System Analysis and Design

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System Analysis and DesignSample Page


1. (a) Who are the stakeholders in this project? Please list at least four stakeholders.

Stakeholders are those who generally influence the objectives or are impacted by a project of an organization. They include investors, the college, students and the development team. In an educational institution, internal stakeholders include students and personnel. The partners and the customers make the external stakeholders. In this given case study, the internal stakeholders are the students, the Pro Vice Chancellor, the Student Enrollment Officers, Program Directors, the Timetabling Officers, and HRM. The Business Analyst currently belong the external stakeholder.

1. (b) Who are the Actors in this System? Please list at least four actors

Here, in this case study, actors are those who have actively taken part to change the manual enrollment system to an online enrollment system to avoid any error or mistake, to reduce the manpower in this system and to make the enrollment process smoother and efficient. Due to an increase in student admission in ABC University, an online enrollment system became a necessity.

So the main actor, the Pro Vice Chancellor actively took initiative to do so. He expected to have an online enrollment system that would help the students to pay their tuition fees before the census date and complete their enrollment in time. Not only the system would allow the Student Enrollment Officers to create, edit and remove courses of each school, but also, to create, edit and remove core subjects and electives offered in each course. The system should be easily available to the students through the available device they have, like, laptop, desktop web browser, mobile phone, etc. The Program Directors are given responsibility to update and provide detailed subject information and a clear picture of the course including the descriptor, the prerequisite and the availability of the subject or course in a certain trimester. Then finally comes, the work of the Timetabling Officers. They also have the power to edit, create and remove timetables for all the available subjects through this new enrollment system. In this ABC University, each campus will take multiple classes for the same subject. Without the pre-approval of the Student Enrollment Officer, the system will not allow students to enroll for many number of or very few subjects until and unless they have an increased or decreased study load (vanLeeuwen &Tanca, 2007). After completion of the enrollment system, each student will be provided a timetable as per their subject, class timings and location. Then the students will pay their tuition fees through a secure online payment system.

2. Identify and list at least TEN (10) major functional requirements for the System.

Major functional requirements for a system may include the technical details, calculations, processing, data manipulation and other specific functions that a system is required to perform. The functional requirement specifies the activities and operations a system must be capable of doing. In system design, the plan for executing functional requirements is given in detail. What a system should do is described in functional requirements. Functional requirements identify specific outcomes of a system, as described in requirements engineering (Shoewu & Idowu, 2012). Functional requirements describe the particular function or behavior, such as, “Display name”, “total size”, “add customers”, etc. in the case of online enrollment system, the functional requirements may include:-

The website created for online enrollment, will allow the students or institution to conduct enrollment.

The details can be accessed only by the authorized person.

The institution or the person allotted the job can change or update information regarding courses, subjects and other information required by the students. The students can access the information through their id or password.

The concerned person will regularly update the site.

The ten major functional requirement for online enrollment system are:-

The students should be able to search for their required data in an online enrollment system by using specific keywords.

The Student Enrollment Officer, the Program Director, the Timetabling Officer must be able to update, change any information required.

When searched for, the online enrollment system must automatically show the name and details of students along with the course and subjects applied.

It must show the record of tuition fees paid along with the fees outstanding for those who have not yet paid.

Only the concerned student must be able to see the required information with a registered password and not the other’s information.

Advanced software must be installed to get error free and time saving operations with very less manpower.

Entity relationship models are a mainstream approach for conceptual data modelling.

Data invoices

Software Quality control is very important in functional requirements, as it operates the whole system. A small error can result in a big fault.

Data manipulation and processing

3. Using your own experience with similar online student enrolment systems and the information provided in the case study, identify and list at least FIVE (5) non-functional requirements for the System. Explain and justify each non-functional requirement.

Nonfunctional requirements give certain criteria that help to judge the ongoing operation of a system, other than the specific behavior. Functional requirements describe the specific functions or behavior, which is a contrast to non- functional requirements. In system architecture, the idea for applying non- functional requirements is provided in detail, as they are generally significant architectural requirements on how a system should be is given in non- functional requirements. A system’s ‘quality attributes’ is another term for non- functional requirements. It aims to fulfill the requirements of ‘quality of service requirements’, ‘quality goals’, ‘qualities’, ‘non- behavioral requirements’, ‘technical requirements’, or ‘constraints’ in the system. Non- functional requirements can be categorized under two main heads. They are:-

The qualities that are observed during execution are, security, safety and usability, which are seen during the operation.

The evolution qualities are, extensibility, testability, scalability and maintainability. These are incorporated in the system’s static structure.

Five non- functional requirements for the online enrollment system are:-

Security – security is the most important and primary aspect of security requirements. In the online enrollment system only the authorized users should be able to access it with a valid password or identification number allotted to the students (Welner, 2013). They should feel secure in the new system.

Availability – the online enrollment system must be available to the registered or enrolled students, so that they can view their enrolled subjects, courses, timings and other information required by them.

Reliability – the new online enrollment system should perform or act as per the requirement of the institution. The system must be highly reliable so that no information or data is leaked out (Saputra, Soleh & Dewi, 2013). It is a very important non- functional requirement, because, if it supports the system it possesses or if it does not support the system, it fails.

Maintainability – the new online enrollment system should be easily maintained. Moreover, it should allow the operator to incorporate new requirements in the system.

Portability – the system should be freely portable on any window based system.

Other than these 5 non- functional requirements, there are many other non- functional requirements, such as scalability requirement, regulatory requirement, recoverability requirement, capacity requirement, serviceability requirement, manageability requirement, usability requirement, data integrity requirement, interoperability requirement, environmental requirement (Claypool & Claypool, 2005). Non- functional requirements cover all those areas which are left over during functional testing.

4. Using your own experience with similar online student enrolment systems and the information provided in the case study, build a comprehensive set of use case diagrams for the System using MS Visio.

From the above diagram it can be observed that when actors will be using the system they will be provided with the option for ‘creating or editing or deleting’ the forms,. The obtained form will be managed accordingly. When the students will be the users the above mentioned options will be closed or unavailable to them (Britto & Rush, 2013). Rather, they will directly be made available to the option of obtaining the courses. Further steps shall be almost similar for the two users.

5. Based on the use case diagrams you built in Question 4, develop and document two elaborated use cases. For each of the two use cases, please document the following:

Use Case Name: – Close course enrolment

Result display

Priority: – Close course enrolment- the new course starting and ending date of enrolment gets priority.

Result display- Exams held for the course first/ the course which has higher count of students

Actor: – Close course enrolment- authorized person to close enrolment

Result display-Examination controller or professor responsible for.

Description: – Close course enrolment-courses without minimum students is cancelled

Result display-Results showed for complete assessments to every enrolled student.

Trigger: – Close course enrolment-course code helps to retrieve data of the specific course

Result display-professor will retrieve and display data

Precondition: – Close course enrolment-registrar should be signed in to start use case

Result display-Signing in of authorized person to start use case

Normal course: – Close course enrolment-when the registrar wants that the enrolment should be close, the use case starts.

Result display-Result is shown when the professor demands

Alternative courses: – Close course enrolment-the course must be cancelled by the program without availability of any professor

Result display-unavailable alternative course

Post conditions: – Close course enrolment-Registration is closed now if the use case works perfectly.

Result display-Students will get results when logged in, if it is successful completion of use case.

Exceptions- When a device or software is designed in such a way so that it detects and recovers from any abnormal situation is called exceptional management.

Close course enrolment- When a course gets another professor during close process, because of unavailability of professor at that time.

Result display -During the display of result a problem can come, however the professor makes effort to update or change marks.


Britto, M., & Rush, S. (2013). Developing and implementing comprehensive student support services for online students. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks17(1), 29-42. Retrieved on 21 June 2020 Retrieved from

Claypool, K., & Claypool, M. (2005). Teaching software engineering through game design. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin37(3), 123-127. Retrieved on 22 June 2020 Retrieved from

Saputra, Dony, Oleh Soleh, and Meta Amalya Dewi. “Dashboard Marketing System for Student’S Enrollment Case Study: Unis Tangerang.” Information Systems International Conference (ISICO). 2013. Retrieved on 21 June 2020 Retrieved from’s_Enrollment_Case_Study_UNIS_Tangerang/links/0c960530abbcc50830000000/Dashboard-Marketing-System-for-Students-Enrollment-Case-Study-UNIS-Tangerang.pdf

Shoewu, O., &Idowu, O. A. (2012). Development of attendance management system using biometrics. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology13(1), 300-307. Retrieved on 22 June 2020 Retrieved from

van Leeuwen, J., & Tanca, L. (2007). Student enrollment and image of the informatics discipline. Department of Information and COmputer Science, Utrecht University, Tech. Rep. TR UU-CS-2007-024, 2007-024. Retrieved on 21 June 2020 Retrieved from

Welner, K. G. (2013). The dirty dozen: How charter schools influence student enrollment. Retrieved on 21 June 2020 Retrieved from

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