137 views 7:26 am 0 Comments July 3, 2023


You are a newly graduated nurse in the emergency department. Tom has been admitted with left abdominal pain radiating through to the back exacerbated by eating and drinking. The pain has significantly increased over the past two days and he currently rates it as 9/10. He has been unable to attend to his ADL’s ,is increasingly fatigued and has become irritable with his wife. He has a history of pancreatic cancer and had a Whipple’s procedure 6 months ago. You suspect that he may be nearing his end of life and he is for review by the Palliative Care Team later today. You search for an infographic to guide you in recognizing the signs of “end of Life” and treatment options including support services. As you are unable to find one you decide to design one and show it to your colleagues


With this in mind and for this assessment, you are required to create an Infographic that will guide nurses in end-of-life care. This individual assessment consists of Part A Infographic & Part B Infographic Reflection Report.

Part A: One page 

  1. You will create a Infographic using an Adobe Express template to assist nurses to improve their practice in end-of-life care. This includes:
    1. Recognizing and providing quality end-of-life evidence-based care for the dying person and their family.
    1. Selecting three peer-reviewed articles that you will critique and summarise to inform the End of Life Care content of your Infographic. Include these articles as a Bibliography in your Infographic.
    • The infographic will need to have an appropriate balance of pictorial and written elements to adequately communicate your End of Life Practice message.
  2. Click on this link for some tipsDownload link for some tips about creating a flyer with intention.

Part B: Infographic Reflection Report (600 words)

Provide a reflection on what you have learned by completing this assessment in terms of:

  1. Explain your experience of digitally communicating your End of Life Care message. (400 words)
    1. The key messages you were hoping to communicate
    • This summary is intended to tell the story behind the infographic and should be supported by references (the same ones you cite on your infographic, though additional references may be included).
  2. Reflect on what you have learned about End of Life Care to inform your future practice as a Registered Nurse. (200 words)

Submission Instructions:

  1. Please use the rubric to plan and develop your flyer and report to ensure you include all the required information
  2. You will be expected to use evidence-based resources to support your flyer and report including in text referencing and a complete reference list.
  3. Please utilise the APA (7th) referencing guide for both in-text citations and reference list formatting.
  4. Flyer (Adobe Spark Infographic) requirements:
    1. One page only
    1. Your flyer needs to be legible, for example make sure your flyer has an appropriate font.
    1. Visual images need to be relevant to your message.
    • The Infographic will be uploaded as a PDF.
  5. Report requirements:
    1. No introduction or conclusion is required
    1. The word count includes headings, excludes citations, e,g. Adams, 2015.
    • Use a Word document with 2.5cm margins on each side of the page and double spacing between lines. Use 11 or 12 points Arial or Times New Roman font style

Other support information:

  1. As an introduction, see this linkLinks to an external site. from Adobe, which explains how to create an infographic using Adobe Express
  2. Adobe Express Tips for InfographicsMARKING CRITERIA

Part A: Flyer (infographic) and the accompanying Part B: Project Reflection will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. Purpose and content are evidence-based, compelling, and focused: 15%
  2. Visual content demonstrates relationships between elements and are accurate and attractive: 15%
  3. Textual content is clear, used effectively, and free of spelling or grammar errors: 15%
  4. Aesthetics (e.g., organisation/layout, font(s), colour scheme, graphics) are appealing: 15%
  5. References are appropriate to the topic and target audience and are cited correctly (APA 7th style): 10%
  6. Project reflection is a well-written synopsis of the key messages, with thoughtful reflection on professional development and practice: 30%

We hope you enjoy this assignment and that it stretches your understanding of end of life care and visual communication skills in meaningful ways!

Please note: Development of this assessment was informed by the work of Dr J Mackelprang and Dr J Williams, Department of Psychological Services, School of Health Sciences, SUT.


NUR30001 – Flyer End of Life Care

NUR30001 – Flyer End of Life Care
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeContent and purpose (15 marks) Infographic is evidence-based compelling, and focused to End of Life Care key concepts and target audience. 15 to >12.0 Pts High Distinction Key messages are exceptionally clear, very compelling, and skilfully tailored to target audience; evidence base is excellent. 12 to >9.0 Pts Distinction Key messages are very clear, compelling, and well-tailored to target audience; evidence base is very good. 9 to >7.5 Pts Credit Key messages are clear, somewhat compelling, and adequately tailored to target audience; evidence base is good. 7.5 to >6.0 Pts Pass Key messages are somewhat unclear and/or tailoring to target audience could be improved; evidence base is adequate. 6 to >0 Pts Fail Key messages are unclear, not tailored to the target audience, and/or are not evidence-based. 15 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeVisual Content (15 marks) Visual content is accurate, relevant and attractive. 15 to >10.5 Pts High Distinction Exceptional visual content; showcases clear, accurate, relevant and very attractive. 10.5 to >9.0 Pts Distinction Very good visual content; showcases accurate, relevant and very attractive. 9 to >7.5 Pts Credit Good visual content; showcases accurate, relevant and attractive. 7.5 to >6.0 Pts Pass Fair visual content; showcases accurate, relevant and very attractive. 6 to >0 Pts Fail No visual content are included or visualisations are misleading and/or inaccurate. 15 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeTextual content (15 marks) Textual content is clear, used effectively, and free of spelling or grammar errors. 15 to >11.25 Pts High Distinction Textual content is exceptional and used in a highly effective manner; expression is clear with virtually no errors. 11.25 to >10.5 Pts Distinction Textual content is above average and used effectively; expression is very clear with no more than a couple of errors. 10.5 to >9.0 Pts Credit Textual content is good and used effectively; expression is clear with few errors. 9 to >6.75 Pts Pass Textual content is fair but could be used more effectively; may be unclear and/or include numerous errors. 6.75 to >0 Pts Fail Textual content is either not used at all, not used effectively, and/or contains many errors. 15 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeAesthetics (15 marks) Appearance (e.g., layout organization, font(s), graphics, colour scheme,) is appealing. 15 to >11.25 Pts High Distinction Masterful use of design elements that are exceptionally appealing aesthetically and optimise communication. 11.25 to >10.5 Pts Distinction Very good use of design elements that are aesthetically appealing and enhance communication. 10.5 to >9.0 Pts Credit Good use of design elements that are aesthetically pleasing and generally aid communication. 9 to >6.75 Pts Pass Fair use of aesthetically pleasing design elements that, though some elements may detract from communication. 6.75 to >0 Pts Fail Design lacks aesthetic appeal and/or design elements detract from communication (e.g., confuse key messages). 15 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeProject Reflection (30 marks) Reflection is a well-written, synopsis of key messages and reflection about professional self. 30 to >22.5 Pts High Distinction Reflection is exceptionally well-written, insightful, and demonstrates advanced critical thinking in relation to key messages and professional self. 22.5 to >21.0 Pts Distinction Reflection is well-written and demonstrates above average critical thinking in relation to key messages and professional self. 21 to >18.0 Pts Credit Reflection is written clearly and demonstrates good critical thinking in relation to key messages and professional self. 18 to >13.5 Pts Pass Reflection is present but may be unclear and/or lack critical thinking in relation to key messages and/or professional self. 13.5 to >0 Pts Fail Reflection is not present, is written poorly or does not summarise key messages and/or discuss to professional self. 30 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeReferences (10 marks) References are cited in accordance with APA 7th style. 10 to >7.5 Pts High Distinction Virtually no errors in APA format are present. 7.5 to >7.0 Pts Distinction A couple errors in APA format are present. 7 to >6.0 Pts Credit A few errors in APA format are present. 6 to >4.5 Pts Pass A fair number of errors in APA format are present. 4.5 to >0 Pts Fail Extensive errors in APA format are present or a different style was used.
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