Risk Management Evaluation

140 views 10:58 am 0 Comments June 27, 2023

Name: Mandeep Kaur

Student ID: 11595884

Subject: cloud computing

Assessment no. 3

Risk Management Evaluation

Submitted to: Pallvi Malhotra


For any type of organisation, use of IT based solutions help to increase the efficiency of the operations, thereby liberating resources for better use. The backend systems should especially have sophisticated IT solutions like ERP, DBMS or CRMs based on the major activities of the firm. It is important that the right solution is chosen such that it not only meets the requirements of the entity but also is scalable and compatible with the existing legacy systems. Besides scalability and integration factors, security of the solution also matters. These factors are quintessential in the overall solution deliverable because when the data increases, managing the solution becomes difficult. Considering all these factors, cloud-based IT solutions are relatively better options as the solution is present on the internet and is easily accessible, is maintained by third parties, cost- effective and ensures seamless integration [ CITATION Ibr15 l 1033 ]. Such a solution is evaluated for Child Protection NGO in order to address the current data- exchange and payroll processing challenge in the company. Choice and deployment of the cloud- based solution is evaluated for its impact on the staff. The report also presents the cost comparison of some vendors for data exchange solutions and payroll processing solutions.

Cloud Modules

The operations of Child Protection (CP) are spread across three locations – Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane in Australia. Further, to save costs, the organisation also has some workers that work remotely (i.e. not from office locations). Being located in different geographies, they synchronise their work currently, manually through Dropbox- style data exchange medium. The data files are shared on a daily basis. Similarly, in the case of payroll processing, the managers responsible share necessary data with headquarter office on a fortnightly basis and then the payroll is processed for all the employees. As the staff is increasing, this is becoming a problem for the company. The prevalent system of data sharing and payroll processing lacks real- time data exchange. Being manual, it is slow and there is the scope for errors. Despite the employees can be at ease with this system, it reduces their work efficiency.

An appropriate cloud- based solution will enhance the backend operations of CP. The key solutions would include the SaaS feature i.e. Software as a service, wherein the company can use a payroll processing software with the help of a vendor. Similarly, data exchange can be done in real time by availing the cloud hosting services. The current data transfer to a cloud server is also easy [ CITATION Kus13 l 1033 ].

Deployment of these solutions will be easy with the help of vendors at a pre-decided cost. Both the solutions will be hosted on the internet on a dedicated cloud for CP. These have user-friendly interfaces at the frontend and can be easily accessed by the authorised users from anywhere and anytime. At the backend, the data is kept on servers that are remotely placed from the office. However, every authorised employee can access the data. The availability of data is higher in cloud-based solutions. This enhances the response time of query processing. Besides, the backend servers and solutions are administered and controlled by third parties. The cost of implementation is low and the scalability and compatibility are high.

Impact of using Cloud-based solutions

The deployment of the above-mentioned solutions for CP would release resources for the company and increase the efficiency of the staff. The impact of the solutions on the staff is given below [ CITATION Bes15 l 1033 ]:

Sharing data files on Dropbox- style system is time- consuming for the staff. There is a problem of data synchronisation. There can be circumstances when the same file needs to be accessed by multiple users at a given time. In such case, there are chances of missing out some details or there can be multiple instances of the same file. However, with the cloud-based server, the data is synchronised automatically and in real time. This reduces duplicity of data and increases the speed of data sharing, thereby reducing the time of employees.

The managers in different locations need not manually collect data and send them on a fortnight basis. There are chances of errors, missing data, delays, etc. in sending data. This further gets transferred to the people in- charge for payroll processing in Sydney. However, with cloud- based solution, employees can directly clock their data on the solution. This will remove the errors and delays in sending payroll related data. Further, the processing will be easier, faster and automated.

Being an NGO, the company tries to contain its costs. But sub- optimal IT solutions result in over- spending of employees’ time and resources. This impacts the main objective of the company. The above-mentioned solutions will save the time, resources and costs of the employees and the organisation.

Cloud vendors for data exchange and payroll services

As the demand for cloud- based IT solutions is increasing, the number of such service providers is also on an ascent. The rates at which the services for using clouds and chosen software are offered are very competitive. These are subjected to the size of data sharing and the features of the software. Use of this reduces the cost of buying the licensed version of software, keeping and training in- house staff to manage the same and administration costs. All that an end user requires is internet connectivity. Typically, the cloud servers are accessed through internet protocol address where the hosting is done. Their charges for data exchange along with supplementary services for the vendors Windows Azure, Google and Dimension Data are mentioned below:


Windows Azure [ CITATION Mic16 l 1033 ]

Google [ CITATION Goo16 l 1033 ]

Dimension Data [ CITATION Dim16 l 1033 ]

Cloud Server size and Billing frequency

1 GB to 32 TB / per minute

1 GB To 10 TB/ Per minute

10 GB to 2.5TB / per hour

Type of billing

Cloud server is billed

Account with discounts

Cloud server is billed

Cost for IP

$0.04/ hour

$.01/ hour

$0.0027/ hour (subjected to number of servers)

Transfer Costs

Pay as you transfer

Pay as you transfer

Pay as you transfer

License cost billing frequency

Per Minute

Per minute

Per Hour

Free IPs

5 per account

1 per cloud server

2 to 8 per cloud network

Free data transfers

5 GB per account



The payroll processing service providers for cloud solutions in Australia are Optus Cloud Solutions, Cloud Payroll and TAPS. These vendors provide automated payroll processing services along with allied human resource services at competitive costs.

Information Security for Cloud services

While availing the cloud- based solutions, the data of the company is basically kept over the internet. The threat to data manipulation and corruption is high. Therefore, the service level agreement with the vendors should specifically delineate the information security threats and vulnerabilities, the responsibility of the vendors in case of violation and ways to handle the same. The different points that can be considered are [ CITATION Sym09 l 1033 ]:

Ensuring confidentiality of data by authorising every user with only access to required data and no more. This will avoid illegal data access.

Data should be encrypted while being in transit to avoid getting corrupted and intersected by vulnerable points on the internet.

The availability of the data should be assured to be nearly 100% and maintenance should be planned during non- business hours. The impact on the business should be minimised.

Any sensitive data should be secured from the various internet threats

Deployment of security is an implicit process in deploying the cloud- based solution. The threats should be identified and managed preemptively so as to avoid any business impact. The use of the payroll processing solution also leads to sharing of employee- confidential details like the bank accounts, etc. Such details should be used with due care and inappropriate use of the same should be reported to the concerned. This will lead to a holistic deployment of the cloud- based solution.


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DimensionData. (2016). Introducing Dimension Data Cloud Surround. Retrieved January 14, 2016, from Dimension Data.

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Microsoft. (2016). Pricing Overview. Retrieved January 14, 2016, from Microsoft Azure.

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