SDA Group Report Information

171 views 7:13 am 0 Comments July 4, 2023

Purpose: The purpose of this task is for you to demonstrate that you can apply the tools and statistical thinking you have learnt during the course. The Group Report and video will be done in teams, and is intentionally open-ended to expose you to the joys of problem solving with real data.

Data: Unless advised differently by Subject Coordinator you will perform this assessment in the same teams you were in for Critique 2. You should download the Shark dataset: sharks_cleaned.xlsx from Canvas. This dataset is a modified version of the file that examines shark catch numbers in the Shark Control Program by species, date of capture, location, size and sex in QLD for the year 2016. Source: Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland Government. You may find these two links help you understand the program and the data.

Task: Your team is to prepare a short presentation relating to this dataset. The presentation should be a Powerpoint with webcam and/or voiceover submitted as an mp4. The presentation should be about 6 or 7 Powerpoint slides and the mp4 summary should not exceed 7 minutes. Each student should participate in the audio/visual part of this task.

You are to devise two different Research Questions that you can investigate with the data in the dataset. You can select subsets of the database relevant for your questions and do not need to use all the data. These questions can be related or unrelated.

One Question will need to involve two variables. Be careful about the variables you use, so as to avoid asking basically the same question (and using the same statistical process) twice. You can however, explore your first question in more detail in your second question. One question is to be answered using a Confidence Interval, and the other is to be answered using a hypothesis test. Be sure to check the Rubric below.

Your presentation should include

  • An Executive Summary highlighting the purpose of your report, the relevant audience/stakeholders, two Research Questions, and the answers to those questions.
  • A reference to an external article or paper (you can use the library resources) which you show is relevant to your one of your research questions. You must make a citation to this external article. This may be part of your commentary in your Research Question Analysis or part of your Executive Summary.
  • An initial data analysis noting the source, completeness and reliability of the data, any data issues, and a summary of the types of variables in the dataset.
  • Analysis for Research Question One:

Statement of the question. An analysis including appropriate graphical and /or numerical summaries (ideally both) and commentary on what these summaries show. A relevant hypothesis test or Confidence Interval which provides the statistical basis for the answer to your Research Question. A summary in plain English of the outcome of your analysis.

  • Analysis for Research Question Two:

Statement of the question. An analysis including appropriate graphical and /or numerical summaries (ideally both) and commentary on what these summaries show. A relevant hypothesis test or Confidence Interval which provides the statistical basis for the answer to your Research Question. A summary in plain English of the outcome of your analysis.

Your team is to submit two files: i) an mp4 of the powerpoint presentation (of no more than 7 minutes) with voiceover in which you answer the questions AND ii) the pptx with Notes pages. It is acceptable (only with prior approval) to submit just the pptx with embedded voiceover. You must demonstrate that your answers are the result of some formal statistical analysis. The FAQ has info for questions that require advanced Excel data manipulation. Ask for help if you need it.

Remember the presentation slides are for a general audience. Additional detail, and any specific treatment of the data for your questions should go in the Notes pages. Allocate tasks within your team, and support one another. You may use any tools for your analysis but must show how you achieved your answers.

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