
127 views 6:39 am 0 Comments August 25, 2023

QBUS2310 Management Science Assignment 3 Semester 1, 2023 Out: 6th May 2023 Due: 26th May 2023 at 11:59pm This assignment consists of six problems, some involving multiple parts. Some parts require a written response and others involve coding. The parts that require a written response are described in this document, while the coding questions (indicated by ) are described in the associated Jupyter Notebook (ipynb file). You should submit a PDF to GradeScope for the written parts and match the page number with the questions that you answered. You can find detailed instructions on how to use GradeScope on Canvas. If you fail to match the page to the corresponding question, the marker will not be able to view your response and thus you will be awarded 0 marks for the question. You should answer the coding questions by modifying the Jupyter Notebook appropriately, and submit it through Canvas. When a problem asks you to f o r m u l a t e a model, you need to provide your mathematical formulation with clear justification of decision variables, constraints and objective. If you decide to label any of the data with algebraic symbols, you must clearly define these (e.g., let aij be the amount of material i required by product j). Al the problems can be done using only the material from this class, and we will deduct points from solutions that refer to outside material. Written parts must be typed. This means no handwriting and no screen shots are permitted, except for illustrative graphics to supplement answers. If you are using Microsoft Word, use the equation editor for mathematical equations/formulas. We recommend using IATEX or a similar system for typesetting your answer. You must fill and sign the academic honesty declaration on the next page and submit ti through GradeScope. Question: 3 4 5 6 Total Points: 15 15 1 5 15 1 5 15 90 Academic integrity declaration Collaboration policy. You are only allowed to verbally discuss high-level ideas with classmates. Al detailed model workings and coding should be done individually. You may consult any resources you like on how to use Python and Gurobi (e.g., syntax). However, for the conceptual model building parts you are not permitted to consult resources (e.g., internet forums, websites) except for provided lecture and tutorial content. Academic honesty declaration. I declare that the submitted work is my solely my own, except for high-level ideas that I have discussed with the following people: I declare that I have not consulted any material besides lecture and tutorial content provided through Canvas. I understand that my work may be submitted to similarity detection software and a copy of the work may be retained for future similarity checking. Name:

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