Technical & Project Management Skills

161 views 10:08 am 0 Comments June 28, 2023

BIT371 Capstone Experience 1

Individual Self Reflection

<Put in your name and student number here>

Technical & Project Management Skills

Instructions: You need to write about the specific technical knowledge and skills that you have used or discovered and research in the subject so far. These are areas often specific to the information technology area and are often called technical competencies.

Moreover, in this subject there were specific Student Learning Outcomes as outlined in the subject guide:

work individually and collaboratively to define and propose solutions to solve complex business problems within a problem solving framework and apply problem solving strategies

use appropriate project management tools and techniques to manage a complex business problem;

critically evaluate your own technical and generic skills in relation to those required by your chosen profession or employer

communicate a project implementation/strategic plan using oral and written skills in on a complex business issue

explain and critically analyse the social, cultural, political, economic and legal dimensions of the business environment

Professional Ready Skills (Graduate Attributes)

Instructions: In addition, all institutions have what are called Graduate Attributes. The final two Capstone Experience subjects aim to make you professionally ready, that is, to reinforce the following four (4) graduate attributes:

The academic skills and attributes necessary to undertake research, comprehend and evaluate new information, concepts and evidence from a range of sources

the ability to review, consolidate, extend and apply the knowledge and techniques learnt, including in a professional context

communication and problem-solving skills

a foundation for self-directed and lifelong learning

the interpersonal and teamwork skills appropriate to employment and/or further study

Suggested Improvements to Content/Teaching

Instructions: Outline what you would do differently and how you could improve next semester in each of these two broad areas. This may also include suggestions for changes to the content and/or teaching of this current subject.

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