Social Marketing Portfolio

134 views 9:37 am 0 Comments June 29, 2023

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Social Marketing Portfolio
The purpose of this assessment item is to demonstrate your social marketing ability – that is, your ability to apply marketing tools and techniques to develop and integrate marketing concepts with other approaches to influence behaviours that benefit people, the society and the planet.
Your task is to assemble a portfolio that showcases your social marketing ability. Upon completion of this course, you are to submit a portfolio of the work that you delivered.
This trimester, we are focussing on a social marketing program called “Elevate Self Growth ff-)”. It’s an evidence-based program to improve mental health and well-being. 62% of Australian workers reported being burned out at work in 2022 (Microsoft Work Trend Index, 2022). Given many psychological problems (e.g., stress, anxiety, and burnout) can be prevented or reduced (Moreno-Peral et al., 2021), enhancing people’s well-being is critical to avoid the compounding mental health problems. Elevate Self Growth combines ancient wisdom and modern behaviour science to curb stress, become resilient, and find a sense of purpose and meaning.
The program is delivered through an online course, including engaging videos, practical tools, and a community of like-minded people. It’s co-designed with more than 60 people, including experts, and the development and implementation have been published in 3 scientific journal articles:
1. Paper 1 ff-) details how four participatory design sessions underpinned the co-creation of the well-being program. 2. Paper 2 ff-) demonstrates how insights obtained in Study 1 were used to select and apply theory (Social Cognitive Theory) to the program creation. It also shows specifically how theory mapping led to the development of program components and presented an engagement plan that guided the program rollout. 3. Paper 3 ff-) outlines a theoretically informed mixed-method evaluation of the proof-of-concept well-being program.
Paper 3 has identified a series of recommendations for future program iteration. The purpose of this assignment is to improve the current program delivery format and develop a campaign to recruit a new cohort for the implementation. Your Portfolio will showcase your efforts. Start reading and researching and think about what aspect of marketing you want to gain experience in during this Trimester. Your Portfolio is an opportunity to showcase what you can do in relation to integrating the 8 Benchmark Criteria and the CBE Process.
WORD LIMIT: 2,000 excl. references

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