
184 views 10:27 am 0 Comments September 15, 2023

Question 1

A study area contains two residential zones A and B and three workplace zones J, K and L. The zones are connected by a road network as shown in figure below , which also depicts travel costs in either direction: these are independent of the traffic flows.

Use a systematic procedure to find the cheapest routes from nodes A and B to destinations J, K and L and obtain the matrix of travel costs C.

The total number of trips originating and terminating in each zone during the morning peak are given by:

Run an origin-constrained gravity model in which the deterrence function is proportional to exp(-0.1Cij) and obtain a trip matrix. Use this matrix to calculate flows on all the links of the network.

Question 1

A study area contains two residential zones A and B and three workplace zones J, K and L. The zones are connected by a road network as shown in figure below , which also depicts travel costs in either direction: these are independent of the traffic flows.

Use a systematic procedure to find the cheapest routes from nodes A and B to destinations J, K and L and obtain the matrix of travel costs C.

The total number of trips originating and terminating in each zone during the morning peak are given by:

Run an origin-constrained gravity model in which the deterrence function is proportional to exp(-0.1Cij) and obtain a trip matrix. Use this matrix to calculate flows on all the links of the network.

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