all are above P

The reference list and citations demonstrate a very serious attempt at following APA 7th edition but there are systematic errors. This means that there is evidence that the APA referencing guide has mostly likely been referred to and that phrases from other referencing styles (if any) are scarce.

Not all aspects of P grade are achieved; … OR … task requirements, as stated in the assessment brief, were not met

No submission