Satisfactory referencing

168 views 7:29 am 0 Comments May 5, 2023

�rcparation -‘ -Very gtxvd organisation. structure and presentation work – minimal errors of Good references, appropriate iiiiZensa’,..:tYnand quantity, reference list or :itatei errors in
Adequate – Satisfnctory Some analysis but limited Some insight and exploration of ideas Sound conclusions No significant inaccuracia or omissions Some analysis, evaluation or synthesis of infommtion Lacking clarity at times Some evidence of preparation Referencing is sound. Mostly appropriate sours.. Numerous errors or nconsistencics
Nelson College rNC L. London
pre,aratiori sVier, good organie., roc me end presentation f work – minimal errors ” Good reference,, — ,toPriate • rces (quality and quer. Minimal or no errors reference list or citations. M
Adequate • Satisfactory Sonic evidence of thin. 1.P…0y to develop utm idea, Evaluation of relevant theories or literature Reasonable ability to communicate clearly and effectively Report information in a
rTsemoufraned:p; priatc t Quite “compr:hensive knowledge Satisfactory evidence of preparation Satisfactory referencing.
Contmtreicate cleat effectively ‘Y nailisatton, work’. Inesentation of Good references. appro.. ;Zncia’I’and”””””n:p:fn reference list or
Adequate- Satisfactory blist.p_se of thinking :Tel:evidently to develop own Evaluation of relevant theories or literature Ability to communicate clearly and effectively rsrctnuterlinvrrar information in a Use of an appropriate format Reasonably Accurate. quite
comprehensive knowledge Satisfactory evidence preparation
Coherent and well presented –
Satisfactory referencing. appropriate sourer
4044 (D)
All learning outcomes met
C’ompctcm (practical) May be incumplMc
knowledge (some errors ur omissions) Insufficient analysis, evaluation or synthesis Limited application of thcoriesInowledge An awareness of appropriate principles/theories/techniques irrelevance to the task at times Disorganised work with weak standard of presentation Numero. aberrations from the requirements of the task Referencing is attempted although may be inconsistent, many errors, weak sources
All learning outcomes met May (Princtvlicnutr:’ tete in knowledge (some errors or omissions) Weak or no analysis, evaluation or synthesis Some application of theoriesknowledgc An awareness of appropriate principlesAhcoriesflechniques Irrelevance to the task at times Disorganised work with weak standard of presentation Aberrations from the requirements of the task Referencing is attempted although may be inconsistent, many errors, weak sources
All learning outcomes met (1■1″a”rebel”Priji,:locrliPlete in knowledge (some emirs Of omissions) Weak or no analysis. evaluation or synthesis :7 a)iZt” ” eies t, te
An awareness of appropriate principlesitheoriesiteehniques Irrelevance to the task at tones Disorganised work with weak standard of presentation Aberrations from the requirements of the task 11 Referencing is attempted although may be incomistent. many errors, weak sources
7 I Programme validated by London Metropolitan University.