Understanding How to Promote Play and Learning in the Early Years

117 views 8:36 am 0 Comments June 26, 2023
Understanding How to Promote Play and Learning in the Early Years

Unit aim

This unit provides an opportunity for learners to understand how children from birth to 5 years of age learn through play. It supports understanding of how people work with children to support their play and learning, including how to plan and prepare for learning and play activities.

Learning outcomes

1 Understand how children from birth to five years learn through play

1.1 Analyse the theoretical perspectives taken to learning and development through play

1.2 Explain how children are competent learners from birth to five years

2 Understand the play and learning needs of children

2.1 Analyse the types of play that support the areas of learning and development outlined in statutory early years curricula

2.2 Explain the effect that a lack of play can have on learning

2.3 Explain why children require a personalised approach to their play and learning needs

2.4 Analyse the key features of an effective play based learning environment

2.5 Explain why both adult initiated and child initiated play and learning activities are important for children from birth to five years

3 Understand how barriers to play based learning can be overcome

3.1 Identify the main barriers to play based learning within early years provision

3.2 Analyse how barriers to play can be overcome

3.3 Explain ways in which children with additional needs can participate fully in play and learning activities

4 Understand how to support play and learning activities

4.1 Explain how to plan a play based approach to learning for early years children

4.2 Explain how to support a play based approach to learning for early years children

4.3 Evaluate different materials and equipment to support play based learning opportunities for children in their early years

4.4 Explain the role of the adult in supporting children’s play based learning

5 Understand the principles of managing risk in early years settings

5.1 Explain why children need to be able to take risks in play

5.2 Analyse the role of play in enabling children to learn to manage risk for themselves and others

5.3 Identify risks and hazards in an early years setting

5.4 Explain the principles of risk and benefit assessment pro forma for an early years setting

5.5 Explain the legal framework and current national guidelines for safety in early years settings

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